Laws of the Insect Hive

v3 Chapter 531: Virus spread

For more than ten minutes, Systrom kept questioning M, but M never responded.

Only the screen shared by Xiao M is still locked in the pupa room.

I don't know how Xiao M did it. The picture shared by Xiao M is 360 degrees without blind spots, including the appearance of Xiao M himself clearly in the shared picture.

"Would you like to restart it?" Sisterm was confused and sent a message to Little M: ​​"I will give you another ten seconds. If you don't answer, I will restart you!"

"Ten...Nine...Eight...Three, two, one, okay, I will restart!"

Sisterm threatened little M, but little M still did not respond and was still in a state of crash...

Click [Tools Menu], Systrom will open the option of restarting the small M.

After a few minutes, Systrom finally closed the [Tools Menu] without resetting the small M.


After this [Numerical Code] enhancement, Systrom not only gained the two abilities of [Super Network] and [Network Will], but also the other abilities of [Numerical Code], even if it was not strengthened to level 41. At the fantasy level, the upper limit of the ability itself has reached level 41.

As long as Systrom continues to fill experience points in the future, these abilities will be promoted to the fantasy rank.

At this time, the effects of these abilities have been more or less enhanced.

The improvement of [data storage] makes the data that Systrom can store more, and the storage of data on the network becomes faster; the improvement of [data] makes the fluency of [data template] The improvement is equivalent to that all [Data Template] users have obtained a better terminal system; [Data Network] is directly promoted to [Super Network].

And the improvement of [digital intelligence], in addition to the enhancement of computing efficiency, may be that Xiao M has gained self-awareness.

In Systrom's view, beings with self-consciousness are ultimately different from beings without self-consciousness.

Beings with self, they have already learned the meaning of their existence in this world. In some ways, they can all be defined as human beings.

After all, in Weststrom's previous life, the only creature with self-awareness and independent thinking was human.

This is not to say that Systrom is a kind tentacle monster.

Once, he, the demon resembling the abyss and the rat men of the Warren Plains had already been killed. I don't know how many. When Sisterm accepted [Call of the Abyss], he did a lot of bad things without burden.

But those intelligent creatures are things that Sisterm is irrelevant or hated.

And once the intelligent creatures or friendly forces related to Sisterm, Sisterm basically wouldn't do anything.

Even in recent years, even if some intelligent creatures are hostile to him, Sisterm has no idea of ​​killing each other forever.

He has become extremely kind.

Chopping the grass does not remove the roots, the spring breeze blows and regenerates; the kindness to the enemy is cruel to oneself.

This famous saying is also deeply understood by Systrom, but his personality has changed. Systrom now hates meaningless killings.

Yes, the current Sisterm can already be called the Virgin, a benevolent Virgin Tentacle Monster.

Therefore, as a virgin, although Sisterm threatened the little M more severely, when it was time to start, Sisterm unsurprisingly hesitated.

It is not easy for Little M to be born with self-awareness. If he restarts Little M in this way, Little M's self is likely to disappear as a result, and Systrom really cannot bear it.


Not only Xiao M, but even his two incarnations, Systrom did not hurt the killer to merge.

For one thing, Systrom did taste the sweetness from the various methods.

The second is that during the process of pupalization, most of the abilities in Systrom's body are unavailable. If the two incarnations are merged in this way, they will not be able to reappear in the future.

But it's a pity.

After Sisterm pardoned the two avatars for what they had done to them, the actions of the two avatars kept cringing, obviously not trusting him.

There is no good way for Systrom, but the two incarnations can do this.

After all, even if he wasn't very cruel to beat him, he could still play a certain role through various methods.

After about half an hour.

[Pupalization Mode] The strengthening of [Pupalization Mode] finally ended completely, and Systrom was able to break away from the Digital Sea and could feel his pupa body again.

[Budo Incarnation] used [Desolate Ecstasy Palm] to slap, and Systrom felt clearer and more painful.

However, the power used by [Budo Incarnation] was never mentioned, and Systrom's vitality was always maintained at more than 50%, which was not a threat at all.

Did not continue to wait, seeing that Xiao M still had not recovered from the crashed state, Systrom began to build the [Data Template] 5.0 super network era.

Sisterm builds the general framework first, and then waits for M to wake up, and then let M to deal with and improve the minor matters.

In the process of compiling and upgrading the super network era, Systrom suddenly discovered a headache that seemed to be resolved.

Unlike conventional deities who collect beliefs first and then release their abilities, Sisterm has always done the opposite, releasing [data template] first, and then collecting beliefs.

Although this has something to do with Systrom's long-time acting style, the main reason is that the cost given to [Data Template] is very low.

And for such a low-cost thing, it is very difficult for Systrom to distribute it.

Although there are also gods Duke and Kun who distribute [data templates], the efficiency of distribution has never been improved.

In densely populated areas, one or two percent of intelligent creatures will always be missed and cannot obtain [Data Template], and usually Duke and Kun will not go to toss.

Some of those who have not obtained the [Data Template] will take the train to the Golden Banana City, and Systrom will regularly reissue data templates for these intelligent creatures.

However, there are also many intelligent creatures in remote areas, Kun and Duke will not go there, because people there cannot understand the benefits of [Data Template], although under the rule of the Federation, they have never obtained [Data Template].

This has also led to the fact that in the past few years, there are more than 12 million people in the southern Warren Plains, and there are still nearly two million people who are not available [Data Template].

But after the emergence of [Super Network], the distribution of [Data Template] is no longer a problem at all.

As long as Xiao M helps, ordinary [Data Template] users can also use [Super Network] to distribute [Data Template].

Even Systrom does not need to consume experience points by directly consumes [Data Template] user experience points.

Because of the ultra-low consumption, [Data Template] users will have no complaints.

In this way, not only the remaining humans in the southern part of the Federation can quickly obtain the [data template], the southern Kavuz Empire, and the entire continent, the entire main plane will gradually cover the [data template].

Like a highly infectious germ, [Data Template], a highly practical tool, will spread beyond imagination.

Even other main planes, heavens, hells, star realms, abyss... will be infected by this powerful virus. As long as nothing strangles him at the source, it will be released in just a few years. The whole world is not impossible.

Not only that.

Systrom suddenly thought of a brand new idea, maybe not only can be built in the 5.0 super network era, [Data Template] 6.0 he can also start planning...

.. Full book m.