Laws of the Other World

Chapter 8: Magnetic field crossing

Zhou Yu turned around and saw Song Zhi. The other person is holding his arm and his face is very light.

"Mr. Song." Zhou Yu nodded. "You shouldn't come to see me off?"

"If I said that I really came to see you off? The world on the other side is wonderful, I look forward to your performance."

"Goodbye, Mr. Song."

After that, Zhou Yu went to the open hatch. When he entered, the first thing I saw was Zhou Qing.

The hair that had been shaved because of the craniotomy had grown out, and the whole person was as pale and sullen when he was not lying on the hospital bed.

At the moment I saw Zhou Yu, Zhou Qing’s eyes widened, and the eyes were full of fear.

Zhou Yu went directly to the seat next to Zhou Qing and sat down. The safety device is automatically pressed down to cover the Zhou Yu.

"You shouldn't come here. You have your own life." Zhou Qing's voice is not big, but his eyes are red. "It's very dangerous. I will die at any time, so I don't care about taking my own life, but how are you?" Can do the same..."

"You have what you want to do, and I have things I have to do."

Zhou Qing closed his eyes and his lips trembled: "I'm sorry... and thank you."

"Thank you for reluctantly accepting it. Sorry, I don't have to."

Zhou Yu’s line of sight swept through the entire shuttle cabin. He saw the young boy Li Qian, the battlefield doctor Han Li, and a brown-haired man about forty years old.

Zhou Yu searched online, he is the surgeon of the brain glioma of Zhou Qing, Daniel.

"Why didn't you see the engineer?" Zhou Yu whispered.

Li Qian was sitting on the opposite side of Zhou Yu. He pulled his lips and said helplessly: "Since the first class was scared by the guy who claimed to have no luck, he couldn’t sleep every night, and he became a god. I heard that I have depression and receive psychotherapy."

There is another possibility. He wants to leave the Juli Group but is "handled".

"A person who claims to be unlucky, are you talking about me?"

Lazy and slightly screaming, Li Qian raised his hand and grabbed his face, whispering a curse: "Mom, how can he be heard!"

Wu Yun came to Zhou Yu’s side and sat down: “Hello, I am your commander of the shuttle dispatch mission, Wu Yun. Any emergency situation, please be sure to strictly enforce my orders and follow my command. However, basically there are any problems in the process of shuttle, we can only listen to the fate, do not count on me. Who told me to be a lucky person?"

"What? There will be problems during the shuttle?" Han Li showed a surprised expression.

"Of course, there may be problems. It is like taking a plane from one country to another... If you encounter a thunder and lightning, or if the cabin door is not closed, then you have finished playing." Wu Yun’s eyes It is a smile of gloating.

Zhou Qing was nervous. Zhou Yu looked at him and looked at him: "Don't be afraid. There will be nothing."

"Yeah." Zhou Qing nodded.

They put on the headphones and the command center alerted them that the system is detecting magnetic field stability and receiving signals. Various safety factors have also been determined.

Their seats slowly fell and then floated.

This feeling of weightlessness is wonderful.

Zhou Yu was inexplicably nervous. He knew that once there was any problem, he could not save Zhou Qing.

Like the slingshot, their shuttle compartment was ejected.

After a sudden acceleration, Zhou Yu could not feel anything. His body seemed to be paralyzed. According to the truth, he should be nervous, but he could not hear his heartbeat, as if all biological characteristics were in It was still at the moment.

The shuttle compartment is closed and they don't even know what it is like to shuttle between magnetic fields.

Han Li prayed in her heart with her eyes closed.

Li Qian, on the other hand, squinted his eyes and regarded every second as the last second of his life.

However, Zhou Qing did not respond at all, and seemed to fall asleep. This made Zhou Yu very nervous, but they were all fixed and could not move. Zhou Yu could not touch Zhou Qing.

"Don't be nervous. Before entering the shuttle cabin, I took some sedatives for Professor Zhou to reduce the activity of his brain and thus reduce the impact of two magnetic fields on his brain." Daniel said.

Zhou Yu just let go of his heart: "Thank you."

"You're welcome. I have two responsibilities for this mission. The first responsibility is to conduct a brain disease study, and the other is to be the attending doctor of Professor Zhou. Before his arrival, his glioma growth rate has been Controlled. If he arrives in Nibelungen and his glioma begins to grow again, I will perform a second removal surgery for him."

Zhou Yu was awkward. Is this the arrangement of Song Zhi? It’s too "intimate", right?

"Hey, Zhou Yu, do you know who team you will be assigned to after arriving in Nibelungen?" Wu Yun is probably too boring, and chats with Zhou Yu. "Your." Zhou Yu replied.


"Because you said that you are not very lucky. I guess your subordinates should all die there. You need a teammate." Zhou Yu replied.

"You are really not cute." Wu Yun replied, "But my team is only you and me, is it a bit bleak?"

"This is very good. If you are dead, I only need to avenge you, the pressure and responsibility are relatively small." Zhou Yu replied.

"Well, you are not only not cute, but also quite annoying."

Zhou Yugang wanted to say "thank you for complimenting", and the original stable shuttle suddenly violently oscillated.

Han Li screamed loudly, and Li Qian was stupid. They want to catch something, but they can't catch anything in suspension.

Immediately after the darkness came, Zhou Yu lost consciousness.

I don't know how long the time has passed. Zhou Yu’s head hurts a lot, and the sound of the humming sound is constantly coming. He struggled to cover his head and sat up.

Focusing on the line of sight, he saw Zhou Qing fall to his side. He immediately reached out and touched Zhou Qing's neck and found his pulse to be stable. Li Qian and Han Li fell to the other side. There was some blood stain on the forehead of Han Li. It should be when the magnetic field stopped working. She fell from the suspended state and hit the forehead. Fortunately, the safety device is still there, otherwise she is sure that her head is blooming.

At this time, Dr. Daniel, who passed out, climbed up. He shook his head: "What?"

"I don't know. And... Wu Yun is gone." Zhou Yu said.

Dr. Daniel clenched his fist and knocked his forehead: "He can't disappear from the air. The shuttle ship didn't disintegrate in the magnetic field... there is only one possibility, Wu Yun went out."

Zhou Yu nodded and came to the door, trying to pull the door open.

At the moment when the hatch opened a gap, Zhou Yu suddenly closed the door again.

"What's wrong?" Dr. Daniel asked suspiciously. "What did you see?"

"Perry Winter." Zhou Yu replied.

"What...Perry Winter? So we are now in Nibelungen?" Daniel asked.

"should be."

"Is the destination of the shuttle ship not the research base of Juli Group?"

"The base... seems to have been completely destroyed. I saw the wreckage of the building, and the bodies of some people."

In the end what happened? They just arrived here, the base was destroyed?

If Wu Yun is waking up earlier than them, then where did he go? Why are you leaving them here?

"Are you afraid? Dr. Daniel?" Zhou Yu sat by the door.

"Is Perry Winter outside? You think I haven't trained, don't you know what Perry Winter is?"

"Do you know that you can't be afraid?" Zhou Yu told Daniel after closing the door that he did not want the hormones emitted by his fear to be felt by Perry Winter outside.

"I know. But do you think anyone can do it? Do you know why people are afraid? When you are scared, the adrenal glands will be arrogant, and you can do everything you can to save yourself! This is our human biological instinct!"

"I need to go out. The circuit in the shuttle cabin has stopped. We can't contact the other person. If we have been trapped here, we will suffocate and we can't find a solution. And I don't know Wu Yun." Where is it, there is no possibility of coming back."

"You are going out? Are you crazy?" Daniel showed an incredible expression.

"Yes, I want to go out. I am better at taking action than passive waiting. Dr. Daniel, Zhou Qing is very important to me. You are also very important to me. Now Zhou Qing, Han Li and Li Modest is in an unconscious state. This is good, even if I open the door, they will not fear, and will not become the goal of Perry Winter. So I need you to calm down."

Daniel took a breath: "I... I don't know how to do it..."

"When you are doing surgery, you should have met a moment of millennium? With the slightest deviation, your patient will die."

"The surgery is not the same as it is now." Daniel hugged his face. "God, why should I wake up!"

"The operation is the same as now. You can calmly withdraw your feelings at that moment, and you can do it now. I need you to take care of Zhou Qing for me. You can't die." Zhou Yu said.

Daniel swallowed: "Well, you give me time..."

Only heard a bang, Zhou Yu turned back and turned, Daniel's heart lifted the moment, the door was slammed shut.

Daniel's eyes widened, and the speed of this Zhou Yu is too fast, right?

He has not had time to fear, Zhou Yu has already left?

And he is not afraid of Perry Winter outside? If he died outside?