League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1051: My savior

"Knife Qing Cang I warn you, this little beast has stolen the hero of my boxing hero. The importance of this matter is presumably the most clear to you! Usually it will be, but you dare to go with me on this matter, wait until the owner Come back, you can't afford the consequences!!!"

The ancient cold and cold road of the boxing, but the bottom of my heart is anxiously anxious, because this time there is not only the knife and the other forces of the heroic metropolitan area, but also appeared. (8) (1) Chinese "Net WwΩW.ん81.Zw. COM

The level of power within the heroic city, the usual situation is like water and fire.

The reason is very simple. Many young geniuses in the major clan have to go to the front line to experience the resources of warfare and various relics.

In this case, there will be frictional conflicts. If any genius is jointly attacked and killed, or if it is deadly, it will be hated by the genius clan.

Even for the big picture, there will be no fighting, but the genius of the parents and elders must be remembered in this heart.

In this way, for a long time, the envy and grievances have accumulated, so these levels of clan do not feel anything on the facade, but when there is an opportunity, they will suppress each other.

At this time, the hero of the boxer’s hero was stolen, which is obviously an excellent opportunity to suppress!

"No, no, you misunderstood, I haven't been with you. I just came to meet my savior, and asked him to go to my knife house."

Knife Qing faint smile, then his eyes fell on his face, very pale, and smiled: "You are the **** of the world, the original holy world, thank you for your last righteousness, my child survived. ”

Not only him, but the other two are also smiling at Ye Che.


The fist is a glimpse, and in the mind, the name is instantly clear.

It’s not clear, because the boxer’s people have also gone to the holy forest world, and even the boxing day has gone, how can he not know.

But after returning, a name, instantly spread in the high-level with the thunder, the name is clear.

The information naturally also shocked him. After knowing the insider, he also sighed a little, but nevertheless, this is not the reason why this **** can steal the hero god!

"Zhao Xiu, Yu Yulin, don't tell me, the two of you are also benefited by this clear god!"

The fist said with a calm face.

"Bingo, right, we are here, I just want to thank this little brother."

Zhao Xiu shrugged. He looked like a knife, but he was in his early forties, but his real age is over 60. However, they are very young in Van.

The other Yu Yanlin is an old woman. Younger looks much bigger than Zhao Xiu and Knife, and belongs to the old batch.

"You really want to protect this kid!?"

The attitude of the ancient fists suddenly condensed.

"How, labor and management, thank you for your savior!"

Knife Qing Cang Yin Yang said strangely, but the discerning eye knows that this is already open to confront the boxer.

In the heroic city, the situation of the four major clan is like a fire, the hero of the boxing hero is lost, and the power of the heroic idol can no longer be borrowed. Therefore, the remarks of Knife Qing have begun to be somewhat unscrupulous.

Only when the four were still in the air, Ye Che was a face-changing face. At this moment, he only felt that the internal organs began to burn.

He knew that the sequelae of borrowing the power of heroes began.

"Three, block him for me, I will thank you every day!"

Ye Che’s voice said with a casual pain. When he finished, the whole body turned into a phantom, and rushed to the outside of the boxer.

"Little beast!"

When the ancient eyes of the boxing are cold, they must block Ye Che.

However, Knife Qing, Zhao Xiu and Yu Yulin were swaying in front of the boxing ancient.

"The ancient master, I heard that your skill in blindly slamming the dragon's tail seems to go one step further. Would you like to discuss it?"

Knife Qing smiled, he is now without any scruples, the heroic image of the boxer is lost, the defeat is a matter of time, the original he was indeed not the opponent of the old generation of all-fashion, but now he can borrow the power of the hero god, punch Ancient can't.

In this way, the outcome is hard to say.


An old face of the ancient fist, a sturdy iron blue, looking at the killing in the eyes of the three, like the essence.

However, he did not dare to take the shot and lost the heroic image. He was completely unsure of the breakthrough from the knife-carrying Zhao Xiu and the three of Yu Yulin.

"Well, wait until my boxer returns, you will know the consequences!"

Boxing said, Wu Qing's face, angered and rushed toward the inside of the boxer.

"This old guy is going to subpoena to the front line."

Knife Qing smiled and looked at the ancient wolf like a fist. He was refreshed and clear. He obviously had a big hatred with the boxer.

"Let him pass, it takes at least a day to get from the front line. At that time, the gods don't know where to go."

Zhao Xiu interface.

"It is strange to say that, then a hero statue, and a godpower to protect you, how is this kid stolen?" Knife Qing's face reveals doubtful color.

Looking in the direction that Ye Che walked away, there was a slight change in his eyes.

But that's it, because there is a hidden rule in the heroic city, that is the level clan, at most there can be only one hero statue, this is the official in order to maintain the balance of power.

Otherwise, even if Ye Che has a life-saving grace for his son, he can't just let Ye Che leave with a heroic statue.

Zhao Xiu and Yu Yulin naturally have the same idea. Although they are very excited about the heroic image in Ye Che’s hands, they just think about it.

"The two have been dispersed, and the boxing is true. When the boxer returns, the ending of the matter is not something we can control. This time, helping him is also a matter of righteousness. It is."

Knife Qing Cang said, not a salty look at Zhao Xiu and Yu Yulin, their three clan, each other is not right, so after the end, Knife Cang will leave the boxer.

After Zhao Xiu and Yu Yulin’s cold look, they left the place.

Seeing the turn of things like this, those who have been Ye Hui's favor are all relieved, and then the faces are full of excitement, just the one who has just picked up the boxer and started to discuss each other with great interest. .

"Haha, I know the gods. In the world of the Holy Forest, he was able to sweep the existence of hundreds of millions of people!"

"It's a good thing to say, what is the boxing history, what is the boxer's stuff, and the clear **** is also what they can handle!?"

"The heroic **** is taken away by the clear god, this time the boxer is going to cry."