Lanke Chess Edge

~: Extra: The Unbroken Past 23

The topic about Mr. Ji passed quickly. It wasn’t that everyone didn’t want to hear more, but there wasn’t much to talk about, and the “unofficial history” anecdotes from hearsay were nothing to talk about, so everyone’s focus quickly returned to the Fa conference. superior.

At this moment, there is an expert preaching in the center of the sea of ​​clouds, and the voice is spread all over the sea of ​​​​clouds. Although it is not suitable for everyone, it is also a profound truth, which can make others verify each other by analogy.

Mi Huang is also listening attentively, but after all, the way the preacher is talking does not match his approach, and he is also calculating his own affairs, and he is a little absent-minded, which will keep playing with the beads in his hand, rubbing After a long time, I took the largest pearl from the string of beads and tossed it casually.

This bright pearl turned into a dull ripple and flew out of the attic. All the people beside him were wise, but not many people noticed the light. Some people who noticed it just looked sideways, while others didn't respond.

This ripple flew directly to the edge of the Luxuan Cloud Sea, and flew into the hands of a celestial cultivator, becoming a shining pearl again.

This is considered to be a message. After checking it, the cultivator draws a few texts on the Dharma light with his fingers, and then sends it out to Lu Xuanyunhai. Messages like this are also sent out during the Dharma conference, so It's not surprising, after all, there are always people who don't want to leave the puja suddenly want to send a message, and it's a normal behavior to use a magic weapon to send a message.

The bright pearl flew out again, and soon arrived at the Tianmen. After identifying and approving it, the Tianmen light flickered slightly, and it was allowed to fly out of the heaven.

After flying out of Tianmen, the speed of Mingzhu continued to increase. After flying for an unknown period of time, Mingzhu had already flown above Jiaoye Mountain. After staying in the air for a while, it immediately flew downward.

This pearl flew over the place where the thunder had fallen before, and finally flew to the mountain temple. The next moment, the streamer above the pearl extended outward, and soon turned into a person who looked similar to Mi Huang, but with vermilion hair. In addition, his eyebrows have vermilion lines that resemble flames, and his clothes are more solemn and gorgeous.

"Cuckoo la la..."

This man stretched his body and let out a comfortable moan. His body crackled, and a divine light was born behind him, making the surface of his body coated with a faint glow.

The man's eyes swept around the mountain temple, and finally landed on the mountain **** statue. After looking at it for a while, he nodded slightly, and opened his mouth to cast a spell.

"Please come to this Fangshan God to talk about it."

The voice came from a distance, following the topography of the mountain temple, and extending to Gong Weng's ears. The latter had been nervous all this time, and was in a state of preparation at all times. At this moment, he heard "Please God. "Daoyin, suddenly the earth escaped.

After a few breaths, the mountain **** appeared in his temple, and when he saw this person in front of him, he looked like an expert, and immediately bowed his hands.

"Little **** Gong Muhua, have you seen the fairy?"

The vermilion-haired man looked at the mountain **** and said with a smile.

"The Thunder Department of the Heavenly Realm is very dissatisfied with the fact that you blocked the thunderbolt before, but there is no need to worry, your calamity is not here, I have dealt with it properly, and no gods will come to ask the guilt."

Gong Muhua's body trembled slightly, looked up at the man, bowed and gave a big salute, the man nodded slightly and accepted the salute, then turned around and left.

The mountain god, who had a premonition behind him, watched expectantly, but the other party didn't say anything else and couldn't help but say a word.

"The Immortal..."

The red-haired man paused, turned around and said something.

"Forgot to mention, I shouldn't have come forward in this matter, um, don't tell Hu Yun that I've been here."


Gong Muhua hurriedly responded, but the excitement in his heart was unbearable. He didn't get a response last time, and this time he planned to ask again.

"Xianchang, the little **** dared to ask, how can the little **** be consummated?"

The man thought for a moment and smiled.

"You can't say it! Is it Hu Yun who talked a lot to you? I'm going to remind her about how much she talked about and where is she at the moment?"

Gong Muhua quickly shook his head in denial.

"Xianchang, Hu Yun Xianchang has never said much, please don't misunderstand, I was just a little interested in Empress Sheji, so I talked a little bit, but she didn't finish listening and left, now she should be going back to Ning'an County. Watch that Sun Yiqiu go."

Sun Yiqiu?

The red-haired man looked inappropriate, and nodded indifferently.

"I believe in you, that's fine, then treat it as if I haven't been here, remember, good life to practice, we'll meet again!"

After saying this, the red-haired man stepped out of the mountain temple and disappeared into a stream of light, leaving only the mountain **** in the mountain temple a little excited and a little disappointed.

On the other side, the red-haired man had already fled in the direction of Ning'an County. At the same time, he was thinking quickly in his heart. Of course, he couldn't have heard of the name of Ning'an County, the hometown of Wensheng, known as the origin of the world. Then it is not surprising that Hu Yun went to Ning'an County.

'Sun Yiqiu? ’

The red-haired man pondered in his heart and realized that this was a very important person.

In the afternoon of the same day, the red-haired man had already arrived in Ning'an County. He did not fly directly into the county, but turned into a scholar outside the county, and took a carriage on the way and drove slowly into Ning'an County.

Which foreigners come to Ning'an County the most? Undoubtedly a scholar.

Not long after entering Ning'an County, the red-haired man got off the carriage, and after thanking the driver, he walked to the Temple Square, worshipped Wensheng Temple, watched the Temple Square, ate the cakes from the building outside the building, drank the flower carvings brewed in Ning'an County, and then went to play. The so-called hometown of Wensheng, which is composed of a large group of mansion buildings designated by the government...

The man went on a pilgrimage in Ning'an County for three or four days before he walked to the street outside Tianniufang. He saw the sign of Sun's noodle stall in the distance, and walked over with a smile.

No one has arrived, and the voice has already passed.

"I heard that Sun's braised noodles has been passed down for a long time, and Wen Sheng has eaten it back then, but is it true?"

"Come, come, please come in the guest officer!"

Sun Yiqiu greeted the visitor attentively to sit down, and answered proudly.

"What the guest official said is very true. Our Sun family's craftsmanship has been passed down for dozens of generations. Master Wensheng also ate it. You can taste it and know how good it tastes. Many regular customers remember this taste. It's been a long time since I came back, and the first thing I did when I came back was to reunite with my family, which was to come here to eat noodles!"

"Yiqiu, don't be poor, guest officer, I made you laugh. What would you like to eat? Our store is small and only serves lumen and some luwei."

The red-haired man glanced at Sun Yiqiu.

"Does the store have any recommendations?"

"Why don't you have a bowl of braised noodles and another bowl of chop suey. Many regular customers eat this way."

"Okay, just as you said, here's a bowl of chop suey and a bowl of braised noodles!"


Sun's father and son made noodles, made noodles and poured tea, while the red-haired man watched back and forth on the two of them without a trace. Suddenly, his heart moved slightly, and he turned his face to one side. Two big yellow dogs passed by the stall. .

'Interesting, it seems that this is indeed the case! ’

The noodles were ready, the scholar immediately began to taste them, and he was full of praise. After eating and paying, they chatted for a while before leaving without any hesitation.

For several days, the scholars came to eat noodles, either in the morning or at noon, sometimes two meals, sometimes one meal, and got to know the Sun family quite well. By the evening of the fourth day, the scholars chatted with the Sun family and their son until they closed the stall. when.

"Master Hong, we're closing the stall, and we'll continue to talk about things outside tomorrow."

"Hahaha, I accidentally forgot the time, can you help me?"

The grandfather also called out over there.

"Don't bother Young Master Hong, Yiqiu, move quickly and stop chatting."

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The scholar hurriedly got up and moved out of the way so that Yiqiu could clean up the table and stool, and then watched them fold the tarpaulin to arrange the things, and put the things on the cabinet like an arahant.

When the truck started to turn, the scholar's eyes flashed, and he keenly found a wooden sign on the inside of the truck. The moment he saw it, he was shocked.

'Leave a copy? This technique has such a strong aura and an extraordinary artistic conception, that he didn't even notice it before? Wen San stay? Or... Mr. Ji? ’

"Hey? The magic on this wooden sign is very ingenious. Whose calligraphy is it?"

The man showed the interest that a scholar should have, and quickly took a few steps to take a closer look. Sun Yiqiu replied with a smile.

"Oh, this is an ancestral tradition. There is a rule in our booth. No matter how good the business is, we have to keep a copy of the materials, which is also compared to this brand."

"Uh, why did they stay?"

The scholar was very curious, Sun Yiqiu scratched his head, but Sun's father said it first.

"Hahaha, Young Master Hong, this brand has been passed down for dozens of generations, and now it's just a symbol. I don't remember who it was for, and it's meaningless."

"Oh, indeed, that's all, isn't it a waste of pasta?"

"Of course we should go home and eat That's also troublesome, we have to eat it every day hahahaha, oh, Xiaosheng Meng Lang."

Grandpa replied with a smile.

"It doesn't matter, what Young Master Hong said is not bad, it is true, but we are all used to it, so let's do it today."

"Okay, let's eat noodles again tomorrow, Xiaosheng will say goodbye first!"

Hong Gongzi bowed his hands and looked not far away. Sun Yiqiu was already facing another van. There was an old man and a girl. He was talking and laughing with the girl very intimately.

The scholar smiled, shook his head slightly, then turned to leave, muttering regrets in his mouth.

"Hey, it's a pity that this calligraphy is an ancestral thing of the Sun family, and it will definitely not be sold. I don't know which famous master it belongs to. It may even be left by Wensheng. Well, it's not right. If it was left by Wensheng, I'm afraid it is It was taken away by the court long ago..."

The scholar went all the way back to the inn, greeted Xiao Er, washed and went to bed normally, and at midnight, he left the fake body in bed, and then the real body quietly escaped into the underworld.

Many official records of Ning'an County in Yangjian are incomplete. The longer the time is, the more time it is due to moth-eaten, rat-bite, damp rot, man-made disasters, etc., and if you want to read the complete Ning'an County Chronicle, Yinsi is a good place to go.