Lanke Chess Edge

Chapter 70: very rare

On the eighth day of May, on Laohua Mountain in the northeast of Jiudaokou County, a person was walking on the mountain road holding a book, but Yu Guang and Hearing were paying attention to the surroundings.

He was wearing a gray long-sleeved robe, with a wooden hairpin stuck in a small bun on the top of his head, with bangs in front of his hair behind his back, and carrying an umbrella on his back. He seemed to be walking slowly, but he was not slow.

In order to prevent getting lost, Ji Fate has traveled neither fast nor slow in the past few days. When he has the opportunity, he asks for directions, and he also stops briefly in various counties and places to appreciate the customs and customs that are hard to see in his previous life.

This time, walking slowly on this old birch mountain is naturally purposeful.

Although Laohua Mountain is far less vast than Niukui Mountain, it is not small. It has a radius of 20 to 30 miles. Don't underestimate this figure. The radius of 20 to 30 miles is equivalent to a circular area with a radius of more than ten kilometers. In addition, the mountain road is difficult. OK, for ordinary people who are not Laoshanke, it is already quite difficult to pass Laohuashan.

And there is a deep pool in this old birch mountain, which was actually mentioned in the heresy. There are not many things written in the heresy for many years in Jizhou, so Jiyuan planned to set aside a day to stay in the deep pool.

What are you doing? fishing!

There is a saying in an outsider tradition: There is Laohua Mountain in Jizhou of Dazhen State, and there is a secluded pool in the mountain. There is no river on the top, and no marshes on the bottom. The raw fish in the pool is the essence of water.

Ji Yuan just wanted to see if this fish was the so-called essence of water, or it was blown by a typhoon tornado, or both.

At this moment, he walked to the corner of a mountain col, Ji Yuan finally found what he was looking for, took the book directly, shoved it into his arms, then got up and jumped, and swept away in the distance with a burst of emerald green.

Leveraging on a few trees in the mountain forest, he finally landed in front of a bamboo forest.

Look at the bamboos in this bamboo forest, most of them are slender and slender, swaying with the mountain wind, which is the ideal fishing rod of Jiyuan.

Take a piece of suitable size and length, bend down and lightly tap with **** at the root of it.

With a "click~" sound, the bamboo was cut and the incision was smooth.

While walking in the mountains, he chopped off the branches of the bamboo with his knife, and after a while, a slender green bamboo pole appeared in Ji Yuan's hand.

He grabbed it and shook it for a while, and made a sound of "woohoo...woohoo...", which was very pleasant to listen to.

"looks great!"

Ji Yuan is very satisfied with bamboo.

He had bought fishing line and hooks in his bag, and he didn't need a buoy.

What makes Ji Yuan a little curious is that the fishing line he bought is also a transparent silk thread, and it is quite tough. After asking the seller, I found out that it is actually made of extruded silk pulp and stretched. Each fishing line represents a One or a few poor silkworms that failed to form a cocoon...

When Jiyuan arrives at the deep pool, a brand new green fishing rod is ready. He does not need additional processing and reinforcement, because once a fish bites the hook, as long as it is not too exaggerated, supplement the fishing rod at that moment. Spiritual energy can be thrown up directly.

The deep pool in front of me is circular, with a diameter of only ten or twenty feet at most, which is far smaller than Jiyuan imagined. Looking at the water, it is green and green, and in the depths, it is black and rumbling. There is nothing at all, and there is no any. movement.

"Can there be fish here?"

After muttering, Ji Yuan found a shady and suitable place to cast the rod. The bait was not an earthworm, but a grain of cooked rice, but it was wrapped in a trace of spiritual energy.

Put the bait on the thin hook and swing the rod.

The flexible green bamboo swayed with force.

With a "dong~" sound, he threw the hook into the pool, causing a small ripple.

Fishing is all about patience. With his current keen sense of touch, he can immediately feel the slightest change in the water with a straight hook, without worrying about being distracted and missing the catch.

So Ji Yuan also took out a book to read at this meeting, and this time he was reading "Tong Ming Ce".

Although it is the same Tianlu book, the content is completely different. I have also roughly flipped through Jiyuan before, and I know that the Tongming strategy is much more "serious" than the heresy.

Although it is not a real immortal cultivation method, it points out the difficulties and dangers in each cultivation pass. The author of the book should have collected the opinions of many immortal cultivators and combined his own experience to summarize it. It even includes some Shinto and Fairy content.

In the words of Ji Yuan's previous life, it is a book that can truly benefit immortal cultivators.

But why is Tongmingce still a "miscellaneous book"? Ji Yuan's point of view is that the author of the book has too many assumptions and guesses, the proportion of dry goods is relatively small in terms of the content of the book, and those who can read Tianlushu do not know that, so it has become a "miscellaneous book". ".

However, Jiyuan is different. Although the content is much more boring than the outsiders, it is still useful knowledge, but in theory, Jiyuan can't use this knowledge for the time being, because he doesn't even practice Qi Jue.

"Practicing Qi and transforming the spirit, the appearance of the spirit and the creation of the law are both for mana and spiritual power... The so-called profound entrance is either optional or essential..."

'Hey... there's still a long way to go! ’

He was reading while fishing, and after waiting for an hour, Ji Yuan's fishing rod didn't even move at all, so he couldn't help but lift the rod to take a look, and found that the rice grains were still there.

'Here is a deceitful person? Or is it that this fish has become extinct over the years? ’

He looked up at the high sun in the sky.

'Could it be night? ’

Ji Yuan is not in a hurry, perhaps starting from the original mountain temple, he has a good qi cultivation skill.

I took out a piece of bread from the bag and slowly started nibbling it. This cake was bought in Jiudaokou County. The two palms together are so big that there are 5 pieces in the bag. It is still soft. The cake is slightly sweet and there are some dried vegetables Stuffing, very good taste.

As the sky was getting darker, the sunset on the horizon had already revealed the stars above, but Ji Yuan heard a special sound in his ears, not from the deep pool, but from the mountains.

"Hee hee hee... The Bishui Pond is just ahead, and it's finally here! Go faster, go faster!"

"Oh, you're in good spirits, I'm exhausted!"

The crisp sound came intermittently from a As the sound approached, the sound of light footsteps also entered Ji Yuan's ears.

A boy and a girl, two children wearing clean light blue silk robes, about thirteen or fourteen years old, deftly climbed over the rocks, jumped over the creek, walked through the trees to the quietest place in the Old Birch Mountain.

"Oh, there's someone there!"

The girl among them was startled, and her companion seemed to have just seen the fate in the distance.

"Really, it's getting dark, what is he doing? Fishing?"

"It seems so! Hahaha... He thought he could catch it!"

"Let's go, it's rare, let's tease him!"


The two of them slowed down their steps and approached the deep pool quietly, as if they wanted to scare the fate. When they were about ten meters away, they looked at each other with smiles, and then the very tacit hands framed forward. Open your mouth.


In the imagination, the scene where the fisherman was so frightened that he threw the fishing rod did not appear at all. Ji Yuan was like a deaf man, holding the fishing rod and looking at the book on his lap, taking a bite of the cake from time to time.

"Aren't you scared?"

"A deaf person?"

"Disappointing!" "Hey!"

The two children felt rather boring and walked towards the edge of the deep pool. At this moment, Ji Yuan's neutral voice suddenly rang.

"Not fun?"

The two people who were on the way suddenly shivered with fright.

"Aren't you deaf?"

"How unreasonable are you, you still scare us?"

The two children, a boy and a girl, seemed very angry, Ji Yuan turned her head and smiled.

"It's so rare!"

The two children froze for a moment, and looked at each other with a slightly dumbfounded expression.