Laws of the Other World

Chapter 37: eat watermelon

However, Zhou Yu thought that when he and the Juli Group's contract was over, he would never see the ink night again when he returned to the original world. He could not satisfy the attachment of the ink night. He would rather learn to be strong in the night.

The ink night was like no understanding at all. He still put his small head on the window, and the wind blew his ears, and the fluff flew up. It squinted at the eyes and enjoyed it.

"Ink night, do you understand what I am talking about?" Zhou Yu asked.

In the night, the ink turned his head and licked the lips of Zhou Yu with his small tongue, and then looked at Zhou Yu with the clear eyes.

At that moment, Zhou Yu was full of guilt. He felt that he was only selfishly trying to make himself better than to give the ink night such a choice, but in the heart of the ink night, perhaps he left himself and there was nothing.

Zhou Yu will ink the night to the circle of arms: "If you forget it, you will follow me."

The eyes of the ink night lit up, squatting in Zhou Yu’s chest, and continued to put the small head on the window, squinting and feeling the wind and sand passing through the face.

Wu Yun shook his head helplessly: "You are so spoiled by it... will spoil it, do you know?"

In the night, the ink came to the side and deliberately took a picture of Wu Yun’s head with his front paws.

"Hey, you kid! Look at me and feed you to eat green beans and carrots!"

The ink night hit another on Wu Yun’s head.

"Zhou Yu, throw it out for me!"

Zhou Yu just held the ink night, holding the window, showing a smile.

They returned to the base and went through a series of checks. Zhou Yu had been worried that his body would have any abnormalities, but he passed all the checks. He thought that the blood of the s-class creature would bring some changes into his body, but it didn't seem to. This is incredible.

He and Wu Yun reported to Song Zhi how the entire team of Toby was killed.

Song Zhi pulled up his lips and looked at Zhou Yu and said, "So you solved a overlord silver spider alone? And Wu Yun just fainted, and didn't know anything?"

There were speculations in the eyes, there was doubt, but Zhou Yu just calmly looked at it and did not evade it.

"I am just lucky, it is still in the shackles. If it is an adult tyrant silver spider I have no chance of winning." Zhou Yu took out the recorder and pushed it to the front of Song Zhi, "This is I recorded it in the tree castle that had collapsed. It seems that humans have been there."

Song Zhi suspected that he had taken the recorder and opened the picture directly. When he saw the picture, the pupils of both eyes contracted.

"What's wrong? Mr. Song?"

"That was my fiancee. She disappeared in the virgin forest for a month. She stayed in that tree for the past month... with a s-class creature. The s-class creature was made to please her." This tree castle, manipulated some seemingly beautiful creatures in Nibelungen to give her a romantic experience to touch her heart, when he got her heart, everything is no longer so romantic. When my fiancee is pregnant After that, the s-class creature left, and he knew that my fiancee would die very badly, but he didn't care. What he really wanted was only a descendant. I used to look for him everywhere, and the information he passed to me turned out to be. It was my fiancee who chose this all willingly." Song provoked the corner of his lips. "She must bear the consequences of the fall alone."

Zhou Yu stepped back: "I am sorry."

"You don't need to be sorry for Zhou Yu. You are the most sensible person among us, but when a reasonable person loses his sense of reason, he will be more crazy than the average person. I just remind you not to forget the three rules of survival."

"I will keep in mind." Zhou Yu replied, "Please also answer my other question. Have you already known that the delivery team will be trapped in the 12th district, and the purpose of sending us over is to experiment with new ones. Does the agent have any effect on the parasitic insects there?"

Song Zhi raised his eyes and his voice remained calm: "All research results need practice to test."

"So, do you expect Toby's entire group to die?" Zhou Yu asked.

"That was unexpected."

"I hope you will always remember your own 'unexpected'. It is six lives, and you are not much more noble than them."

"I always remember." Song Zhi lowered his eyes. "But the real 'unexpected' is the ink night. It actually went through the base for you. You are not curious, how does it sense that you are dangerous? How? Positioning where you are? It doesn't go away but still comes back with you? What does it want from you?"

"When it asks for it, we will know." Zhou Yu replied faintly.

Song Zhi did not order to shut the ink night to do research, so the ink night is still leisurely and leisurely to follow Zhou Yu's side.

Only sometimes, Zhou Yu couldn't help but think of the s-class creature that saved himself. He feels special about him, as if they have known each other.

Where did the boy go?

What is he doing now?

He is close to himself. What is the purpose?

Thinking of the teenager using blood to heal his body, Zhou Yu could not help but think, is there still blood left in his body? How will this affect him?

Zhou Yu took out the Swiss army knife from the waist and made a trace in the palm of his hand. The blood quickly flowed out and the pain was so clear.

However, after half a minute, Zhou Yu could not feel the pain.

He quickly wiped out the blood of his palm and found that there was not even a scar there.

Zhou Yu lived, his Swiss army knife fell and was bitten by the ink night.

"Well?" In the night, Mobei looked at Zhou Yu with a head in his eyes, and there was a trace of worry in his eyes.

"I'm fine." Zhou Yu took the knife back from the mouth of the ink night.

Ink night straightened up the back, and stretched his neck to lick Zhou Yu's palm.

"I'm fine! Really okay!"

The warm tongue of the ink night slipped over Zhou Yu's palm and found that his palm was really not wounded, which revealed the same expression as before.

Zhou Yu hugged the ink night, but he thought subconsciously. Is this rapid healing ability a good thing for him or another disaster?

Song Zhi gave them a three-day long vacation.

Wu Yun did not know where to get a back-shaped dart, saying that he would take the ink night to play.

Zhou Yu did not want me to stay with her alone, and took him to an empty place in the base.

Wu Yun pointed to the back-shaped dart in his hand and said: "Ink night, after this thing flies out, you have to chase it back, understand?"

The ink night smashed his head, as if to say: How does this thing fly out?

Wu Yun took a look at the ink night and threw the back dart.

Ink nights widened their eyes and looked very interesting.

Wu Yun smashed back the dart and came to the night of the ink night: "Do you understand? Come back to it!"

"Yeah!" Nodded in the night.

Wu Yun felt that there was finally something that could pass the boring time. He looked at the ink night, and the ink night sat ready to run. Wu Yun threw the jig back out, but it returned to its original place. Squinting at Wu Yun.

"Mottle night! Why don't you go back to the shape of the dart?" Wu Yun looked at the ink night.

Zhou Yu is sitting not far away, holding his arms.

Ink night is not to chase back the shape of the dart, but to play Wu Yun.

Zhou Yu has increasingly discovered that it is not necessary to regard the ink night as an ordinary creature. The longer it is with human beings, the more it will have human thinking. Don't even think of it as a baby, maybe it's smarter than any of them.

Wu Yun still does not give up the determination to use the ink night as a huskies to reinforce the rules of the game.

He threw the jigsaw out, and the ink night finally ran up, and the speed was very fast, which made Wu Yun very surprised.

But the goal of the ink night is not a dart, but Wu Yun.

It hit Wu Yun’s chest and Wu Yun fell. Then ink night squinted to Wu Yun's side, patted Wu Yun's chest with its small claws, as if to say: Brother, you take care.

Wu Yun dissatisfiedly grabbed the head of the ink night and looked at Zhou Yu: "Zhou Yu! It plays me! Don't you care about it?"

"You have to play with it, of course, you have to bear the consequences of being played by it."

After playing all day, Zhou Yu got a message that Song Zhi was sending people to the night island. "He really didn't give up, he must try his best to find the s-class creature." Zhou Yu said in his pocket.

Wu Yun also reluctantly snorted: "Just don't know if we are hunters or prey."

Zhou Yu looked back and glanced at the ink night that was playing with the claws. It suddenly threw the back-shaped darts out. Zhou Yu quickly squatted down and the darts were on the back of Wu Yun. .

"My mom--"

On the night of the holiday, Zhou Yu was called to the office of Song Zhi.

Song told him that tomorrow he would take the ink night to the night island.

Zhou Yu looked at Song Zhi with an incredulous look: "What do you do to the night island?"

"Of course it is to study the creature of the night spirit. The Alpha team will go with you, your partner Wu Yun is also together. You two are already very tacit, aren't you?"

"Study the night spirit? The night spirit is extinct, and the ink night is probably the only night spirit of Nibelungen."

"So we have to cultivate more night spirits." Song Zhi replied, "A research team will follow you to collect samples. Carlos collected some of the genes of the ink night, but the copy failed, we need more The genetic sample of the night spirit."

"Collect the sample? If so, why should you bring the ink to the night? You are not afraid, will I let the ink night go?" Zhou Yu asked.

"I said that the night spirit is a very loyal creature. The ink night identifies you, wherever you go, where it will go. Except your blood, it will not eat anything else. You want it to go, it It won't go. It has already proved this point before it rushed out to find you and followed you back. And Zhou Qing is here, you will definitely come back here." Song Zhi had already seen all this.

The night spirit is a loyal creature, and Zhou Yu’s memory in Elpis has already been seen.

They can guard an island for generations, only a master, never wavered, never tempted by the outside world.

"There is the place where the night spirits are inhabited and buried. It is as if Elpis will pass on his memory to future generations, maybe when your ink night sees its ancestors, it also We can inherit something, and we will have unexpected gains."

Zhou Yu knows that the things decided by Song Zhi will not change.

For the ink night, its world cannot be confined to Zhou Yu forever.

"Do you want to find that s-class creature?"

"Yes." Song answered.

Zhou Yu took a breath and just opened the door of Song Zhi’s office. The small head of the ink night came in.

Song Zhi smiled and waved his hand at the night of the night, and the night of the night smashed his head and left with Zhou Yu.

"Take it to Carlos and Carlos will put a tracker on it."

Zhou Yu sneered in his heart, and it was really impossible for Song to let the ink night leave freely.

Carlos' tracker is like a bracelet and is mounted on the front paws of the ink night.

The ink night has been smashing, and I want to knock down the buckled tracker.

Zhou Yu touched its back and calmly said: "Forget it, ink night. Compared to staying in the glass wall, you will wear a bracelet or something, and you will accept it."

Ink night smashed twice, then turned his head away, meaning: I accepted this stuff, but I don't like it.

"Ink night seems to grow up," Carlos said.

"No, it only grows in a few days?" Zhou Yu looked at it, and didn't feel heavy when he picked it up.

"Come, ink night, can we measure your current length?"

Carlos took out the ruler, and the night did not know what it was, and he was going to hide behind Zhou Yu. Zhou Yu reached out to the belly of the ink night, Carlos smoothly measured the length of the ink night.

"With the tail, it has been about five centimeters long."

“Five centimeters?” Zhou Yu’s eyes narrowed up and carefully examined the ink night. As such, it seemed to be a little longer. “But how do you feel that you have not been heavy?”

"Tell it and you will know."

Zhou Yu will hold the ink in the night and put it on the scale.

Dr. Carlos was also surprised: "Hey, how to grow up, the weight has not changed."

Zhou Yu recalled the memory that Elpis passed to himself, and suddenly remembered something: "The weight of the night spirit is the same as the weight of their birth."

"It turns out to be like this... How do you know that? I have to write down such important information!" Carlos asked in surprise.

"Nothing." Zhou Yu was chosen by Erpies. Except for Song Zhi and Wu Yun, others should not know.

At noon the day before going to the night island, Zhou Yu came to the office of Song Zhi.

"Mr. Song, I am here to apply for a watermelon." Zhou Yu said.

Zhou Yu still remembers that he promised to pass the ink night. After completing the task of transporting the supplies from the 12th district to the base, he asked me to eat watermelon at night. It was just that this mission was too twists and turns, and he almost forgot this promise.

Song Zhi sighed slightly: "You want a watermelon... Why?"

"Supply is that I and Wu Yun risked their lives and brought them back from the 12th area. I think that if I want a watermelon, it should not be a very excessive request!"

"Of course not too much. I just didn't think that you have only a soft spot for watermelon in so many foods. It seems that I should apply to the group and ship more watermelons to make you eat enough."

After that, Song Zhi called the restaurant's food ration and told them to let Zhou Yu lead a watermelon.

Zhou Yu went to the restaurant with the ink night, and the restaurant really prepared him a whole watermelon.

He placed the watermelon on the table, and the night jumped into the seat and jumped to the table, where he was very curious to see the fruit he had never seen before.

Zhou Yu reached out and pulled the little ears of the ink night. The ink night raised his face and looked at Zhou Yu. The big eyes looked like a very happy smile, and they looked forward to what they were looking forward to.

Zhou Yu deliberately moved and sat in the seat and held his head to look at the ink night. Gradually, the ink night did not smile, it curiously extended the front paws and touched the watermelon. When the watermelon rolled down and saw that it was about to fall off the edge of the table, Zhou Yu reached out and grabbed it, and put it back on the table.

Ink night, bowed his head, sniffed the watermelon with his nose, gently topped it, and then looked at Zhou Yu’s claws and patted it on the watermelon, making a dull sound.

"It seems that this watermelon is good, it should be very sweet." Zhou Yu still holding his chin and watching the night smile, I don't know why the ink night grin, Zhou Yu feels so cute.

In the night, I saw Zhou Yu’s motionless. It was really a little angry. It raised its own forepaws and tried to shoot on the watermelon. It was caught by Zhou Yu, who was quick-eyed.

"You little bad guy, if you are scattered by you, I see how you eat!" Zhou Yu no longer tossed the ink night, took out the Swiss army knife from the waist, cut the watermelon, revealing the red melon.

“Well?” Ink night looked down and sniffed. The fragrance of watermelon was very unique, and the ink night never smelled. It stretched out his tongue and licked it in the middle of the red squat, then picked up his eyes and opened his small wings. It seems that he likes watermelon very much.

Zhou Yu's dining spoon dug out the center of the watermelon. The head of the ink night also moved with Zhou Yu's hand. Zhou Yu opened his mouth and sent the watermelon into his mouth. The ink night stretched his head. Looking at it with an eye, it seems to be saying: Give me something to eat too!

Zhou Yu smiled in the heart, and he put down his wrist and put the spoon on the lip lips of the ink night, deliberately topped its nose with a spoon.

When the ink night opened his mouth to contain the spoon, he was removed by Zhou Yu. So the ink night followed the spoon, Zhou Yu raised the spoon again, the ink night also straightened his back, Zhou Yu put the spoon down, the ink night quickly slammed down, Zhou Yu will turn left to the right for a while Finally, I was annoyed by the ink night. The ink night took a handful of Zhou Yu’s hand and grabbed him, then ate the spoonful of watermelon.

Zhou Yu actually knows that the night of ink night is very fast and the strength is great. It will be played by Zhou Yu just because it also likes to play with Zhou Yu.

Zhou Yu licked a few spoonfuls of watermelon and fed it to the ink night. The ink night sat with satisfaction. When Zhou Yu moved the other half of the watermelon and gave it to the night, the ink night shook his head and put the spoon. Pushed to Zhou Yu.

Zhou Yu knows that any good thing wants to share with himself, so he also opened his mouth to eat this watermelon.

In the night of ink, I sat next to Zhou Yu’s side, still looking at Zhou Yu with those big eyes. The eyes were full of curiosity, but this curiosity was not directed at watermelon.

Zhou Yu raised his hand and said: "Are you asking me, what good things are there in addition to watermelon in my world?"

Ink night nodded immediately, Zhou Yu thought carefully: "Actually, I am not very concerned about what I eat, as long as I can fill my stomach, it is not super bad. But in my world, like The things your age kids like most should be candy, ice cream and the like! Candy can be made into a variety of shapes, such as a can of stars, a rainbow in your hand. There will be a variety of flavors, such as watermelon-flavored, milk-flavored chocolate. As for ice cream, it is ice-cold and generally only eats in the summer, you think about it when you are hot enough The last bite of ice cream should still be very refreshing, although I prefer to drink beer."

The head of the ink night came together, and the tip of the nose almost passed through the tip of Zhou Yu. It seemed that it was very interested in such ice cream.

"In fact, I am not very clear, ice cream... It should be made of milk and cream. It is very sweet and has a variety of flavors. Some of the more advanced ice cream shops will make the ice cream into various shapes. The ice cream is in the mouth. Melting, then the sweetness is full of tongue, I think this is why the children and girls are particularly fond of ice cream. When the next mission is over, I will apply for ice cream to Mr. Song for you to taste."

Zhou Yu also deliberately put his head to the night of the ink, and used his nose to smash on the top of the night. The ink night showed a very happy expression, and the two front paws were also placed on Zhou Yu’s shoulders, which looked like a hug.

Touching your little wings and opening a fan, it seems that it is full of expectations for ice cream!