Laws of the Other World

Chapter 71: Mr. Eaton and Dr. Cook

In the night, wearing a camouflage suit, the equipment on his body is exactly the same as that of Zhou Yu. The other field players are curious about this young and beautiful man. Song Zhi did not disclose the identity of the ink night, and the garrison players who knew the identity of the ink night They were all left at the base.

Song Zhi directly incorporated the ink night into the squad of Zhou Yu and Wu Yun. This made the other field players somewhat dissatisfied. Zhou Yu’s reputation has already spread in the base, and everyone hopes to cooperate with him. After all, in the world of Nibelungen, the stronger the teammates are, the more likely they are to survive. The strange and hostile eyes are betting on the night.

Before the trip, when the ink was picked up by the night, several field players gathered around.

"Hey, young man, where did you come from? We have never seen you before?" The other party deliberately turned to the ink night, a thick smell of tobacco and sweat came.

Don't open your face in the night, smile on your lips. This is like ridicule for others.

One of them carefully stared at the face of the ink night, and suddenly said: "Hey! This guy looks very beautiful, he should not be compiled into the Zhou Yu team by what means!"

Another person pretended to be curious and said: "What means!"

"Of course, with his beautiful face!"

"Oh - it turned out to be like this! I understand, but Zhou Yu doesn't look like it. He is not interested in the 'action movie', it is a Puritan!"

"Who said Zhou Yu? People Zhou Yu will not have fear in the most dangerous state, such people have long been no one's **! I am talking about our head, that dominates the base everything Mr. Song."

"Oh, it turned out! I finally understood! Let us see if this beautiful face is also appetizing with us!"

After finishing this person, he stretched his hand and directly frivolously carried the chin of the ink night and turned his face. When he saw the five senses of the ink night, he could not help but be shocked. The eyes were so deep that it seemed to release all the **, and every curve was so beautiful that he was licking his heart and dragging his nerves.

In the smile of the ink night, his eyes are long and narrow with a hint of playfulness.

"I have an appetite for you?"

His voice seems to come from another world.

The player opened his mouth and couldn't say a word.

Daddy, the ink night stretched out his hand and buckled his wrist, slammed it, and only heard a click, the field player made a huge scream.

"My arm! My arm! Mom's-"

Another person pointed out the gun directly at the ink night, but what he did not expect was that the ink night came to him without warning, and the pressure released in those eyes was almost to pierce his heart. Ink night buckled his gun, his wrist slipped, unloading the other's magazine, then lifting his leg, knees on the other's lower abdomen, and two people fell together.

This series of actions is astonishing, not superfluous, and accurate as if it were calculated by a computer.

"Hey... have you seen it... it’s amazing! I have seen Zhou Yu’s skill, this guy is faster than Zhou Yu!”

"Or else? Mr. Song has compiled him into Zhou Yu's squad. Is it really a look?"

The gun was hung on the hand of the ink night, and the gun was turned down with a rotating muzzle between his thumb. Then the ink smashed down and smiled at the two guys who couldn't speak.

"Hey, you haven't said that I am not suitable for your appetite!"

The eyes of the ink night laughed and bent.

"You bastard!"

The player who was robbed of the gun was ashamed, and suddenly he punched the face of the ink night, but his fist did not touch the tip of the ink night. The ink night suddenly held his hand with one hand and lifted his leg up. He only heard 咔With a bang, his arm was kicked off by the night.

The screams made everyone look.

The ink night stood up and looked down at each other. That kind of cold and indifferent, as if there is no human feelings at all.

Song Zhi took a pocket and walked over: "Ink night, I am letting you deal with Turin, not letting you do the destruction."

Ink night smiled softly: "Isn't Mr. Song so serious? I just helped you to deal with the unnecessary burdens. Even if they arrived at the location of the ancestor Imir, they would only become Dr. Turin's nutrition. ""

After saying that the night of the ink went away, he clap his hands and once again pulled out the childish smile and walked toward Zhou Yu’s direction, and the face of his face changed. No one can imagine that such a young and beautiful boy has a devilish skill.

Wu Yun sat in the driver's seat of the Hummer, smoking a cigarette, and smiling as he watched the night of the ink: "Hey, I said Lao Zhou, do you think that the night of the ink is especially like you, whether it is elbow? The action is still the position of the gun, the grasp of time and node is exactly the same as you. The only difference is that he is faster than you, strength is bigger than you, you have to be careful!"

"Be careful?" Zhou Yu asked coldly.

"Of course, be careful if he does something for you, you have no power to fight!"

"What can he do to me?"

"He... from a human point of view, is in adolescence. The hormone will make him impulsive and right..."

"Close your crow's mouth."

After Zhou Yu opened the door, hooked the hook at the night of the ink, meaning "you give me the action to come up quickly."

The smile on the face of the ink night was even bigger. When he lifted his leg and stepped into the seat, he held his hand on the seat and deliberately put his face to Zhou Yu. Zhou Yu’s face was expressionless, but he could feel the ink. The closeness of the night, even the afterglow of the eyes, can trace the nose of the night and the contours of the eyebrows. Zhou Yu’s breathing slowed down at that moment, and the heart’s beating seemed to be stretched.

The ink night sat down. The time of rest flows again.

"Where did you learn from where? Did you learn from movies?"

Zhou Yu remembers that when they were in the restaurant, they watched a lot of movies with ink nights, such as "Black Hawk Fall", "Anti-terrorist Special Forces", "Mission Impossible" and the like, there are many fighting action scenes.

Ink night replied with a funny smile: "Why should I follow the film? You are my best model."

At this time, Song opened the door and sat in the position of the co-pilot. He said to Wu Yun: "Okay, we can leave."

Wu Yun extinguished the smoke in his hand and whistled: "Mr. Song, do you know that I am the famous crow mouth in our team?"

Song Zhi replied: "Slightly heard."

"If I said that if we met Turin, I wouldn't care about you in any dangerous situation. If you are dead, if you are not lucky, what do you think?"

Song Zhi raised his glasses and gave a cool answer: "I will tell you that my insurance amount is very high and there are no beneficiaries. Or I can fill in your name."

The ink night laughed directly.

Wu Yun replied: "This is quite tempting. I guess you really can't come back, I am waiting to receive your insurance."

"I really like Wu Yun's crow mouth." Mo night smiled and touched his chin.

The team went all the way, they had to go through a whole piece of virgin forest, and how many people could finally see the ancestor Imir is unknown.

In the car, Song said: "Ink night, how long can you manipulate a class of creatures to deal with Turin with your current physical condition?"

"A minute or less? More than a minute, my nerves will be severely damaged, and the cells will rupture, causing bleeding in the body. But Turin now has a team member of the entire base, and I can't directly destroy humans, your genes. It's different from Nibelungen's creatures. Do you have any regrets now? You shouldn't bind my abilities." Ink night held his chin and asked with great interest.

"I don't regret it, because I know what you will do once you have the full s-class ability."

"Oh, what do you think I will do? Turn your base upside down? Kill you all? Or do you think of the nutrition of the offspring?"

"You will wait here for Zhou Yu to come back from another world. You know that he will be soft to you. You will confuse him with a young and beautiful look, seduce him, and you will make all kinds of sacrifices for him. The heart trusts you more, you will take him out of this base, you will let him do anything for you without hesitation, you will let him out of the so-called human world, you will let him forget who he is. So even for Zhou Royal, your ability to be completely released is not a good thing, it may be a kind of seduction rather than the heart, even if one day Zhou Yu decides to accept you, it must be out of his own judgment." Song Zhi's voice Smooth, every word he said makes the smile on the face of the ink night more obvious. This shows that Song Zhi had long seen the idea of ​​ink night.

Zhou Yu’s fingers are clenched, which is actually a puzzle in his heart.

"Haha, these are not just Zhou Yu's confusion. You think about it, you care about it, because you have all experienced it. Song Zhi, you are a very cautious person, your world has a wall If someone wants to climb over, you will only build the city wall higher and higher, and the Song Dynasty who climbs the wall will one day be too high because of the climbing, and it will be broken when falling. Or... He finally entered your city and saw only the ruins."

Song Zhi’s face still has no expression: “Where is Song Song now?”

Ink night replied: "In fact, you and he have the closest connection. Just like me and Zhou Yu, just you are constantly rejecting him. When you let go of all the must, accept him, you Naturally I will hear all the voices from him."

At this time, the team has moved away from the base and is about to enter the virgin forest.

Everyone is waiting for it, and even Wu Yun, who has been unable to keep his mouth open, is cold.

The virgin forest is like a huge arena, and Turin must set a trap to wait for them.

The giant wood is getting higher and higher, the branches and leaves are dense, and a layer of green giant nets is formed in the sky, and the ray of sunlight rushes out from the gaps, illuminating the dim virgin forest.

Song Zhi sat behind, turned on the tablet, and looked at all the details about this piece of virgin forest.

Both Wu Yun and Zhou Yu are on alert, but the ink night on the back seat with Song Zhi holds the back of his head and looks up at the roof.

"Do you feel any dangerous creatures?" Zhou Yu asked.

Ink night laughed: "What other creatures are more dangerous than me?"

"To be honest, this is a bit strange." Wu Yun's fingers tapped on the steering wheel. "We have entered the hinterland of this virgin forest. The giant trees are concealed and hidden, but there is no movement at all?"

"Your crow's mouth is already open, I think there will be movement soon." Song said coolly.

"Before the movement, I think I will be bored to sleep. Mr. Song, can I ask you? Who uses the spinal fluid of the owner to lock the s-class creatures, who taught you?"

"Who can teach it? Of course, our wise and wise Mr. Song himself researched it!" Wu Yun smiled and replied, even deliberately adjusting the angle of the front view mirror, in order to see the expression of Song.

"Yes." Song gave a calm answer, not paying attention to the insinuation in Wu Yun's discourse.

"Not you." In the night, the ink came to his face and his eyes fell on Song’s cheek.

"why it's not me?"

"The purpose of this is to lock in and deal with the s-class creature that killed your fiancee, that is, Song Sheng's biological father. But you will not think of this method, because you may have a connection with Song Wei, but There is no connection between any creature and Song Sheng's biological father. The spinal fluid locking method can never work for you. You gave Song Song's name instead of a code name or directly called him a s-class creature because you are right He has feelings. It’s like my Zhou Yu has always refused to give me a name. He knows very well that the more times he calls me the 'ink night', the more difficult it is for me to give up, so you The same is true.” The night of the ink suddenly turned to Song Zhi. His voice was like a cold blade, cutting the nerves caused by Song. “You have 12 times of spinal fluid extraction wound on your back, and you have not extracted it in a formal way. You I often have a backache."

"This is not your business." Song Zhi's eyebrows picked up, and he looked at the ink night with his gaze.

"Song has been locked, you don't need to extract your own spinal fluid. The only explanation is that you are using your own spinal fluid to study how to unlock Song."

Wu Yunqi, who was sitting in the front row, opened his eyes, and Zhou Yu’s face remained silent.

They are waiting, and Song Zhihui will say something.

"Why should I unlock Song Wei? His ability is locked, and Juli Group can study him and have the opportunity to get him back."

"You just don't want Juli to study him. You just don't want him to be caught. Your goal is to make sure that he can recover his ability to survive in Nibelungen."

"Your story is very good. It seems that these days the boring movies in the restaurant are not white."

"That's not a story, it's not just between you and Song Yu. Who is helping you to study 'antidote?'" The night of the ink suddenly sank, as if to suppress Song by sight.

Song Zhi’s subconsciousness clasped the edge of the computer: “I said, it’s all your imagination. This person doesn’t exist.”

"Okay... we will wait and see. Do you know why I am saying this in a place where only four of us are here?" said the ink night.

"Because you are too boring." Song said.

"Because the Juli Group will doubt you more and more, you are very clear in your heart. Soon you will not be able to cover the person who has been helping you. Whether in the human world or in Nibelungen, it is possible to help. You only have three of us. Now you don't say that it is very difficult to avoid the surveillance of Juli Group and then export it."

"The chairman of Juli Group is Mr. Eaton... Do you know him?" Song asked suddenly.

"Ah, I know him." Wu Yun extended his finger. "First, he is very rich. Second, he does not show up in public. Third, although the entire Juli Group also has a board of directors, he is the real person in power. ”

“Yes, in addition, he adopted a lot of orphans and trained them to become world-class talents. Some of them have entered the field of scientific research, some have become political figures of various countries, and even some activities are in unexpected places. For example, Nibelungen.” Song raised his finger and untied his own meticulous neckline for the first time, as if to relax the nerves that had been tight. “Of course, this includes me, and before you. Dr. Ron, who has been met, and Turin, who we have been hunting for."

"The feeling of being bitten by a dog raised by yourself must be very cool!" said the ink night.

"If you mean Dr. Turin, then this metaphor is very vivid. Zhou Yu teaches you very well. You have fully adapted to the way humans think. For Mr. Eaton, we are not his children, but he A tool to accomplish his own expansion of interest. When he was not satisfied in the human world, he turned his attention to the newly discovered mysterious world, Nibelungen. At first he just wanted to complete his own colonial dream in this world. Study the unique form of life here, unlock and master the secrets of human life and death. But just 10 years ago, he found himself suffering from cancer, cancer cells spread quickly, he can change his internal organs, but there is a Some of them will never change."

"Brain." Zhou Yu replied.

Wu Yun drove the car and continued to move forward. Although he listened to Song, he was also seriously guarded. After all, they are the first car.

"Yes, when cancer cells spread to the brain, he thought of Nibelungen's s-class creatures. S-class creatures have strong healing power, even when their brains are damaged, it does not mean the end of life. Mr. Eaton wants to use this power to make his brain heal itself. So the original research direction of Turin was about self-healing."

"If I was brought back from the night spirit island by Dr. Tulin, then what about Song Wei?" Mok night was very interested in Song Yu, who is also a s-class creature.

"After you were brought back by Dr. Turin, there was no incubation for a long time, which made the Juli Group lose patience. So Dr. Turin reached an agreement with another s-class creature. He is the father of Song Wei, we give him The code name is '谛昕'."

"You are talking about his 'code name', not his 'name'. So just like you call me 'ink night', give Song Song a name, you recognize me and Song Yu, but you don't recognize it. "Ink night raised his eyebrows."

"He has never touched human culture. It is not like you and Song Yi grew up in human thoughts and emotions. His world is only himself. He wants everything he wants, including inheriting himself. The **** child. Song Yu is the final result, the price is the life of my fiancee. And the person responsible for this project was not me."

"But Song Wei grew up beside you. From the beginning to the end, you are all used by the Juli Group as a breeder and animal trainer."

Ink night answered.

"So who is the person who studied the s-class biological spinal fluid locking method?" Wu Yun driving the car could not help but ask.

Song Zhigang wants to speak, but the night of the ink shakes his fingers, with a smirk on his lips: "You have a name, guess what?"

"Do you have seen this person?" Zhou Yu asked.

"You and Wu Yun have seen." Song Zhi answered.

"Well, I am the stupidest of you, I will guess the first one, it should be Dr. Turin!" Wu Yun said.

"Zhou Yu, who do you think it is!" In the night, the ink came from behind and hugged Zhou Yu's back. The fingers just passed over Zhou Yu's cheek, but Zhou Yu turned his face away.

"The most unlikely person may be possible, is it Dr. Ron of Base 2? He is very interested in ink night." Zhou Yu said.

Song Zhi shook his head, Wu Yun and Zhou Yu's answer is not right.

"This person is not in Nibelungen for the time being, but she has not seen her in the ink night."

Ink night boringly hugged his head: "It seems that I can't guess."

Zhou Yu’s eyes smashed and searched constantly in his mind. Who, especially the researchers, belonged to him and Wu Yun, but the ink night has not seen it?

"Dr. Cook."

"Dr. Cook!"

Zhou Yu and Wu Yun are the same.

When they were evacuated from the base for the last night attack, Dr. Cook was receiving them on the other side.

Song Zhi nodded and said: "In the many orphans cultivated and adopted by Mr. Eaton, only Dr. Cook grew up around Mr. Eaton. She is the most trusted person of Mr. Eaton and the only one that Eaton himself. The child's person. Dr. Cook used the spinal fluid left in my physical examination to create a drug that locks Song Song. Mr. Eaton regards it as the most valuable research result, with it... as a s-class creature Song Song is not uncontrollable."

“Juli Group will not hand over the spinal fluid locking technology to anyone, let alone you have not entered the core of Juli Group’s power. Then the person who uses my spinal fluid to lock the ink night is actually Dr. Cook. ?? Zhou Yu said.

Song Zhiqi started his lips and didn't know if this was the default or could not be answered.

The author has something to say: Mr. Eaton’s name comes from Eton College.

It is said that Hiroshi and the small freckles are all graduated from Eton College.