League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1007: Metamorphosis of the Alliance Foundati

His outfit did not dare to attack too fast, fearing that he could not control it well because he attacked quickly and failed directly. Bayi Chinese network W ★ wW ★. ★8√1z★W.くCoM

So after attacking around 1.7, he started!

Under the gaze of everyone, including Ye Che, the old man right mouse button, the ice bow and arrow, directly aimed at the first soldier.

"call out!"

Then I heard the air screaming, and the ice arrow of the ice had already hit the first soldier. The blood of this soldier suddenly fell.

Looking at this scene, Ye Che's heart moved slightly.

This drill III old man has more than two hundred attacks, but he can only shoot a small amount of blood. Obviously, this mechanism is to prevent the former soldier from dying, so as not to reduce the difficulty.

At this point, the old man's eyes are dignified, controlling the ice shooter and turning to the second soldier, "Hey!"

Hit again! ! !

"it is good!"

Seeing this scene, a few people next to them were slightly excited.

Then, the fourth arrow, the fifth arrow, until the seventh arrow, the old man's cheek, unconsciously already covered with sweat.

The pupil is also reduced to the extreme.

At this moment, his mind is fully focused on the extreme. No way, the small soldiers are too dense. If one does not pay attention, the bow and arrow will shoot. Once they are not shot in order, they will fail instantly!

"call out!"

Eighth arrow!

However, the eighth arrow just shot, the face of the old man appeared a bitter color, he obviously, what has been expected.

"call out!"

The eighth arrow hits accurately, however, the hit is the tenth small soldier in the horizontal direction.

"The challenge failed! Cool down, half an hour!"


The light curtain in front of the old man of Drill III was instantly darkened, and the mouse and keyboard disappeared directly.

"This... this is the eighth soldier, it has failed, Nima, too abnormal!"

The rest of the people, including the women in red, were stunned.

"Hey, Drill III, it’s just the eighth soldier. If he is wearing a helmet, he is expected to shoot forty or fifty soldiers. However, this test is a keyboard and mouse!"

The national character face is big, and the eyes are smug.

Even Diamond III, only shot to the eighth soldier, not to mention the kid has just advanced to drill IV.

Jian Qingyang's brow wrinkled and felt difficult.

Because this is just the first test.

"The challenge failed!"

"Challenging failure!!!"

"The challenge failed..."

Then, after seven consecutive sounds, the remaining seven people, all shot to the fifth and sixth soldier, failed.

Even more ridiculous is that one of them, when shooting the first soldier, he shot, so that he wants to cry and tears.

Ye Che saw this scene slowly shaking his head, but he understood them somewhat.

First, nature is the complete lack of equipment.

Second, it is the mechanism of the times. In this era, there is no custom, and naturally there is no opportunity for them to practice infinitely.

To make up the knife, we can only make progress in actual combat, so there is no targeted training. Once such a difficult and precise attack is made, they are extremely difficult to do.

However, Ye Che is different. In order to accurately use the adc to hit the enemy hero who wants to hit under the siege of four or five enemy heroes, this kind of knife-filling practice is already inevitable for Ye Che after the end of daily training. Things.

"So... this will start!"

Ye Che took a light breath and saw the eight people sighing back to the pit and looking at themselves. Ye Che’s hands could not help but slowly lift up, holding one hand on the mouse, one hand, and pulling it on the keyboard.

"Well, this position, a little meaning?"

Wang Hao saw Ye Che's movements, slightly unexpected.

"Good standard action, is it, where did he touch the keyboard and mouse before?"

Konjac also has some doubts.

"It is estimated that in the ancient ruins, some ancient ruins are the wreckage of some keyboard and mouse, and he obviously touched it."

The chaos has explained.

"Well, it should be."

Everyone else nodded.

At the same time, as Ye Che's hands fell on the keyboard and mouse, everyone was quiet.

The eight people on the pit, including the women in red, were all silent, staring at Ye Che.

Ye Che is in the first level, is the first place, they naturally want to see, the genius of the leading level of power, in this test, to what extent.

"Forty soldiers! No more!!"

"Forty? Oh, I think 30 is almost the same. You know, the equipment he wears is not a British soul helmet, and he is not familiar at all!"

"It's a good thing, even if he is the first in the first level, but his strength is only drilling IV, even if the hidden card is strong enough, even I can only hit the eighth soldier, I will Strong and strong where to go!?"

A few people whispered a lot of talks, their voices did not dare to say big, for fear that after Ye Che’s test failed, they would anger their anger on them.

However, the discourse clearly passed the test on Ye Che, and he did not think about it at all.

"Look, he started to choose a hero to buy equipment!"

Someone reminded that, quickly, everyone’s attention was concentrated.

"Oh... can't waste too much time..."

Ye Che's eyes flowed, and then randomly ordered an adnetbsp; "random point?"

Everyone has a look.

Still not responding, I saw Ye Che crazy purchase of attack equipment, green fork, green fork, green fork, green fork, green fork, green fork!

In an instant, there are six green forks, bought in the hands!

Attack degree, directly reached the full value, 2.5!

The 2.5 attack, which means that within 2.5 seconds, it can hit 2.5 attacks, 2 seconds, it is enough to attack 5 times!

"My day, this kid is crazy!?"

"Rely on, 2.5 attack, this guy, do you want to force it!!!"

The nine people on the pit were dull.

Outside the king's field, the public looked at each other and only felt that the mouth was a little twitching.

This kid is too big!

In this kind of test, obviously, the faster the attack, the more difficult it is!

If it is not a time limit of 8o seconds, I am afraid that everyone would rather lower the attack to the lowest level, so that no mistakes will occur!

However, the young man wearing a mask in front of him has made the attack to a full value! ?

They were still stunned, but the next second, the scene that caused their eyes to almost fall to the ground, appeared.

I saw the mask youth in the crystal pit, and the random adc penalty arrow was just appeared in front of the soldier, and it rioted in an instant.


When everyone saw a flower in front of them, they saw the bow and arrow in the hand of the disciplinary arrow begin to bend wildly, and the sword in the hand burst out like a tide.

Almost three seconds less, the top ten soldiers on the body, there are countless blood flowers, burst out, flying from the air.