League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1093: Flaws, big troubles! ! !

Ps: Thank you for your concern, I am very touched. My dad is still in the observation period. Can you see if the blood in your brain can be dissipated? Because too much information on qq can't be restored one by one, I hope to understand, thank you again. (8) (1) Chinese website Ww┡W. 81.Zw. COM



"This... how is this?"

A master who was slightly stuttered asked, he had already stopped moving forward.

The five kings, such as the domain emperor and the boxing fan, are also somewhat guilty.

The current situation is mainly because I don’t know the attack power of the Hex storm magnetic cracking. How strong is it, and the five of them can join hands and can resist it.

If they are in other places, they have sufficient confidence. After all, the strongest king is the strongest force on this big six.

Even if the Hex storm magnetic cracking, can hit a second kill, oh, can not hinder the confidence they have accumulated over time!

But here, but the remains of the heroic body, to say that the only place where they have no confidence, is naturally the heroic ontology.

For a time, the atmosphere suddenly stagnated.

On the gate of the Palace of Hemingmedinger, the hundreds of short robots stood there with a magnetic **** but they did not move, and the metal face was cold.

These short robots are like the territorial consciousness. When people don't step on the front, they don't attack, so they stand there so cold.

This scene is what makes Ye Che look.

He suddenly remembered the mechanism with the Da Ming family, when they were on the line, as long as the Daming family was present, the turrets he placed were the ones who actively attacked the enemy.

There is only one way to want the turret to lose its effect...

"In these short robots, there is a leader!?" Ye Che's eyes are slightly bright.

Then, Ye Che's eyes glanced on the hundreds of short robots, and soon they appeared. The short left robot on the left side had a different color.

Its purple body seems to be mixed with a hint of red.

"It turned out to be true!" Ye Che said to himself.

In the League of Legends, when the Da Ming family and the enemy are on the line, the turret can be placed, and if the turret is lost, only two points can be achieved.

First, the Daming family is far from the fort, then the turret will fall into a dormant state. The second is to kill the Daming home, and its turret will soon expire.

Since there are dominant players among the hundreds of short robots, don’t you say...

Thinking of this, Ye Che quietly guessed and told the domain emperor.

"It makes sense!" The domain emperor's eyes are bright, and then the voice comes over, saying: "Do not let this matter happen, you will follow me tightly, I will solve the robot directly, we will first enter the palace of Hemingdinger!"

Ye Chewen can't help but hear the meaning of the domain emperor, he wants to kill one person! ?

Although as long as the killer of the dominant robot, the rest of the robot will be invalid, but this is also extremely dangerous, after all, the domain emperor has to face, this is a full hundred weapons that can kill the master.

At this time, all the people around, including the boxing of the young, the wind and other four, are frowning, still thinking about the way to enter the palace of Hemingdinger.

However, in vain, the domain king moved!

"Ye Che, keep up!" The voice of the domain emperor instantly became vast and majestic, with a shocking roar.

His voice fell, and a stick that was three meters long and half a meter wide appeared in his hand.


In the meantime, the domain emperor sticks a sweep, and the whole person turns into a tornado, madly rushing toward the hundreds of short robots.

The violent surge of sea water, just to the moment in front of the gate of the Palace of Hemedinger, seems to be blocked by the invisible barrier, and can no longer enter the slightest.

"What do you want to do under the domain emperor!?"

"My God, one person is on the line, is it so fierce?"

All the people are dumbfounded.

The boxing is not in the center, the wind is flowing, the knife is long, and Zhao Fengxian is also slightly awkward.

They have the confidence to block the first strike of a hundred meters of short robots, but they are afraid of their continuous attacks, so no one dares to come out.

However, I did not expect that the domain emperor would not even discuss with them and they would go directly.

"What does this mean for the domain king?" The eyes of the wind smashed.

At the same time, the heroic device in the hands of the domain emperor, like a thunderstorm, slammed into the hundreds of short robots.

At the same moment, the magnetic crack guns in the hands of the hundred short robots also bloomed.

At this moment, the power of the vastness of the domain emperor was full, and the heroic device in his hand was released from the hand, directly rushing toward the spewing magnetic crack.

The domain emperor was a change of direction, rushing to the little red robot with a red body on his body.

Seeing the situation, Ye Che's eyes were condensed, and the whole person leaped in the air and rushed to the door.

"Ye Che!"

Knife Qing, Zhao Xiu and others exclaimed.

"Well, Ye Che?"

Among the people, a middle-aged man with an extraordinary and tough face, suddenly shocked his heart, and then looked at Ye Che’s figure flying toward the gate. He couldn’t help but be surprised: “Ye Che... How could he be here!?"

This person is just fine.

At this time, I heard the exclamation of Knife Qing and others, Ye Che did not stop, he quickly moved closer to the domain.

In front, the force of the domain emperor was surging, and the breath was almost earth-shattering. It was just a blow, and the purple and red robot was photographed as a meatloaf.

At the same moment, the rest of the short robots who had just smashed the heroes of the domain emperor stopped all the movements for almost a moment. Their eyes were bleak, and their bodies were even more "squeaky" and scattered.

"What!?" When I saw this scene, everyone was shocked, and I still don't understand what happened.

The domain emperor actually observed the flaws of these short robots!

"Come on!" The domain emperor sighed low, and the horrible three-color segment of the force turned over and directly wrapped Ye Che, and the two rushed toward the palace of Hemingdinger.

Ye Che glanced at the robots and it had become a part state. The magnetic crack gun in his hand was also turned into scrap iron, which was obviously useless.


The horror of the domain emperor, the two lost their tracks in an instant.

Seeing this scene, the face of the fist is still very gloomy, in a word, boring his head and chasing it up.

"The strongest of the kings, and still so impulsive, even if you enter the Dark Merdinge Palace early? How long does it take to lead the moment?"

"Oh, the reason why the domain emperor is under the guise, even if it is a flaw, discuss with us, how good it is to shoot together, why bother to lose their hero!"

"Fist is also in the middle of the box, I am afraid that the domain emperor has grabbed a good thing, funny..."

Xi Fengfeng, Gonglong and Zhao Fengxian saw this scene, could not help but smile.

"not good!"

However, Chen Tianheng was shocked and directly screamed: "Quickly chase, the kid is the son of a hero. Only he is familiar with the scene in the palace of Hemingdinger!!! I dare say, This flaw is also the birth of this kid!"