Laws of the Insect Hive

v2 Chapter 397: The path of change

The figure in a red dress vaguely has the appearance of Auguste, but it is more neutral, and at the same time it exudes a certain unique charm. Whether it is a man or a woman, it will inexplicably produce some emotional feelings after seeing it. .

   The Silver King frowned slightly, he looked at the red-robed heroic spirit that appeared in front of him and said: "Heroic spirit? Are you also against me?"

   August did not answer immediately, but shook his head.

   He dropped the head in his hand casually. Although he killed the Dragonborn King Derrian, at this time the Dragonborn King was not so important to him.

   After a while, Auguste said, "It's not that I am going to be your enemy, but you are going to be our enemy."

   Auguste's voice aroused the anger of the Silver King, but after a short while, the Silver King laughed, and the laughter was full of sarcasm.

   "You? My enemy? Hahahaha..."

   The Silver King looked at the red-robed hero in front of him. Although he was looking straight at the opponent, he looked down on the worms on the ground.

   For the Silver King, his enemies are not these insignificant existences, neither humans nor heroic spirits deserve to be called his enemies.

   The only thing that can be called an enemy is the deity that hinders him in the future. He must not only become a deity, but also a god.

   Because of the bright red left pupil, the silver king's complexion became more and more ferocious. He finally couldn't suppress the tyranny in his heart, and waved **** claws at the red-robed hero in front of him.

   The **** claws of the Silver King had been swung out in a flash, but when the claws were about to touch the red-clothed heroic spirit in front of him, the heroic spirit had disappeared.

   "You really didn't hear it."

   The neutral voice appeared again, and the Silver King turned his head, only to find that the man in red had appeared behind him.

   "Hear what?"

   Seeing Auguste’s strange speed, the Silver King’s face became more solemn. He opened his arms, and countless blood servants on the ground exploded continuously, and thick **** smoke poured into his body like a substance.

   With the influx of **** smoke, the **** claws of the Silver King gradually returned to the shape of a normal palm, but he did not know when a black-red simple long sword appeared in his hand.

"Their voices." Auguste showed a disappointed expression. He waved his hand, seeming to be pointing at the members of the coalition forces, and at the humans who were in a state of frenzy. August continued: "I thought You might hear it."

  Because of the power of the blood clan, the Silver King could not control his emotions well, and his face showed anger again and said: "Ignorant hero, what do you know!?"

   Although he became extremely irritable because of the power of the blood clan, the Silver King finally resisted it, and he didn't tell the matter of the future saint coming, he wanted to plan to become a god.

   But seeing the heroic spirit in front of him who didn't know anything, and pretending to seem to understand him in front of him, it really made the Silver King feel inexplicably angry.

The long sword in the Silver King's hand was gently swung, and dense dark red magic circles appeared around August. Hundreds of **** sword lights sprang out from the magic circles. It seemed that August had nothing. Space to escape.

   However, in the next moment, Auguste in red had disappeared again.

   only some gentle voices clearly appeared in the ear of the silver king.

"I thought that my wish was for the Dragonborn Empire to become stronger, to annex other countries, to eliminate foreign races, and to form an extremely large country, so that people would not be fooled by gods, and there would be no threats from foreign races. Then you will live a prosperous and happy life."

   Auguste said softly, his figure once again appeared next to the Silver King.

  No one knows that, as a declining noble, August's parents died of nothing because they believed in gods.

   is also the case, Auguste has always been respectful of the gods, even a little disgusted.

August’s voice didn’t stop. He quickly continued: “I didn’t understand anything before. Thanks to the slime, it made my heart empty and made me understand many things that I couldn’t understand before. ; And the incompetent King of Dragonborn Derian, let me thoroughly understand what I should pursue."

   The Silver King stabs August with the long sword in his hand again, but August reaches out and holds it.

   Pan-white raging flames burned on the long sword, and in just a few breaths, the simple long sword in the hands of the Silver King had burned out and turned to ashes.

"Who are you? Are you the heroic spirit of the Lion Awakening Empire, and then came to stop me?" The Silver King took a lot of effort to get rid of the flames on his body. He thought of Silver's old enemy and said Asked.

Auguste slowly shook his head and replied, "I don’t know the Silver Empire, nor the Lion Wake Empire. I may not understand what you are planning, but I know that they don’t want to be fooled, and they too Don't want to be enslaved."

   August pointed at the coalition forces fighting on the ground, then pointed at the kinsmen who lost his mind and became crazy.

   "You can't hear them at all, and don't want to hear their inner voices."

   Auguste looked at the Silver King and continued to speak: "Neither the **** nor the king, I just hope that people will not be fooled or enslaved, and I have now found the way to change."

   Auguste looked north, the golden banana pattern embroidered on his back gradually became clear...

   Following August's words, a flame-like cloud appeared in the sky above Cereda, which was shrouded in blood mist, and a white flame fell from the sky like rain.

   The blood-colored mist in the entire city gradually diluted with this white flame, and the huge blood-colored spherical array also cracked after a few breaths and quickly collapsed.

   "Who are you... on earth?"

   The Silver King no longer had the expression that he had just secured his victory, he had already begun to retire.

   With the falling flames in the sky, the blood servants controlled by the Silver King have lost control and gradually returned to normal.

   August looked at the falling flames in the sky, showing a look that seemed to be thoughtful.

   If there is no [data template] of Manai, the **** of krypton gold, he will never know the truth, and the two hundred thousand coalition forces will not know the truth.

   It can be said that without the God of Krypton, he would never be resurrected at all. Not only would he die in a humiliating manner, but he would not be able to make any changes to the world.

  Auguste looked at the Silver King and replied softly: "I am an ignorant hero and a believer in Mana, the **** of krypton."

   "Mana, the **** of krypton gold, I remember..."

   Feel the power that I'm losing and the power that the opponent seems to have reached the fantasy level.

   The Silver King decisively abandoned the silver puppets and some blood clan men kept in the underground palace. His body suddenly exploded to form a **** rainbow light and flew towards the south.

The blood light flew out at an extremely fast speed, and arrived over the dragonborn empire in the blink of an eye, and then the **** rainbow light continued to flee south without any reduction, and the **** rainbow light passed through the ocean south of the dragonborn empire until After arriving at another continent on the other side of the sea, it gradually stopped and transformed into a human form again.

   In just a dozen breaths, the Silver King has escaped tens of thousands of kilometers.

   Because of the overdraft power, the silver king's face was extremely pale, and his blood-colored pupils had also returned to silver.

   However, when the Silver King raised his head, he realized that the man and woman in red had also followed.

   "You must not be against Mana, the **** of krypton gold."

   Auguste stretched out his arm, he had already pinched the silver king's neck, and the pale flames burned again.

   It didn't take long for the Silver King to be burned to a mass of ashes in fear, leaving only a silver ring to fall.

   "Forgot to ask his name, forget it..."