Lanke Chess Edge

Chapter 840: Zhengyang Tongbao

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Yang Zong was very emotional, but Lu Xiaoyou was purely accompanied by his junior and junior brothers. Of course, it was impossible to speak. He waited and waited, but the two immortals never spoke, and the emperor on the dragon chair was a little anxious.

"Xianchang, I wonder how the millions of people are doing now?"

Only then did Yang Zong return to his senses and replied with a smile.

"Go back to Your Majesty, everything else is fine, it's just that these people have lived in the world of demons and beasts for generations, and they lack a correct understanding of the human world. Although they have been warned before, most of them are still uneasy. I hope Your Majesty and the ministers will be prepared ."

The emperor nodded and looked at Yin Qing.

"Yin Aiqing, let's talk about it."

"According to the order."

Yin Qing took the order, saluted the two immortals, and then told the preparations.

"I have been preparing for more than three months. Each state and government has planned the resettlement area, divided the land and fertile land, arranged food and water, and there are doctors everywhere to prepare to deal with the pain of the people, and to prepare the corresponding management officials and teach them to read and recognize. The master of the word...I believe that they will be able to properly accommodate them..."

Yin Qing talked a lot, in an orderly manner, covering all aspects, and even taking into account some of the psychological problems of the people he reached, not only tolerant but also giving them space to adapt.

After Yin Qing finished speaking, Yin Zhaoxian and the ministers on the side nodded slightly, and the emperor on the dragon chair was also very satisfied.

"What does the fairy think?"

Yang Zong looked at Yin Qing up and down at the moment, but he didn't expect Yin Zhaoxian's son to be so good, and then looked at Yin Zhong on the other side, his body was strong and bloody, and now that the martial arts has been opened, his body is even more gathered and cannot be ignored. His martial arts, strategy aside, at least he is definitely a fierce general, and the Yin family is really good.

Although he arrived at the Golden Temple, Yang Zong habitually thought about the problem from the perspective of the dynasty, but in fact, all this did not cause too much trouble for him, and some were just a friendship for his homeland and his descendants.

"Master Yin said it very well, Dazhen is prepared for this, and I am relieved. Lu Zhou will arrive soon. I hope that the court officials will go up and inform the people of the landing arrangements. I will cast a spell to help you send people. After that, Lu Zhou will be scattered and the dust will be scattered on the ground, um, I think this Lord Yin is very good."

Yang Zong was naturally referring to Yin Qing. The emperor nodded when he heard the words. This was the way he arranged it, so he looked at Yin Qing and asked.

"Yin Aiqing, I ordered you to lead the corresponding officials to Lu Zhou."

"The minister leads the order!"

The significance of going to and from the court lies in the initial contact, and the real work starts later, so this court meeting did not last too long, and in the end it still requires the corresponding officials to contact in private.

Until he retreated from the dynasty, Yin Zhaoxian had actually been looking at the immortal elder, who always seemed to give him an inexplicable sense of familiarity, but he couldn't say anything.

Returning to the old place, everything else is fine, but Yang Zong misses Yang Hao a little, but his son who lived up to his expectations has passed away.

In the afternoon of that day, Yang Zong came to the imperial study alone. At this moment, his grandson Yang Sheng was reading the memorial. It was the turn of autumn and summer, and the little **** guarding the outside was also drowsy.

Yang Zong's figure appeared in the outer hall of the imperial study, and he glanced at the sleepy little eunuch, as if a vague wind was gently blowing into the imperial study. Seeing that Yang Sheng was so diligent, he couldn't help but nodded slightly.

About an hour later, Yang Sheng was a little sleepy, so he lay on his side on the back couch and fell asleep.

Yang Zong didn't look at Yang Sheng again, his eyes wandered in the once-familiar imperial study, swept over every table, chair and every bookshelf, and finally stopped at the upper part of a large bookshelf on the side of the imperial case.

Yang Zong stretched out his hand, and the brocade box holding the blue satin flew down and fell into his hands.

The **** who cleaned the imperial study was obviously a bit lazy. There was a layer of dust on the box, which means that very few people or almost no one would move and open the box.

Yang Zong gently opened the box and saw that there was only one book inside. The three words "Wild Fox Shame" were written on the outside of the simple package. Just by looking at the name, you could guess that it was not a serious book.

"It seems to be Hao'er's stuff..."

Yang Zong smiled. He wanted to close the box and put it back in its original place, but after thinking about it, he took out the book, intending to see if there was any foul language in it.

But as soon as he took out the book, he found that there seemed to be a bookmark across it. Yang Zong turned to that page, and a golden yellow fell from the book. It fell, but fortunately, Yang Zong's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, so he quickly reached out and caught it in mid-air.

In a trance, Yang Zong's mind seemed to have a scene where he was frantically scooping up moon cakes in the court, but he didn't catch it, and then looked down, where is the bookmark in his hand, it was clearly a copper coin.

Yang Zong picked up the copper coin and looked at it carefully. The words "Zhengyang Tongbao" were printed on it.

"Zhengyang Tongbao?"

Yang Zong frowned. This is obviously not Dazhen's money. Could it be that a certain emperor in a nearby country has minted coins?

While thinking about it, Yang Zong's eyes accidentally caught a glimpse of the opened page in the book. The first line on the top of it was written: The society is ruined, and the people are struggling. Fortunately, my emperor came out to help the society. 'My Emperor Zhengyang. ’

If it is said that this is Yang Hao's absurdity, it doesn't look like it, plus the feeling just now... Yang Zong frowned slightly and felt inexplicable.

Holding the copper coin, Yang Zong was a little undecided. Should he put it back in the book and put it back in its original place, or should he take it away?

After hesitating for a moment, Yang Zong put the book in the box and put the box back in its original place. Zhengyang Tongbao was taken away by him, but he didn't keep it by himself, but was going to go to Gyeonggi after finishing the work at hand. Fuyin Division, take a look at Yang Hao, who should be still in the underworld.


After the dragon girl successfully walks through the water, she will complete the final stage of transforming into a dragon in the depths of the sea, and it will not be over in a short period of time. This process does not require anyone to follow, including Ji Yuan and the old dragon couple.

Looking at Lu Zhou sent by Qianyuanzong in the distance, he felt that Zhengyang Tongbao in the palace was touched. Ji Yuan's face was half-smiling, neither pinch nor sigh, but turned around and flew to the hinterland of Dazhen.

A few years is not a long time for immortal cultivators, but Ji Yuan is still homesick, and the jujube is exhausted.

When he returned to Ning'an County this time, Ji Yuan didn't disturb anyone. This time he must live for a short time. He just wanted to stay quiet and write down what he wanted to write. He drove directly into Tianniufang and landed at home. At the door, although he saw a copper lock hanging in front of the door, Ji Yuan knew that Zao Niang was inside.


The sound of the copper lock being opened alarmed the people sitting in the courtyard. The door was pushed open, and what caught the eye of the girl was Zao Niang's azure-robed skirt and those bright eyes that were full of joy.

Zao Niang's long hair was half tossed, pinning the bead hairpin presented by the dragon girl, and holding a half-read book in her hand, she stood up and looked at Ji Yuan's face full of joy.

"Sir, you're back! I'll make tea for you, and keep the jujube fruit for you."

Zao Niang stretched out her hand to lead, and jujubes kept falling from the tree, twisting the direction in mid-air, and building a hill on the stone table.


Ji Yuan smiled and threw the "Jian Yi Tie" and the painting scroll of Xie Zhi out of his sleeves with a flick of his sleeve, and then sat down naturally in front of the stone table.

The next moment, the tranquility of the entire Ju'an Pavilion was broken, and the chattering voices of the small characters continued to sound, flying around happily, and Zao Niang was amused by the small characters in the kitchen.

The picture scroll of Xiezhi was directly It turned into a human shape in an instant. It was the appearance that he often ate at Jiyuan. He immediately sat down opposite Jiyuan without seeing anything, and stretched out his hand and grabbed the dates to eat. stand up.

"Hey hey hey... Ji Yuan, I urged you to come back a long time ago. You have to come back to get jujubes even if you don't want to go home. It's a good return this time. How many jujubes are there in this tree!"

Xiezhi nibbled at the sweet and fragrant jujubes, while looking at the jujube fruit of a tree, his eyes especially paid attention to the red fluorescence hidden in the depths of the branches and leaves.

On the other side of the kitchen, many small characters have already flown in together, chatting around Zao Niang.

"Zao Niang Zao Niang, someone stole your dates!" "That's right, he didn't even ask the eldest master, he grabbed the dates and ate them himself."

"Yes, he ate from the table and looked at the tree."

"He still wants to eat fire dates!"


The small characters didn't hide the volume of their provocation in the kitchen at all, and Xie Zhi outside heard it, brows jumping, and looked at Ji Yuandao.

"Ji Yuan, do you care about these little things?"

"They didn't tell lies, did they?"

Ji Yuan smiled and wanted to see what book Zao Niang had just read, but she turned to the book cover and saw it was called "White Deer Shame". "Wild Fox Shame" is a thing in the same line.

Turning the pages of the book and reading two pages at random, I found that it turned out to be a re-creation of "Bai Lu Yuan". It seems to focus on refining the emotional part of Bai Niangniang and Zhou Lang, and it is also full of more explicit parts. It was definitely Yang Hao's favorite at the beginning. That kind of book.

The sound of Zao Niang placing the tea cup sounded in the kitchen, and Ji Yuan quickly reset the book.


PS: Ji Yuan is rising to the first-class star and role audition, and Qingteng Jian is rising to the second-grade star. Everyone will give Ji Yuan and Qingteng Jian a heart-to-heart.