League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1079: Juggernaut brother

"Jokes, as long as it is not a fool, you know what it is, I am killing Quantian, under the protection of seven masters!"

Ye Che directly ignored the strength and identity of the strongest king of the boxing, and sneered. (8) (1) Chinese website Ww%W. %81.Zw. COM

He dares to say that naturally, he is emboldened. Obviously, the domain emperor is on his side.

"Bold! Ignorant children, dare to speak out to the ancestors, ancestors, I suggest to kill this little animal on the ground!" The seven who were defeated by the domain emperor, heard the words of Ye Che After that, drink one by one.

The domain faintly glanced at them and said: "It seems that you have recovered well..."

The sound did not have any emotional ups and downs, but it made the seven players of the boxer jump a lot. They knew that the domain emperor was already very dissatisfied with himself and others.

At this time, after the fists were heard, Ye Che’s words were not angry.

After all, in his heart, this Ye Che is in the league, but the character who has been able to compare with the king, he naturally will not be easily angry.

"That said, this incident is a misunderstanding. My boxer is just a patriot." Boxing Weiyang did not want to let this matter continue to spread, and personally wanted to break it.

At this time, the voice of the domain emperor also fell in Ye Che's ear, said: "Everyone understands what is going on, but Quantian is the master of the boxing. After no evidence, I can't How is he, and the seven people, who have been wounded by me, have not recovered for ten days and a half, and you have not been injured, forget it."

"Forget it? The keeper of the labor force worth more than one billion is so ruined, forget it??"

Ye Che did not answer, and his gaze was swept away in the boxing of Tian Tianheng and the seven people, and his heart sneered.

Before in the two mountains, this boxing Tian Heng almost wanted the entire East including his own life, he now only slightly abused his relatives in the League of Legends, this shredded immediately retaliated, forget? I am afraid, even if I forget it, then Quantian will continue to retaliate again and again.

Can I escape once and twice and desperately, can I escape three times and four times?

This point, even Ye Che can not guarantee.

Therefore, Ye Che is absolutely impossible!


I saw that Ye Che was not daring to open his fists, and the fists of Tian Heng’s face flashed a strange smile.

This is a distorted smile. Not long ago, this leaf was still able to be killed by his wave. Now, he has fallen to the point where he can be killed by waving.

This extreme imbalance made his heart slightly distorted.

"Boxing, come over!"

Boxing is a strange smile and said to 6 Yao, the tone is full of confidence.

What if the little beast took 6 Yao? This 6 Yao has her own breath on the demon nucleus used in the chaotic forbidden land. She is only familiar with herself. As long as she shouts, she will come over.

The boxer knows the affair of the matter, and the people like Boxing and others are also smiling strangely.

However, the scene that shocked them appeared. I saw that the 6 Yao, it seems that there is no reaction to the words of Quantian, but instead, looking up at the leaves with a slight look.

At the end of the boxing day, the heart snorted, and then quickly increased the tone, once again shouted: "Chu Yao, you give me over!!!"

However, the situation has not changed at all, 6 Yao, completely ignored his meaning.

Suddenly, a bad foreboding, rising from the bottom of the boxing heart.

"Small beast, what kind of demon method did you give her!!!" Boxing Tianheng sullenly smirked at Ye Che.

Ye Che did not look at him at all. He turned his head and looked at the 6 Yao, whose temperament changed greatly. He said: "You call 6 Yao, do you remember?"

"6 Yao?"

6 Yao pale gold eyes, flashed a trace of doubt.

"Yes, you are 6 Yao, Dongyu, the normal class of the War College, the 6 Yao of the seven classes, not what is the dog's fart!" Ye Che's voice is soft, looking at 6 Yao seriously said.

"6 Yao...6 Yao..." 6 Yao listened to Ye Che's words, bowed his head and whispered a few times, then suddenly looked up, and the pale golden scorpion passed a strange brilliance, then the face solemnly said: "Well, I believe in you, my name is 6 Yao, not called Quan Yao!"

"The trough!!!"

At this moment, Chen Tian’s heart suddenly burst into a thick mouth, and it was completely unclear what the situation was.

The memory of the 6 Yao Mingming has been suppressed by the memory of the inheritance. It should be completely unknown to the little beast. How suddenly he listened to him, even because he directly denied the name he had given her!

For a time, Quantian’s grievances vomited blood.

"Little girl, why do you believe him so much?"

At this moment, the fist was suddenly open to smile.

Only a scene that made him extremely incomprehensible, 6 Yao did not respond to his words, even the eyelids did not blink, just kept watching Ye Che.

At this moment, even if it is a domain emperor, I can't help but smile at the bottom of my heart. How long have I not seen the fists?

Looking at the fist is not slightly sloppy, Ye Che is naturally very cool, but he also wants to know, 6 Yao why in the case of memory is suppressed, but also know himself, they also asked: "6 Yao, you know me ?"

"Well, are you Juggernaut brother?"

6 Yao suddenly had no brains, and said something that made the audience full of shocks.


At that time, the fists and the eyes of the young people flashed a strong light.

At this moment, the domain emperor’s eyes were also awkward.

The rest of the knife family, as well as the boxer Fan, Quan Tianheng, Quan Hong and others, are also trembled, an incredible thought, from their hearts.

Juggernaut, this 6 Yao, why Ye Che is a sword saint! ?

You must know that 6 Yao is now in the inheritance period of the sons of the stars, but in the period of memory inheritance, he said that Ye Che is the name of the Juggernaut, is it...

Ye Che did not feel the strangeness of the atmosphere at this time. He looked at the face of 6 Yao, and the memory returned to the time when he was in the Eastern Region, War College.

How comfortable it was, no demons, no hatred, only a pure league of heroes, and campus life.

I still remember that the girl who was clamoring to treat herself, crying and crying, 6 Yao, has now opened the heroic inheritance.

At this time, after listening to the words of 6 Yao, Ye Che curiously asked: "Why do you think that I am Juggernaut?"

"You are the brother of Juggernaut. You have just breathed the same breath, and you are exactly the same as Juggernaut."

6 Yao is cold, lonely and arrogant in the pale golden scorpion, this moment is rare to reveal a trace of gentleness, but it is even more difficult to move to Ye Che, it seems more secure.

"The breath of breath is exactly the same as Juggernaut!?"

After listening to the words of 6 Yao, the fists of the central and the emperor, and even those who are, have taken a deep breath.

Boxing Tian Heng and Quan Hong, and the seven boxers, but the face is pale.