Laws of the Other World

Chapter 23: Ink night

Her hands were gently placed on Zhou Yu's shoulders, slowly approaching, her lips slightly open, with some kind of deadly attraction.

Zhou Yu’s heart beats very fast. When she goes back half a point, she also subconsciously leans forward, as if everything is centered on her.

He wants to kiss her, wants to have her, and everything that he cares about seems to be no longer important.

At that moment, Zhou Yu’s mind suddenly remembered Wu Yun’s warning: the more beautiful things, the more dangerous.

And... here is Nibelungen, where is the human female?

Zhou Yu was alert at that moment, regardless of everything, raised the dagger in his hand and stabbed him!

There was a humming sound in his ear, and his body fell instantly.

The sputum fell, and the dull pain that was sent made Zhou Yu slam open his eyes, because he could breathe and coughed hard.

When he regained consciousness, he discovered that he did not know when he was dragged into the tree hole by the vine. The beautiful woman I saw just now is the illusion that this vine makes itself.

Zhou Yu looked up and saw the dagger inserted in the inner wall of the tree hole not far away, and made a deep hole. The tree hole just had a faint sunlight obliquely, just to see the green liquid flowing out, just like the blood of this tree. general.

Below the tree hole is a space that can accommodate three or four people.

Zhou Yu walked two steps and found that the feet were the bones of various creatures, some of which only left bones, and some were becoming sour.

Zhou Yu wants to vomit, but he needs to leave here more than this!

He didn't know why the vines let go of himself, but he found that the vines grew from the inside of the tree to the outside, which means that the vines and the tree are one! It is like the hand of this tree!

This is completely different from Zhou Yu’s perception. The vines in his impressions are only attached to the trees and climb up, but the tree grows its own vines to capture food!

Maybe you scratched the tree yourself and let it temporarily lose consciousness, but you must leave it immediately before you are digested by it!

Zhou Yu suddenly remembered something and shouted: "Small things? Little things, where are you?"

The little things have always wanted to save him, and of course he will not leave small things to leave alone.

I only heard a bang, and the little things were drilled out of the broken bones of the animals, and they were dirty.

The inside of the hole is not bright, but the eyes of the little things are like a pair of gems, and Zhou Yu saw it at a glance.

Picking it up, Zhou Yu exhaled a breath: "You are really scared me! I thought you have been eaten by this tree!"

The little things looked at Zhou Yu with big eyes, full of joy, and sticking out the head of the tongue was to lick Zhou Yu’s face. Zhou Yu quickly turned his face away. He didn’t have the interest to be slobbered.

Without time to chill, Zhou Yu lowered his body and found two long, broken parts in the broken bones of the animal, piercing the inside of the tree. I brought a few more and inserted it on my waist.

It seemed to feel pain and trembled.

Zhou Yu, regardless of the three seven twenty-one, stepped on the broken bones, borrowed the force to go up, and then tied the two on the waist and continued upward. When he passed his Swiss army knife, he pulled it down.

In this way, I finally climbed out from the tree hole.

Zhou Yu did not rush to escape. When he stared at the vines that fell outside, he used a Swiss army knife to nail it and the trunk.

"I wish you a good appetite."

After that, Zhou Yu took the little things and continued to move forward.

When he came to a place with clear sunlight, Zhou Yu took a small thing and looked at it. He especially checked the wounded wings and found that there was no wound.

"Ah, how I forgot, Nibelungen's biological healing ability is very strong." Zhou Yu put it back on his shoulder and continued to move forward.

They were on alert all the time, and they were afraid that they would encounter the cannibal tree again. It was until the evening that Zhou Yu did not know how long it would take to go out. He decided to rest.

Relying on an e-class old tree, there is no danger in checking the surrounding area. Zhou Yu holds a small thing: "Do you say that we will be eaten by any powerful creature tonight?"

It shook his head.

"Are you afraid of being eaten?" Zhou Yu felt that he must be bored, and he would talk to him about it.

It paused and nodded.

That serious look made Zhou Yu laugh.

"I am hungry, hungry to die, why don't I eat you?" Zhou Yu deliberately put his face close to it and wanted to see its reaction.

It shows a dull expression.

Zhou Yu got a bad heart and licked its hind legs: "The meat here is very good, roast and roast, if it can be a bit salty."

"Well?" It took his leg back from Zhou Yu's hand.

"Oh, it’s not bad to make a fried pork belly here." Zhou Yu touched its belly.

When it comes to fried pork, Zhou Yu misses Meixi's craftsmanship. A few seconds later, it showed a sad expression.

"I want to eat you, you still have to run away." Zhou Yu's play is even bigger, he licked its ears.

It suddenly wraps itself up with wings, like a ball, and then rolls down to Zhou Yu's arm.

Even if I want to eat you, don't you plan to escape?

Zhou Yu sighed: "You are so cute, should I let you go? Don't fall into the hands of human beings, we are all selfish animals."

Its small wings suddenly raised aside, revealing one eye and watching Zhou Yu.

Zhou Yu suddenly felt that teasing it was really a very interesting thing.

"Okay, okay, don't eat you. If you eat you, no one will listen to me."

Tired of attack, Zhou Yu held his arm and closed his eyes.

What is alert is no longer meaningful. What he needs most is rest. If you are destined to be caught by any creature, then it is fate.

The little things shrank into a group and squatted on Zhou Yu’s body.

Its warmth makes Zhou Yu feel lazy, as if it was covered with a layer of duvet.

The little things have established deep class feelings with him, but they are the life and death.

"It's better to give you a name." Zhou Yu touched the fluff on his back, and it feels so good.

The little things had closed their eyes, and they heard Zhou Yu’s voice open again.

"When you look at your dark group, what about black cockroaches?"

Looking at Zhou Yu's expression, it seems to guess that the name is not very good, turned directly to use the **** against Zhou Yu, as if to say "eat my fart."

"This name doesn't like it? It's called a small briquettes!" Zhou Yu thought that this name is more suitable for you, black and round.

It is also kept with the **** against Zhou Yu.

At the moment, for Zhou Yu, the heart is quiet. He enjoys this world with only one of him, plus a warm little thing, no longer worrying about anything and carrying anything.

"Oh." Zhou Yu poked its ass, it seems to make up his mind to ignore Zhou Yu.

It was really quiet for a while.

The shadow of the tree is sparse, and the moonlight is only a little bit.

There is a flaw that falls on its back, and the silvery satin seems to flow.

"Ink night." Zhou Yu whispered.

These two words inexplicably flashed over Zhou Yu’s mind.

The little things shook a bit, slowly turned around and looked at Zhou Yu.

Zhou Yu pinched its nose: "Do you like this name?"

It licked the big eyes, rubbed the knuckles of Zhou Yu with the tip of his nose, and raised his eyes. Zhou Yu’s mood is inexplicably and soft.

"It seems that you like this name." Zhou Yu smiled. "Ink is black in my country. It can be used for writing. It can also be used for painting. What mountains and rivers, millennial trees, small fish and shrimps, use When ink is drawn, there is a unique artistic conception... The night is also black, like hidden secrets, and can accommodate all colors."

"Yeah." It looked very happy and the little wings were raised.

"Well, from now on, you will call the ink night." Zhou Yu squinted at the ink night, deliberately pressed it with his arm.

The ink night made a "hmm" sound, pretending to be bullied by Zhou Yu, and it was still pressed by Zhou Yu twice. It turned directly over to reveal the belly and looked very satisfying.

Zhou Yu felt the warmth of the ink night and fell asleep.

When he woke up, a day of sunshine fell on his face. He sat up and looked around and found that the ink night was gone!

In my heart, Zhou Yu’s brows, wasn’t it last night? Why are you missing now?

Zhou Yu even walked around the old tree he was leaning against, still did not see the ink night.

"Ink night!" Zhou Yu lowered his voice and shouted its name.

It won't be when I am asleep, is this little thing caught by other creatures? But you can't sleep so dead! Is there a reaction near the creature?

It’s still the night of the inkless night. He was joking last night and said that he would eat it and then take it seriously, so he slept and pursued his freedom.

Zhou Yu exhaled, he sat under the tree with his arms, and if the little thing didn't come back within an hour, he really didn't wait for it.

Ten minutes passed and nothing happened.

Zhou Yu really worried that it will not come back. If it is not intended to be with him, Zhou Yu feels nothing. But he is even more worried about the dangers of ink nights. Even if the weak meat is a natural law, Zhou Yu still can't bear it.

At this time, there was a "sparse and sparse" sound in the bush. Zhou Yu immediately looked at the past and saw something in the ink night.