Laws of the Other World

Chapter 38: Nightingale Island

"Ink night, you are not right. You have always followed me and should like to eat what I like, such as drinking beer." Zhou Yu showed a very solemn expression, as if he did not follow what he said, he would Really angry, he opened a can of beer and hooked his finger at the night of the ink. "The mouth is open."

Ink night is like a sly child, opening his mouth. Zhou Yu immediately poured beer into his mouth. The next moment, the eyes of the ink night wrinkled, slammed the beer out of the mouth and sprayed Zhou Yu's face.

Zhou Yu wiped the beer on his face and looked at the ink night.

A night of ink, worried about Zhou Yu's anger, he stepped back, retired to the corner of the table, and looked at Zhou Yu with innocent and wronged eyes.

Zhou Yu also looked at the ink night coldly, and there was no expression on his face. It seemed that the warm time of eating watermelon at night with a spoon suddenly went cold.

After ten seconds passed, Zhou Yu’s expression was still like that.

The ink night was really worried. Although it was afraid of Mo Zhouyu's anger, it slowly approached Zhou Yu slowly and used his nose to lick Zhou Yu's shoulder. Zhou Yu ignored him. The ink night smashed into a group and arched the arms of Zhou Yu. Zhou Yu directly smashed his head.

The night of the ink made a cry like a cry.

However, Zhou Yu’s understanding of the ink night, he knows that the ink night is being filled with pity is not really crying. Zhou Yuzhen deliberately wants to get up and leave. Thinking of the ink night, this little guy will definitely keep up with himself, and then feel very funny when he is holding his own leg.

But what he didn't think was that the ink night suddenly threw him down.

At that moment, Zhou Yuxi's eyes widened, and he felt as if he had become a prey for the ink night!

The appearance of the ink night is elegant and full of strength, like breaking everything in the world and rushing into the vision of Zhou Yu.

Zhou Yu thought that he was ready, his reaction has always been super strong, but this time is different. The power of the ink night completely exceeded the range that Zhou Yu could bear, and was thrown to the ground by the shackles.

Zhou Yu thought that his spine would be cracked, but the ink night stretched out his wings to wrap Zhou Yu. When he landed, Zhou Yu could not feel the pain.

Zhou Yu had a feeling of staying for the first time. He looked at the eyes of the ink night, until the night of the ink came down, and used his little tongue to lick Zhou Yu’s lips.

Zhou Yu produces an illusion that he is owned by the ink night.

"Oh! Well, the ink night is getting up! Get up!" Finally, it was hard to raise his hand and patted the back of the ink night.

At this time, he could deeply feel that the ink night was really grown up. When his body was fully extended, it was like a young man who had not yet reached adulthood but had already left the young leopard.

Ink night did not let go of Zhou Yu, it turned his face and licked Zhou Yu’s cheek. He seemed to say, “Are you still angry with me? If you are angry, I won’t get up!”

Zhou Yu shook his head helplessly, stroking the fluff on the back of the ink night, whispered: "You little fool, I am teasing you. How can I be angry with you!"

The ink night slowly climbed up, and when the ink night owl sat on Zhou Yu's side and put away its wings, Zhou Yu suddenly realized that he seemed to be in contact with the world again.

"Okay! Ok! Let's go back!"

When Zhou Yu turned and was about to leave the restaurant, he found Wu Yunzhen watching them with cigarettes.

"Zhou Yu, you found no, our little ink night has grown up, no longer a child who is being bullied by anyone." Wu Yunyi was very emotional.

"You understand."

Zhou Yu’s subtext is that the number of times you want to bully the ink night is far higher than me.

This evening, Zhou Yu was lying in their capsule space with the ink night.

"Ink night, tomorrow we are going to go to a place..."

Zhou Yu stopped, a few seconds later, the ink night did not hear Zhou Yu said, with his head arched Zhou Yu's chin.

"Okay, okay, the place we are going to is the night island."

This name does not seem to have any special meaning for the ink night, it just looks at Zhou Yu with a kind of "I am going to the park to play tomorrow". After all, the base is really boring for the ink night.

"Do you know what the night spirit means?"

Ink night shook his head and grabbed his face with his claws.

"I am human, and you are the night spirit. The night spirit is your race, understand?"

Ink night did not shake his head and nodded, seems to be asking: Then?

"The spirit of the night spirit, many years ago...maybe a thousand years, maybe it was extinct 10,000 years ago. But before that, the night spirit is a servant of some powerful s-class creature. You serve this The creatures are also taken care of by this creature. But you don't know why, you are all dead. Tomorrow, we will set off for the night island, maybe there, you can hear the voices from your ancestors. Will tell you what they have experienced, and you..."

What direction will there be?


The ink night was not satisfied with Zhou Yu and he was still asleep, so he stretched his paw and patted it on his face.

Zhou Yu, who had come back to the face, squeezed the face of the ink night with his hand, which was a joke, but said in a serious tone: "Whatever you hear, what you see, always remember what you want to be. Your Destiny, you choose, understand?"

"Yeah." Ink night looked at Zhou Yu with his big amber eyes.

"Okay, we are sleeping."

Zhou Yu hugged the night with ink. In the night, the ink sticks out his claws and rides on Zhou Yu’s face. Zhou Yu waved it away. In the night of the ink, he put his claws back on Zhou Yu’s face. Zhou Yu smirked it again, and then he became angry at the night, turned around and picked it up, ignoring Zhou Yu.

"Okay, okay, your temper is the biggest, I let you take it with you?"

Zhou Yu found the little claw of the ink night, put it on his face, and the ink night turned around with satisfaction.

Early the next morning, Zhou Yu took the helicopter and left the base.

Opposite Zhou Yu, sitting in Wu Yun.

Wu Yun slammed his mouth: "In this way, we have not gone out to sea, maybe we will be..."

"Close your crow's mouth." Zhou Yu must stop him from saying before Wu Yun's "Jinkou Yuyan" comes true.

"The helicopter that traveled this time is different from the previous one," said a researcher sitting next to Wu Yun.

“What is different?” Wu Yun asked curiously.

"Equipped with sonic bombs. Once a flying creature tries to attack us, it will be hit by sonic bombs, and the internal organs will be shattered."

“How have you not heard of such technology before?”

"still testing."

"What? Use the technology still under test in such an important task... I can express..."

Zhou Yu once again interrupted Wu Yun: "Close your crow mouth."

Wu Yun snorted and looked at the researcher: "Are you new? I have never seen you, what is your name?"

"You call me Xiao Chen just fine."

Xiao Chen and Wu Yun shook hands, but the hand stopped before Zhou Yu, because Zhou Yu looked more serious.

However, Xiao Chen’s eyes have been watching the ink nights on Zhou’s legs, and his eyes are taboo and curious.

The first time I took a helicopter in the night, it looked very embarrassing. Its head has also been shrinking.

Wu Yun poked his fingers on the buttocks of the ink night: "Hey, stinky boy, are you airsick?"

In the night of dissatisfaction, he turned his head and took a look at Wu Yun.

Xiao Chen showed a surprised expression: "That... that is the night spirit?"

"Yeah. Ugly is very cute, right?" Wu Yun said with a smile.

"It's a class creature! If it's angry, we'll die!" Xiao Chen was frightened.

"What, this little thing has not been overheated, just how do you bully it!" After that, Wu Yun also pulled the wings of the ink night.

The ink night was really angry, and he looked at Wu Yun with his eyes closed, and he looked like he was biting, even though he did not see any teeth in his mouth.

Wu Yun smiled: "Ha ha! Are you still a milk cat? Even the teeth are not long!"

Zhou Yu is speechless. Is there any teeth in the ink night, is there anyone more clear than him?

"Bite him." Zhou Yu said.

The ink night really bite down with a mouth, and Wu Yunxi can't open it.

As they get closer and closer to the clouds, the clouds slowly spread out.

Wu Yun looked at his face and looked out the window. He seemed to be trying to distinguish something.

"What happened, Wu Yun?"

"Look... what is that?"

Zhou Yu looked in the direction of his sight, only to see what huge things hovered, connected between the heavens and the earth, there was a stream of water falling from the sky, forming a screen that shines under the sunlight.

Because it is too far away, I can't see it clearly.

But no matter what it is, it is even more spectacular than the Babylon Tower.

"Yeah, what is that?" Xiao Chen also narrowed his eyes and wanted to see clearly.

Zhou Yu’s mind flashed countless fragments, and he could feel a kind of incomparable worship and sincere respect from the memory of Elpis.

"That is the ancestor of all plants, Imir. The s-class creature on the land." Zhou Yu opened the way.

"What do you say... What ancestor? How did I hear about it in the Academy?" Xiao Chen showed an incomprehensible expression.

"Of course you haven't heard of it...because you haven't seen it at all."

Imir has a history of hundreds of millions of years in Nibelungen. It is definitely capable of mimicry.

Since it can be mimicked, it does not need to exist in the form of such a giant tree. Maybe it will turn into a leaf, perhaps an inconspicuous e-class creature, and perhaps somewhere quietly paying attention to the invasion of Nibelungen. Human.

But when their helicopter turned a corner, the giant tree disappeared.

Xiao Chen shook his head: "That is not the ancestor of any plant. I bet it is an air phenomenon, such as a tornado. Nibelungen's creatures have a spiritual life for a long time, and it is impossible to live with them." ?"

Zhou Yu did not continue this topic because he knew that when an ordinary human had not seen the world in the eyes of Elpis, he would not believe what he said.

As for why the ancestor Imir will appear in front of them, it is another matter.

Helicopters flew over the land, and their bodies were gradually replaced by a blue ocean.

The sound of the waves came in, and the researchers in the helicopter were quite looking forward to it.

"In the original world, I have never seen a beautiful sea!"

Wu Yun shook his head: "It seems to be an inexperienced rookie."

"What?" Xiao Chen was very dissatisfied with Wu Yun’s remarks.

"The more beautiful things, the more dangerous it is. The ocean is even more so." Zhou Yu replied.

When they sailed deep into the ocean, the helicopter also pulled up a lot.

Suddenly, the sea was surging, and a huge creature with a snake head but a fish tail suddenly jumped and slammed into the helicopter where they were.

"Ah--" Xiao Chen was scared and screamed.

On the contrary, Wu Yun and Zhou Yu appeared to be very calm, while the ink night simply went to the window. A small face quickly smashed the window glass and wanted to see the huge creature.

Its length is staggering.

"This... Is there a length of an aircraft carrier?"

There are countless fins on either side of the creature. It falls at a height of more than ten meters from the helicopter and shoots huge waves.

"It... Is it going to eat us?" Xiao Chen was terrified. "Can the helicopter be a little higher?"

"This is already the limit height of the helicopter. And the danger of that kind of creature is only d-class." Zhou Yu replied faintly.

"Class d? Are you kidding? So big!"

"It jumped out of the water, not to hunt us, but to get in touch with the sun." Zhou Yu replied.


"Daylight can promote the absorption of some important nutrients in it. In fact, as long as we don't fall into the sea, this height can threaten us, only the creatures in the air." Zhou Yu replied.

"Wait, how do you know so many things that I have never heard?" Xiao Chen was puzzled.

"Let's go back and read the Juli Group's bioinformatics library."

If we all still have the opportunity to go back alive.

The helicopter flew for a long time, and in the process it did encounter an attack by aerial creatures.

Fortunately, sonic bombs are not just theories, they have indeed protected them again and again.

After more than an hour of flight, they can see a green island in the distance, like the emerald floating on the sea.

"That is the night spirit island." Zhou Yu finished, the ink night went to the window to see.

The helicopter found a flat place on the night island and stopped.

When they looked from the sky, they only knew that the island's vegetation was quite rich, but they did not see the remains of the night spirit.

Zhou Yu stepped out of the helicopter, and the ink night jumped down.

The captain of the Alpha team said to all the guards: "It is very dangerous here, everyone must be small..."

His words have not been finished yet, and suddenly a giant worm opened his mouth behind the tree and bit him.

"Ah--" Xiao Chen has never seen such a scene, and Zhou Yu grabbed Xiao Chen's mouth.

The other members of the Alpha team immediately took out their guns and thought they didn't want to shoot hard.

The shell of the giant worm was shattered and the pus flowed all over the floor.

When the worm stands upright, it is like a tree, so the captain of the Alpha team will not find it.

When the team members opened the mouth of the giant insect and pulled their captain out of it, they determined that the captain was dead.

Wu Yun raised his hand and covered his head: "He also counts as a battle... died in the hands of a worm, what is going on?"

Zhou Yu looked up and looked around with his eyes open. The insect was called a "treeworm." It is also a creature that locks prey based on fear, but it will suddenly attack the captain of the Alpha squad. There is only one reason. There are larvae of tree-shaped worms. The larva will attack all the living space during the time when the larvae are just born. Creature.

"Everyone is careful, there may be larvae of tree-shaped worms nearby." Zhou Yu suggested.

Wu Yun went to Zhou Yu, and the two men leaned back against each other to guard against each other.

“Where is the remains of the night spirit found by the researchers?” Wu Yun asked Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen pointed to the other side of the woods and said: "It is buried in the gravel in the center of the island."

"Then go to the helicopter, we fly over." Wu Yun has some big heads, which is totally unclear action, they should land directly in the center of the island!

In order to avoid being attacked by tree worms, they quickly returned to the helicopter.

The helicopter just flew into the air and the plane suddenly bumped.

Wu Yun reluctantly knocked on the driver's seat: " are flying asleep..."

Wu Yun’s words have not been finished, and the driver has turned to one side.

On his neck, a small tree-shaped worm is drilling inside.

This scene scared the researcher Xiao Chen.

The helicopter looked at the side and Zhou Yu went forward and slammed the direction.

"My God! Helicopter will open!" Wu Yun's eyes on Zhou Yu's worship.

"I don't want to deal with this tree-shaped worm soon!" Zhou Yu roared.

Wu Yun immediately took the dagger from his waist and carefully pulled the tree-shaped worm out of the driver's neck and threw it out of the window. He tested the driver's pulse and found that he was still alive. However, the place where the tree-shaped worm is going to be in the middle of the blood has been bleeding, and Wu Yun will carry the hemostatic belt with him to bandage him.

"I hope that the end of this mission can be faster, or the driver's life will not be able to survive."

"I'm afraid it's not that simple." Zhou Yu glanced at the white gravel outside the window, and then warned the Alpha team. "Alpha team should pay attention to the fact that the sand gravel may be inhabited by linear sandworms. Please pay attention to safety!"

"Linear sandworm? How do you know that there is a linear sandworm in the sand?" Xiao Chen was really curious, and he felt that Zhou Yu was like everything.

"Look at it, you know more."

The so-called "look more" is what Elpis told him to see.

After the helicopter landed, Zhou Yu did not let Xiao Chen and Wu Yun leave, but waited in the cabin. Linear sand worms are creatures that are quite sensitive to vibration. They should feel like they have to fly over the sand.

But the members of the Alpha team can't wait, after all, they can go back with the bones of the night spirit, and the wealth they can get is enough for them to keep their lives.

"Hey, don't you stop them?" Wu Yun asked.

"I have already warned them. Once I left the cabin, I don't know what else can stop them." Zhou Yu said coldly.

Just as the four members of their group walked down with guns, the gravel suddenly undulating, like continuous waves.

They shot with guns and the bullets fell into the gravel, but the white sand waves moved too fast and they came to them in a blink of an eye.

Among the gravel, a giant cockroach creature suddenly picked up, its tail swept away, two players flew up, fell in the distance, and another fell on the glass in front of Zhou Yu, issued a burst Loud.

The linear sandworm's mouth is wide open, and almost half of the helicopter can be swallowed.

The ink night, which was originally stretched out of his head, also subconsciously shrank his head back.

Xiao Chen was so scared that he said: "This... can this be called a worm?"

"This linear sandworm, which belongs to ancient times in Nibelungen. Even in the world we live in, the size of the worms in ancient times is not small?"

Xiao Chen has not said anything in half a word.

Zhou Yu’s look sank: “When you go back, tell Song Zhi, don’t look for these people who don’t listen to the warnings to follow us!”

"What should we do? Give up the mission and return to the base?"

In Wu Yun’s view, it is a reasonable scope for them to give up the execution of the Alpha team.

"Can't you remember that we have sonic bombs?"

Seeing the direction of the linear sand worms, biting them, Zhou Yulian's structure in his mouth can be seen clearly.

At that moment, Zhou Yu slammed the button and fired a sonic bomb.

Invisible vibrations in the air, the linear sand worm seems to have been pushed out by a powerful force and fell on the white sand.

Wu Yun exhaled a breath: "Mom... can your kid not always play so thrilling!"

For example, open the door to shoot two-headed tarantulas and the like.

"I am sure, not a thriller." Zhou Yu replied.

Everything was quiet for a while.

Wu Yun said: "Can we go now?"

His hand just touched the hatch, and the night of the ink came over and bit his arm.

"Let's wait... I remember that linear sandworms live on a family basis."

At this time, the ears of the ink night stood up.

Zhou Yu turned the direction of the machine gun and fired backwards.