Laws of the Other World

Chapter 96: Death of Turin

The ink night looked at Zhou Yu like this, slowly put away his smile.

"You can do it. Push your strength into the gaps in the cells, and then smash them all apart. You have my strength. You are far stronger than all of them."

Seeing that the group of devil vines are getting closer and closer, Zhou Yu’s eyes are congested like a crack.

"Don't suppress it any more, release yourself." The voice of the night of the night carries a tempting temptation.

Zhou Yu felt that there was a line of defense break in his mind, as if the force of deep lock in the bottom of his heart was sprayed out, and the devil vine in front of him burst open.

The sound of the sound seemed to come from the depths of the soul.

Zhou Yu’s body is subconsciously shaking.

This is the first time he destroyed a creature without any contact. For the first time, Zhou Yu felt that she was actually terrible.

But the ink night hugged him.

"Listen, this is not a killing! This is release - your concerns and the bottom line are too many, bound yourself, and limit your ability!"

The sound of the ink night is the most necessary identification of Zhou Yu.

The power of Zhou Yu broke through the **** and generally flew out, quickly infiltrating into the devil vines that are constantly close to them.

It's like a fireworks show without fire.

For the first time, Zhou Yu felt what it was called freedom.

His mind walked through obstacles one after another, instantly breaking through and rushing into the distance.

For ten seconds, these devil vines have been destroyed.

Zhou Yu took a breath and returned to God. He could not sense the existence of these devil vines. He really wiped them out.

"I really want to go to you now." In the night, he said half-jokingly.

Starlight fell between his eyes, Zhou Yu did not know whether the ink night is how beautiful and **** he is in his eyes.

In the night, the ink lifted his finger and passed over Zhou Yu’s cheek, and the tip of the hair slipped from the tip of his finger.

At the moment when the mood was moved, Zhou Yu suddenly realized what it was.

"Not good! Turin went to the bottom of the lake!" Zhou Yu suddenly got up.

The ink night followed Zhou Yu and jumped into the lake.

At this time, Zhou Qing was groping at the bottom of the lake. He sensed something as if he was whispering in his ear. Zhou Qingshun feels the deeper and deeper.

As if there was something dragging on himself, Zhou Qing saw a crack in the bottom of the lake. The crack was deep, as if straight into the heart.

Zhou Qing entered the gap and instantly felt the feeling of being swallowed.

But what he didn't think of was that through this gap, he was sent to another space by the water.

This is the cave at the bottom of the lake. Zhou Qing climbed out of the water and breathed oxygen.

There is no light here, but all the holes are faintly glowing with pale golden light. Zhou Qing will cover it with his hands, only to understand that he is inside the wreck of Imir, another cave at the bottom of the lake, and part of the roots of Imir. .

The heart of Zhou Qing jumped up at that moment.

Imir seems to have collapsed, but he still has a part that has not died!

Supporting a huge body is a heavy burden. Since it is not so good to discard unwanted parts, leave the most important!

Zhou Qing opened his arms and put it on the wall of the cave, sticking his face on it.

He seems to be able to sense the beating of the heart of Imir, the conduction of nerves, and even his temperature.

"Fortunately... you are still waiting for me."

Zhou Qing took out the sampler, scraped the inside of the cave, closed the sampler, and placed it in the backpack on the back.

At that moment, Zhou Qing realized what he had turned around and saw that Turin stood not far away.

"It’s a moving reunion!" Turin smirked his face with a mocking smile.

There was a burst of coolness in Zhou Qing’s heart: "How come you are here?"

At this time, Zhou Yu and Mo Ye also came to the cave.

"He has always suspected that Imir is not dead, but he has not found evidence that Imil is alive, so he follows us." In the night, Mok coldly hugged his arms and stared at Turin.

To be honest, the ink night has never been particularly annoying, but Turin is one of the very few. He is like an undead cockroach, always coming out to brush the sense of existence when he is least needed.

Zhou Yu snorted: "It's not just tracking. Now it may be Nibelung's only creature with s-level ability that is not locked. But if Imir is cured, it is different, he wants The ambition to be king in Nibelungen cannot be realized."

"Zhou Yu... I know that you are now enjoying the ability to become a s-class creature more and more, and know that I am not your opponent alone. But are you sure you want to solve me here?"

Turin stretched out his hand and covered it on the wall. In an instant, the wall of the cave cracked a large piece.

"What do you want to do!" Zhou Qing was desperate to go forward, but was smashed back by Zhou Yu.

Turin is so arrogant, it is obviously the power of shackles.

And the purpose of this time must be to completely destroy Imir!

The cracks on the wall are getting bigger and bigger, even spreading over their heads.

Zhou Qing immediately pulled Rong Gun out of his gun and pointed it at Turin. He was caught by Zhou Yu at the moment he wanted to pull the trigger.

"If you escape after Turing, you will hit Imir!"

Zhou Qing’s heart trembled and had to take back the gun, but I didn’t expect Turin to take out his gun with a smile and watch it pop up at the top.

At that moment, his fingers were frozen!

It was Zhou Qing who couldn't bear it anymore. He released his own strength and rushed into Turin's body, temporarily suppressing Turin's body.

Turin clenched his teeth and Zhou Qing’s strength confrontation. Zhou Qing loosened his hand, and a seed fell into the water and sprouted quickly. The slender plant slammed out of the water like a sharp blade and penetrated the fingers of Turin. The gun fell like this.

"Oh..." Turin didn't think that Zhou Qing had such ability. Although the wound was healing, the pain caused the hatred in his heart.

Zhou Qing did not know how to control his ability to strangle Turin, but he was used by Turin as a medium to use his own power to fight back.

Zhou Qing only felt that the skull seemed to be bursting open, and he concentrated on resisting.

He felt that the aggressive force of the cockroaches infiltrated his cells and continually smashed the cells that shattered his body.

His face was white and he was going to fall to the side, but he was supported by Zhou Yu.

From Zhou Qing’s attempt to kill Tulin to the beggars, everything was only a moment.

"Zhou Qing!"

"Kill him... kill him!" Zhou Qing clasped Zhou Yu's wrist.

Turin’s lips twitched: "You got the power of Imir."

At that moment, the forces invading Zhou Qing’s mind doubled in shock, Zhou Qing had to use his own ability to suppress.

The arrogance and power of the cockroach will completely suppress Zhou Qing.

Seeing that Zhou Qing is going to be destroyed by the shackles, Zhou Yu understands that he must kill Turin, otherwise he will kill Zhou Qing who inherits the power of Imir.

Ink night is about to use his own power to save Zhou Qing, but Zhou Yu has buckled the wrist of the ink night and sent his power into Turin's body. The ink night suddenly understood the meaning of Zhou Yu. Zhou Yu needs ink night to use his most powerful power in the most critical time.

Zhou Yu's power is like a rushing flood, condensing, and rushing into the cells of Turin, spreading rapidly, and the fierce competition began.

The two forces collided violently between the cells of Turin. Zhou Yu wanted to rush out and break through the limitations of Turin's body, but he blocked him.

Zhou Yu’s cold sweat fell on the forehead, and he stared at Turin.

His power surged with a firm attachment, and Turin's body became the battlefield of this invisible battle.

Only Turin can feel the mutual crushing and impact of the two powerful forces in his body, like countless explosions, and he may be completely destroyed in a moment.

Turin felt the fear for the first time.

The power of blasphemy seems to be no longer the absolute existence.

The bursting feeling of Zhou Qing’s brain finally eased. He took a deep breath, his eyes glanced, his strength extended again, and he joined Zhou Yu with the battle.

Turin’s eyes were red, and he rushed to Zhou Qing, but Zhou Yu, who was guarded by Zhou Qing, punched his chest. Turin fell on the wall, Turin fell, and he could still act, indicating that the power of the dragon had not been completely suppressed.

Turin smiled coldly: "Is your strength just that?"

His voice is cold, as if from a height overlooking all beings, the air in his ear seems to be frozen.

It was not the voice of Turin, but the voice of the cymbal.

He has completely controlled his body, just like when he faced the death dahlia, and the ink night entered the body of Zhou Yu.

Turin suddenly rushed to the direction of Zhou Qing, his speed is faster than Zhou Yu's imagination.

His fingers were about to buckle on the neck of Zhou Qing, and Zhou Yu lifted his legs and kicked, but Turin suddenly changed direction and hit the ink night.

In less than this second, the world of ink night is like a static. He raised his hand and blocked the attack of Turin. He slammed him to the ground and then raised his knee. The spine of the top cracked Turin. At the same time, the space above their heads trembled fiercely.

The cracked part of the original cracked down.

Turin looked up at the ink night, suddenly holding the wrist of the ink night, and a reverse twist off the control of the ink night.

"It’s going to collapse here." Turin... or it should be said that the smile on the lips is deeper.

Hey, he doesn't care about Zhou Yu. Will they kill Turin? He just wants to take advantage of this opportunity to completely destroy Imir.

The cockroach was completely let go. At that moment, the cells in the body of Turin were constantly destroyed by Zhou Yu and Zhou Qing. He trembled and watched his finger muscles split open and even revealed the forest bones, but at the same time could not stop 谛昕Attack Imir.

It seems as if I am racing against time. I saw that Immersed Imir first, or Zhou Yu and Zhou Qing first killed Turin.

Ink night suddenly said: "Zhou Qing! Protect Imir! I am dealing with Zhou Yu!"

Zhou Qing immediately withdrew from Turin's body and merged into Imir.

He felt that a huge amount of energy was breaking down Imir.

This is the power of blasphemy. What they felt in Turin just now is only part of it. The force that he infiltrated into Imir was swallowing the cells that Imir was still alive at a very fast speed. Even if the power of Zhou Qing was injected, it would be like a car.

The ink night no longer intends to retain his ability, rushing into Turin's body in one breath, interweaving with the power of Zhou Yu, blending into a powerful force, madly moving in Turin's body, blocking all obstacles in front of them. All things are destroyed.

In the event of God killing God, encounter Buddha to kill Buddha.

Break through all the limitations and constraints, and break through the limits.

"Ah--" Turin made a painful sorrow. He fell to the ground. His eyes were bleeding with blood. His broken cells were too late to be repaired and crushed by the power of the ink night and Zhou Yu.

He constantly pleaded for the rescue of himself, although he also resisted Zhou Yu and the ink night with partial strength, but he did not protect Turin at all. He can see that the blood vessels in his own have burst open, the blood is flowing out, and the bones become extremely fragile.

Zhou Yu and Mo Ye night slammed into the depths of Turin's brain, but the last level was shackled.

On the original lazy face of the ink night, he showed a sharp expression. He stung in and desperately. Tulin embraced his head and felt his nerves were breaking. The perception of the world became increasingly blurred, as if he was imprisoned. Another space is average.

His heartbeat is heavy, breathing seems to be contained in the throat, and even the energy of thinking is being deprived.

At the same time, Zhou Qing is under tremendous pressure.

Not only did he break down the Imir, but even infiltrated into Zhou Qing’s body, he swallowed his cells.

For Yu, Zhou Qing, as the successor of Imir's ability, will inevitably become a powerful threat once he grows up. So I want to solve Zhou Qing together.

Zhou Qing clenched his teeth and continued to resist. For the first time, he hated his weakness and was vulnerable to it.

The power of cockroaches went deep into his brain. Zhou Qing felt the tremor of the brain. He looked at Zhou Yu and the night of the ink, knowing that they would kill Turin. At this time, they must not be distracted.

At this time, the top of the head was completely split and the lake was poured in.

At first it was just a glimpse of the trickle, and then it spewed in with great force. The water surface rose very fast and quickly drowned Turin and Zhou Yu.

The top of the cave collapsed completely. Such pressure, if not the ability to have s-class creatures, Zhou Yu suspected that he would die.

Ink night traveled over and hugged Zhou Yu, pointing to the place where they sneaked into it.

Zhou Yu would like to know that Zhou Qing was pulled in the past, only to find that Zhou Qing is not good.

His eyes are covered with bloodshot eyes, and if he continues, he will bleed.

Zhou Yu immediately hugged him and took him away.

They went upstream, and after they got on the shore, they discovered that the lake was spirally filled into the hole.

"Tulin?...Where is Turin..." Zhou Qing swayed and stared at the whirlpool. He did not forget how he tried to destroy Imir.

After the battle of the past, the ink night was quite exhausted, but he still used his own strength to find Turin.

"He didn't die... still..."

The words of the ink night have not been finished yet. I saw an El Niño aquatic dragon in the sky swooping down and slamming into the water, and even took Turin out of the water and brought a large splash of water. The thought of the ink night immediately caught up with the aquatic dragon and forced it to fall.

Zhou Yu did not say a word, and once again sent his power into Turin's mind. He was once again connected with the squad, and the game of power was on the verge.

In the night of the ink came to Turin, and he did not say a word and a fist on his face.

Turin was **** and coughed up.

At this time, he is only a body, fragile.

The ink night did not intend to let him go, but took out the gun at the waist and pointed it at Turin's head. He just wanted to shoot, the brain trembled, and it hurt like a crack, sharp tinnitus. Straight into the depths of the brain.

"Ah--" Ink night had to hold his head.

Zhou Yu immediately understood what was going on, and he entered the brain of the night to protect him, which also distracted him from the energy of the battle.

And Zhou Qing felt that the presence of Imir was getting weaker.

No... He must not let Imir disappear again!

Zhou Qing gave up everything, not how to break down himself. He pushed his power back into the roots of Imir and resisted the invasion.

Seeing that Zhou Qing’s eyes began to ooze blood, the brains of the ink night were attacked by shackles. Zhou Yu took a gun from the ink night and pointed it at Turin’s head.

"Oh--" After a shot, Zhou Yu thought that everything would end, but he did not expect that Zhou Qing's bleeding still did not stop, and the eyes of the ink night did not have a focal length, it seems to still sink into another world.

"The body of the cockroach is not Turin!"

Zhou Yu’s heart was tight, and he immediately released his power and covered the area in an instant.

Every leaf is fallen, and each of the most threatening creatures, Zhou Yu has not let go.

The part of Imir's survival is getting smaller and smaller, and he will die completely if he goes on like this.

Where is it?

Where is he?

Zhou Yu is desperately searching, but he is hiding very well.

Under such circumstances, Zhou Yu had to give up the search and instead put all his energy into the protection of Imir.

Calm, Zhou Yu!

Zhou Yu’s back has already had a cold sweat.

The ink night buckled Zhou Yu’s finger and whispered: “Let's come together... again.”

"You can……"

"What will I do? You can borrow other media, but I own you... Is there any medium in Nibelungen that is stronger than you?"

Although the body of the ink night is locked, his body cells can not withstand the release of his own strength, but Zhou Yu's body is different, which can greatly reduce the burden of ink night.

"Okay, let's be together."

Zhou Yu showed a firm look.

In the night, Mokou smiled and hugged Zhou Yu’s shoulder from behind. He attached it to his ear and said, “It’s so handsome and foul... I can’t force you now.”

Just when Zhou Yu wanted to raise his hand and go back to the head of the ink night, the power of the ink night was wrapped around Zhou Yu’s nerves.

Zhou Yu did not have the slightest resistance, letting the ink night enter his limbs and filling up every cell of his body. The sense of oppression and exhaustion that he brought to him before was swept away.

The power of the two rushed out.

Zhou Yu did not think that the power of combining himself with the ink night would increase exponentially.

It is like a frenzy from the top of the sky. It slams down from the height of 10,000 meters and crashes into the lake. It instantly reaches the bottom of the lake and penetrates into the roots of Imir.

谛昕 violently reversed, hitting Zhou Yu’s nerves, but Zhou Yu protected his brain. He didn’t care how he hurt his body cells, and he didn’t care about the pain that was split. He was just with the night. Together, madly impacting the power of the cockroach, constantly pushing him out of Imir's body.

This is a vast force, with the momentum of no hesitation, to support the collapse of Imir.

Zhou Yu felt that she had never been so refreshed, he didn't even want to stop. The sense of accomplishment that goes hand in hand with the ink night, and the sense of accomplishment that constantly breaks through the bondage, makes every cell tremble with excitement.

He seems to ride on the war horse, flew past the battlefield, sweeping the army!

Feeling the anger of jealousy, Zhou Yu pulled up his lips.

You are not the only powerful existence of Nibelungen!

Like Zhou Yu, Mok Night also enjoys the thrill of crushing strong enemies.

At the most thrilling moment, the two men joined forces to knock out the Imir.

The lake is like a boiling water, splashing in all directions at a certain moment, forming a ring of huge water wall, straight into the sky!

Zhou Yu stepped back, and the ink night next to him would fall back and fall, but he was hugged by Zhou Yu.

The water wall fell back in all directions and fell into the soil.

The original deep water almost bottomed out.

However, Zhou Yu and Mo Ye did not stop here. The torrents they formed flooded into the distance, and they continued to extend with all living things. They chased the power of the scorpion, crossed the mountains, and ran, and became more powerful. Sweeping over the glacier and reaching the brain.

The strength of that moment is unparalleled, as if to destroy everything in this world.

I was so isolated from the moment, despite such a long distance, Zhou Yu and the ink night gave him a heavy blow.谛昕 This attack has bounced back strongly, and Nibelungen’s creatures have almost been affected, the trees are dumped, and the creatures fly away.