Lanke Chess Edge

Chapter 550: The bizarre situation of the storyteller

Changyang Fucheng in Yanzhou is a relatively large city in Yanzhou. There are more than 100,000 permanent residents in the city. In addition to relying on Tongtian River, it is a transit terminal city of Dazhen Waterway, and various goods and luxury goods are transported to Gyeonggi Prefecture. Most of the products will rest here, and of course they will also be sold into the city, so the degree of prosperity can be imagined.

Ji Yuan, relying on the remote sensing response to the chess pieces, landed in a suburb outside Changyang Mansion, turned from the trail to the main road, and could see chariots, horses and pedestrians coming and going to connect to the distant Changyang Mansion. Busy in the past.

Ji Yuan is like an ordinary passerby, walking on the road into the city, approaching Changyang Mansion with the flow of people. , there is even a feeling of not losing to the port outside Chunhui House.

When he got here, Ji Yuan's sense of chess pieces has been much stronger. In fact, he wanted to go to Zhang Rui first, but on the way to Yanzhou, he calculated Wang Li's situation and found it interesting, and Zhang Rui seemed to be far away. Wang Li is not too far away, so let's see Wang Li first.

Snowflakes began to fall from the sky of Changyang Mansion. Before Ji Yuan entered the city, a woman in white with a white oil-paper umbrella was walking to the center of the mansion step by step. She was alone, as if she was out of tune with the bustling crowd around her. His temperament made the surrounding women inexplicably dare not look at them boldly.

When she reached a restaurant next to the yamen, the woman took her umbrella and entered the building. Although it was almost time to eat at this moment, it was still a while away. There were not many people eating and drinking in the restaurant lobby. On the other hand, the newly arrived shop assistant hurried over to greet the woman when he saw the woman coming in.

"Yo this guest officer, how many of you, can you make an appointment?"

The woman in white looked at the second shopkeeper, and there was no expression on her face, she just said lightly.

"I'll pick up the food box that's been ordered."

When the shopkeeper over there saw the woman in white coming, he hurriedly saluted and greeted the woman in white from a distance.

"Miss Zhang, you're here, the meal is already ready, it's hot in the back kitchen, so I'll put a basket for you!"

Having said that, the shopkeeper hurriedly instructed the other little Er next to him to go to the back kitchen to get the food box.

The woman in white nodded towards the shopkeeper.

"It's work."

"Uh, huh, what's within your share, what's within your share!"

After the woman finished speaking, she didn't go into the restaurant, she just stood at the door and waited. Not long after, a young man with a cloth towel on his shoulders trotted over with a delicate food box and walked over to the woman in white with both hands. hand it to her.

"Guest officer, your food box."

"Well, thank you."

The woman in white took the food box, turned to leave the restaurant, reopened her umbrella, walked into the snowy street, and left in the direction of the yamen in the distance.

At first, the shop assistant saw the woman leaving, and asked a colleague in a low voice.

"Brother Li, who was that woman just now, so pompous?"

"You don't care who she is, a rich lady!"

It was Zhang Rui who was walking in the snow with a food box. Of course, she didn't go to the yamen to report the case. She was a ghost and **** who needed to report a case, but turned to one side, and after passing a few checkpoints, she came to Changyang. Outside the prison in the city.

The jailer guarding outside the cell seemed to know Zhang Rui, and when he saw her coming, he bowed his hands first.

"Miss Zhang, are you here again?"

"Well, I'm tired, take me to see him."

"Yes, please come in!"

The jailer took Zhang Rui to the prison. Although the surrounding prison was messy and the slightly pungent odor lingered, Zhang Rui didn't even frown.

"Little lady, what are you doing in this prison?" "Ai ai, is that a food box, can you give me a taste of the food in it?"

"Hahaha, this watery girl, the man is in prison?"

"Speak, it's cold." "Hahahahaha..."

Hearing some prisoners along the way tease wantonly, the jailer picked up his saber and hit the fence on both sides with the hilt.

"Shut up! All shut up! Tired of living? No more nonsense, today my brothers will loosen your muscles!"

Even though the prisoners knew that the cold woman in white might have a background, they still dared to laugh loudly and say some nasty things, but the prisoner Yijie Zhizhi immediately fell silent as soon as he spoke. are afraid.

Walking to a fork in the depths of the prison, turning to the left and reaching the end, looking from a distance, there are seven or eight prison guards surrounding a cell. Just seeing this scene, Zhang Rui couldn't help but smile. The jailer who happened to turn back was stunned.

"Uh, Miss Zhang, we're here."

As the jailer spoke, he quickly stepped forward, and he could vaguely hear Wang Li's emotional voice.

"Speaking of which, the Xue family still has some sense of loyalty. I heard that Wang Yuanwai invited an archmage and wanted to get rid of the demon without asking indiscriminately. The Xue family was grateful for the kindness of the past, and secretly ran to the riverside to tell this news..."

The jailer came to look around, not only his colleagues, but also the prisoners in several cells on the side were all close to the fence, close to the end cell, listening with relish, not noisy or noisy, very quiet.

"Head, Miss Zhang is here."

Wang Li's storytelling was interrupted by the jailer, and the seven or eight jailers also returned to their senses. They turned to look at the way they came from, and a woman in white was slowly approaching with a food box.

"Hey, spoiler!" "Yeah, it's a critical moment!"

"that is!"

The prison head slapped his subordinates left and right.

"What are you talking about, get up and do things!"

"Let's go, it's you!"

In the cell, Wang Li also bowed his hands to a group of jailers who left with benches and benches.

"Everyone walk slowly, if you want to know what will happen next, please listen to the next breakdown!"


Zhang Rui, who had come close, finally couldn't help laughing out loud. The icy feeling she had before disappeared suddenly, but her face quickly returned to a cold and indifferent face.

Wang Li leaned on the fence and looked at the woman in white, his eyes quickly focused on the food box in her hand, and scratched his head.

"Are you here?"

The head of the cell stood outside Wang Li's cell, unlocked the key from his waist, opened the large lock of Wang Li's cell, and pushed open the door himself, speaking to the woman in white who had already reached the edge.

"Miss Zhang, please come in, I'll be waiting outside."

"Well, thanks a lot!"

Zhang Rui gave the prisoner a blessing, and then entered Wang Li's cell with a food box. The prisoner and another prisoner who brought people not only waited outside, but also stayed a little far away, which was considered a good deal. private space.

Since Zhang Rui entered the cell, Wang Li has been staring at the food box, rubbing his hands impatiently.

"What's there to eat? It's almost New Year's Eve, and it's a decent meal!"

Zhang Rui smiled and shook her head.

"Others are sluggish in prison, but you are good and refreshed. I don't think you need to wait for your sentence to be released. It's better to be locked up until you die of old age."

"This can't be done. I still have a lot of books that I haven't said before! Hey, don't talk about it. It's important to eat. It's important to eat. I just talked too hard, and now I'm so hungry!"

Zhang Rui sighed, put the food box on the small table on the earth bed of the cell, opened the cover layer by layer, and the smell of food came out immediately.


Wang Li swallowed immediately, not only him, but also those who smelled the fragrance in the opposite cell and the cell next door were also swallowing.

After Zhang Rui put all the food on the table, Wang Li couldn't bear it any longer. He picked up his chopsticks and rice bowl, took two bites of rice, then stretched out his chopsticks and stuffed the meat and vegetables into his mouth. Chewing made him feel a strong sense of satisfaction and happiness.

"If you were willing, I could have taken you out secretly long ago. You can still live comfortably if you change your identity. Why should you suffer in this prison?"

After chewing the food in his mouth hard, after swallowing it whole, he took two sips of the soup with the spoon on one side, and then replied after taking a breath.

"That can't be done. I, Wang Lixing, don't change my name, sit, or change my surname. How can I live secretly? Besides, Yin Shangshu has already explained, and they can't do anything to me. I will be released after a year. What are you talking about now?"

Having said that, Wang Li hurriedly ate the food again, not letting his mouth stop. He didn't know if it was because the storyteller's mouth was specially trained to eat so fast and so hastily that he didn't choke at all.

"Yo, Mr. Wang is really strong. I don't know who was beaten to pieces and put into prison. I saw a little girl at I almost called my mother when I cried?"

The storyteller's face is specially trained, but even a master like Wang Li can't help but feel hot on his face at this moment, hesitating and hesitating.

"Then, wouldn't that be dying..."

"Pfft... uh hahahahaha..."

Zhang Rui was amused by Wang Li's appearance, so she laughed, and after a bit of relief, she pointed at him with a slender jade finger.

"You, you, you are also a big boss, and there is no formality! No wonder I have never been able to get a wife. If Mr. Ji sees you like this, maybe he will laugh at you!"

Wang Li chewed the rice in his mouth and replied with a spray of finely chopped rice grains.

"How do you know that Mr. Ji doesn't know? This is a test for me. Do you understand the test?"

Zhang Rui deftly avoided the flying rice grains, grabbed Wang Li by the ear, and carried him back to the dining table.

"Eat yours!"

Wang Li was in pain and cried out in a low voice.

"Hey hey, sigh... lightly, lightly, I'm just a mortal, auntie!"

Zhang Rui let go of her hand in anger and laughter, Wang Li rubbed his ears twice, and began to eat again.

The meal ended in this cheerful atmosphere, Zhang Rui left with the food box again, while Wang Li lay down on the bed of the cell with a full meal, just looking slightly disappointed in the direction of the cell door.

After Zhang Rui left, the jailers in the cell did not gather outside Wang Li's cell again, as if to give him enough rest.

In the corner of the hall at the front of the prison where the prison guards rested, the prison head was sitting at the table drinking small wine and eating vegetables. After watching Zhang Rui leave, he recalled a note he got yesterday.

The content on the note was very simple. Wang Li could not be released from prison, but Wang Li was about to be released from prison. The meaning of it was clear to the head of the prison.


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