Lanke Chess Edge

Chapter 951: Tiger Furious Fox

Ying Ruoli's slap was measured, but it was also extremely ruthless. The slap caused the woman's soul to shake, and even a monk with a good cultivation would definitely be slapped to death by a slap. At the moment of the explosion, she should have been burned to death, but she didn't expect that even if the burning made her die once, it would actually help the other party out of trouble.

"Have you been caught alive?"

The dragon girl looked at the flood dragons that had gradually gathered and turned into human figures, but all the flood dragons were a little ashamed, and one of them even knelt on the waves.

"Niangniang, it's all my fault that I carelessly underestimated the enemy. I was captured by that bull demon, but instead made my goddess throw a rat, please punish me!"

Ying Ruoli glanced at him.

"If you don't have a good cultivation base, you still dare to underestimate your opponent. Let's do more to open up the wasteland this time."

"Subordinates must do their best!"

It's not as simple as working harder, it will definitely damage your vitality, but this kind of punishment is already very slight, and even if you can stand it, it may not be a good thing, but it also needs to be doubled. Tidal crushing is definitely a pain.

"Niangniang, I didn't expect there to be a true demon here. Fortunately, Niangniang has great powers and can repel these evil obstacles."

Ying Ruoli shook her head.

"It's just repelling, the practice of this palace is not enough."

The Jiaolong beside him complimented one after another, and his words were indeed sincere.

"Where is the goddess, if it weren't for the wasteland, the goddess would definitely be able to take down the true demon. Even if Long Jun and Mr. Ji know about this kind of victory, they will definitely praise it!"

"Yes, madam, I'll wait..."

The dragon girl glanced at her, stopped the compliments from others, and walked in front of A Ze herself and gently tapped her chest with a folding fan.

The next moment, Aze felt that all the strength in his body came back.

"Ho... are you? I..."

Although Aze was deceived all over the world before, but after experiencing what happened, he somewhat understood in his heart.

"Aze, can I call you that?"

"My lady, just call me."

A Ze hesitated for a while, but still learned from other people's names and called the dragon girl the empress. This name used to be the name of the concubine in the palace, but this is obviously not the case here.

Ying Ruoli laughed.

"If your relationship with Uncle Ji is really close, you don't have to call me Empress. Well, you can call me Sister Ying."

A Ze didn't dare to look at the dragon girl, but stared blankly at the folding fan in her hand. Above it was a big tree with yellow flowers falling, and a woman under the tree was dancing a sword. The yellow flowers seemed to dance with the sword.

'Sir mentioned this tree...'

"I don't dare to go beyond... I don't know how my husband sees me, I only know that he treats me very well. After the death of my family, it was my husband who led us through the most difficult period, and made me even more so. Able to learn immortals..."

"This is enough."

Long Nv said this, and when she saw Aze looking at her folding fan, she explained with a smile.

"This fan was given to me by my good sister after refining it when I was transforming into a dragon, but the top fan is made of gold silk made by Uncle Ji himself. The embroidery scene is actually in the courtyard of Uncle Ji's house."


Aze looked at the woman who was so powerful in the fight before, and by the reactions of the people around her, she knew that she was a dragon. Could it be that Mr. Ji is actually a dragon?

"Uncle Ji and I are not blood relatives, but my father has been a close friend for many years, so I asked my brother and I to call him uncle. See! Well, it's not advisable to stay here for a long time, we also have important things to do, so let's talk while walking."

The dragon girl's attitude towards A Ze was quite easy-going. With a wave of her sleeves, she took A Ze and the flood dragons to the clouds and clouds, and returned to the direction they were chasing. They didn't have enough time, after all, the tide of the dragon race was still advancing. , the later you go back, the farther you have to chase.

"Niangniang, those evil spirits are definitely here to discuss something that hurts the world, should I just leave it alone?"

"Bengong has his own measure in his heart, but opening up the barren sea is the most important thing right now, you don't need to worry about it."

There was a Jiaolong who was worried, but after the dragon girl said this, no one mentioned it again, while Aze was a little taciturn. She only answered when the dragon girl asked a question, and it was not exhaustive.

Aze felt a little self-blame and a little pain. Even in the back, some suspicious people didn't trust this powerful Ying Niangniang. She was deceived before, what about now? And Aze found that he was still a little worried about the previous "Aunt Ning". After all, everything about the other party was very natural during this time, and he really looked like Mr. Ji's Taoist companion, but he rationally told him that Aunt Ning was more deceptive.

Ying Ruoli also seemed to be able to detect something, so she didn't ask Aze forcibly, but she was very surprised after careful observation of this man. No wonder the other party wanted to trick him into coming to the North Devil's side.

For the immortals of Jiufeng Mountain, this Aze may be a tasteless rib, but for a true demon, it is better than the delicacies of the world, and it is also a blessing that the true demon did not succeed, otherwise, it will be difficult to deal with the opponent in time. .

Obviously, the dragon girl didn't have time to do psychological counseling for Aze, and the fight against the real magic before was not as easy as she said.

But the dragon girl still has the great responsibility to open up the wasteland, and she doesn't want to show her fatigue in front of her subordinates, and it is impossible to delay the development of the wasteland sea, a major event related to the dragon clan and even the entire world's aquatic clan, so in the next few days, except for the occasional meeting with Aze Say a few words to see if he is willing to say it or not, and most of the rest of the time is in pranayama.

When the dragon girl took Aze and the flood dragons through the Qianjiao Island area again, she could breathe a sigh of relief and pointed to the island road below in the sky.

"Aze, there is also an acquaintance of Mr. Ji on that island. You can get out of trouble in time this time. It's all up to him to come to inform me. I have to go to the border of the deserted sea, and I can't take you anymore."


After A Ze responded, there was not much response. The dragon girl frowned slightly, and she didn't know if A Ze was still affected by the real demon, so she could only take it to the Jade Huaibao Pavilion.

Wei Wuwei really hadn't left yet, so he introduced him to A Ze after a brief introduction. A Ze was not in high spirits during the whole process. Although Long Nv was a little worried, her duty was to leave as soon as possible.

Just before leaving, Long Nv walked towards A Ze, who was standing beside Wei Wuwei. Feeling her gaze, the latter lowered her head slightly.

"Ying Niangniang?"

"Aze, this is what Uncle Ji gave me at the Dragon Transformation Banquet. I'll lend it to you."

The dragon girl took out a picture scroll from her sleeve, and Aze took it subconsciously.

"Lend long?"

"After you show it to your sister Jinxiu in the future, return it to me when you see me again."

After saying this, under Wei Wuwei's salute, the dragon girl left with the flood dragons, while A Ze stared blankly at them flying into the sky and disappearing into the sky, then lowered his head and slowly opened the picture scroll.

This painting is a very atmospheric landscape painting, it seems to have a kind of magical power, A Ze Guanzhi seems to have calmed down even his heart, and he can even feel Mr.

Wei Wuwei, who was on the side, was also looking at the painting, listening to A Ze muttering the words on the painting.

"Above the river waves, the tides are surging over thousands of sails, the waves are sparkling, the rhythm of the water flows to benefit all beings, the heart is conveyed by the sound of the waves, and the river travels thousands of miles, which is extremely beautiful... Fate."

Seeing A Ze staring at the scroll in a daze, Wei Wuwei, who was on the side, laughed out loud after a while, not persuading anything, but talking about his understanding of the painting.

"This painting was made in front of the Hualong Banquet. It is not difficult to see that it is not only to praise the beautiful scenery of Tongtian River, but also to praise the beauty of Ying Niangniang's appearance and heart, which is better than Tongtianjiang. It's a good painting, but it's a pity that Niangniang Ying probably won't sell it. such a pity!"

"Sir is a monk, but likes to do business?"

A Ze turned his head to look at Wei Wuwei, who showed his signature squinting smile.

"It's just a few hobbies, it's not a classy hall, but even if it's insignificant, it's an indispensable part of the world, and someone has to do it, and this is exactly what Wei does not like! Well, Mr. Zhuang , please come in!"

A Ze was stunned for a second, even Niangniang Ying respected the fat monk as the head of the Wei family, but the other party addressed him so solemnly.

"Yes, it's all up to Patriarch Wei's arrangement."

Wei Wuwei just smiled, and then personally led Aze in, but before entering, he suddenly seemed to notice something, and turned his head to look outside suspiciously.


About half an hour after Azer was settled, Wei Wuwei left the Jade Huai Treasure Pavilion, rode the wind alone to the sea, and finally stopped on an uninhabited island.

"Wei is here. Your Excellency, please show up."

After a few breaths, a person slowly walked out from the woods on the island. The person who came was wearing a yellow long gown and dressed in a gentle manner, but the expression on his face was very strange. Wei Wuwei's heart jumped when he saw him. Hurry up and salute.

"It turned out to be Mr. Lu!"

"Oh? You know me?"

Lu Shanjun squinted at Wei Wuwei. In fact, this is the first time he has seen each other. His master has not talked much about the Wei family, but he only knows that there is such a person. Since Long Nv chose to give Aze to him, it must be There is something special about it.

"Sir, the only true disciple at present, Wei Mou is so ignorant, how could he not know it!"

Hearing this, Lu Shanjun was very It was also the first time that someone said that he was a disciple of the master. It felt more comfortable than practicing diligently and eating some nourishing and delicious food, so I rushed to this sentence. In other words, he has an infinite preference for Wei Wuwei's perception.

"Ha ha ha, the Wei family master can speak, but Lu Mou has only learned some fur from the master. I am really ashamed of the master!"

"Mr. Lu is serious! You are looking for Wei, but what's the matter?"

"Hey, there are not too many details yet. Lian Ping'er was slapped in the face by Niang Niang Ying, and she has disappeared. I am here, and I have not received any specific information from Master for many years, so I came to ask someone who might be in love. , don't worry, although Lu is not a weapon, he still has the ability to prevent people from prying."

Wei Wuwei understood, and nodded immediately, throwing out table and chair fruits from his sleeves, as for the fear of being spied on? He knew how amazing Lu Shanjun's real body and spiritual sense was.

"Mr. Lu, please, Mr. Wei happens to have free time, so I'll have a good talk with you."

It's just that Wei Wuwei's speech, when he talked about a part of the Dragon Transformation Banquet, was suddenly startled by Lu Shanjun, and the other party was furious without warning.

"What did you say? Hu Yun has someone else as his teacher?"

Lu Shanjun's eyes flickered, and his breath was filled with a dangerous aura. Although the demonic aura was not diffused, the shocking power of Lu Wu's real body made Wei Wuwei feel cold in his hands and feet, but he still managed to calm down.

"Indeed, I heard that Hu Yun's master is called Xiezhi, but there is not much information."

"Okay...very good! That fox! Hehehe..."

Before leaving Niu Kuishan, Lu Shanjun regarded Hu Yun as a younger brother, and Hu Yun also listened to "Xiaoyaoyou", and listened to him on the platform together for so long, Lu Shanjun always thought that one day Hu Yun would also Neng was able to call Ji Yuan a master together with him, but he didn't expect this fox cub to worship someone else as his teacher.