League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1194: English soul VS **** dazzle!

In any case, he has some connection with the Book of Clouds and the sky of the clouds, so I still plan to watch it. August 1 Chinese W? W (a) W (eight). (8) 8 (eight) 1? Z? W?. (8) C (eight) O?M

At this point, the game officially began.

In the first ten minutes, the two sides also appeared to be very calm, and some peace and education meant.

But after the sound of the cry of the dragon's death, the book of Yun and Yunlong and others instantly changed their faces.

"The dragon was stolen! How could it be??"

The air and space team is a bit stunned.

They noticed that there was also adc help on the opposite side of the xZ, all of them were online. It was because of this that they didn't think much, but steadily exhibited.

After all, they have studied the opposite side of the xZ. They are very gank, but they did not expect that the xZ team's wild clown actually sneaked the dragon.

"This China's cloud and air battle team is really stupid. I don't even know if Xiaolong was stolen."

"The city of Sky in China is declining. It was the ninth in the last world. This time, with the fall of the King of the Clouds, I am afraid that even the top 50 will not be able to enter."

"Really, according to me, they can enter the top 100, it is already burning high."

Many people have some schadenfretions.

"I don't know what dragon is the first dragon... If it is a wind dragon..."

The book of the cloud did not hear those conversations. He thought at this moment that the cursor fell a little on the opposite side of the body, and then the brow was deeply wrinkled.

It is the wind element, the wind dragon.

Wind Dragon will add mobility, which is not very useful in the later period, but in the early stage, it is a bug level, especially for these kings, a little advantage can be infinitely magnified.

The increase in the shift will have an effect on the gank's murderous pon.

And soon, the advantage of this point is very fast.

Every time gank, the cloud air combat team's wilderness is behind six or seven seconds, six seconds, too deadly.

"The first game... lost..."

Ye Che shook his head. This game was very stable. However, it was too stable, but it was in a passive state.

Soon, the end of the first game, the cloud air combat team was arrested and collapsed.

At the beginning of the second game, Ye Che did not look at it. He re-applied the helmet of the soul and ranked it.

On the other side, Knife Qing and other substitutes, but some sighs, obviously for this game is extremely regrettable.

But this kind of ending, he also thought of it.

In order to prevent the passing of the rotten streets, only the genius Junyu has been passed down. The overall technical level of the Yunkong team has just entered the king stage.

Before, I got here with some basic routines of the gods. However, after meeting the real strong team, I was not spared.

Perhaps the first game was miserable, the second game is even more morale, and soon, directly by the xZ team 2: o, eliminated!

In the battle room, the atmosphere of the cloud air combat team was somewhat silent.

For a long time, Yunzhi’s book only squeezed a smile and said to those who lost their faces: “Let’s go... Intercontinental warfare is over for our cloud and air team, but we have three teams in China! Strong, definitely can enter!"

Hearing the comfort of the book of Yun, everyone looked good, and then went out to the battle room one by one and returned to the seat.

"Ye Che... is still in the rankings!?"

In the cloud-air team, a member of the team frowned and asked, there seemed to be some anger between the words.

They are fighting for China, and Ye Che is not encouraged to say anything. He is still in the position of a non-concern in the seat.

"Don't say... After all, we played too badly, and it is normal for him not to watch."

The book of the cloud sighed and then sat down.

Although the book of the cloud opened, but in addition to Yunlong, the three teammates were still a bit angry and indecent, until the knife and other people forked the topic, it was cold. At this point, the game is still going on.

In a blink of an eye, it was another day. In this day's game, it was the turn of the chaos.

Waiting for everyone in China, they all watched the chaos of the chaos, but after half an hour, there was only one big failure, which was printed in their eyes.

"Oh, really, as expected, before entering the official game, the Chinese team will have to be eliminated."

"It's a dish, Huaxia really wants to be down... I have been seeing it now, except for the folding clothes in the English Soul team, and the assistants are good, the rest are spicy chicken!"

As the chaos team was eliminated, many of the spectators, the sarcasm, did not even hide it.

Five of the chaos of the chaos, I returned to the seat with a silent face.

Then, look at the battle room of the British Soul team, and the supreme team led by Jun Luo Yu.

This is the only two teams left in China!

The game continues, and as time goes by, it has been going on for three days.

In the first half hour of the battle between the English Soul and the Shenxuan team, Ye Che took the English soul helmet. Although An Shenxuan did not play in person, if the Shenxuan team put all the focus on the middle of the fold.

The results of this game have not yet been determined.

One minute and one minute, the rush has passed.

At the seat, the book of Yun, the knife and the sky, as well as the people of the chaos and the people of China, who watched through the satellite broadcast, all of them were tightly lifted.

If even the British Soul team loses, the only remaining Supreme team will be in danger!

"The 41st game, the first game, by the Chinese heroic team, against the Korean gods team!!"

Explain the voice of Els, without any change, a look that is not shocked.

For three days of continuous explanation, she did not have the slightest tiredness. Obviously, she is also a master herself.

"God dazzle team!!"

On the seat, the eyes of Knife Qing and others slammed down.

On the other hand, in the eyes of Anshen Xuan, there is a hint of drama.

"In this game, we still take folding clothes as the core. We want to let Anshen know that he has not finished his game and will be the most wrong decision in his life!"

In the battle room, the voice said quietly.

"Hey, they will let them taste the power of my Frostbolt!"

One arrow into the nightmare said, continuous victory, she has not been so nervous at first, and the mistakes have been reduced to the lowest extent.

Folding clothes also nodded, full of confidence!

Soon, the ban election began.

After the election of the ban, the folded clothes left a blind eye, and did not choose the best bar, but took the censorship commander, which is the crow.

This is also an urgent need for equipment, and the hero of the breeding, in order to cope with the next game, the choice of folding clothes has retained some cards. Because the game of the cloud air combat team began, Ye Che waited in advance.

At the beginning of the game, in the eyes of all Chinese people looking forward to, the folds began to be on the line with the Shenxuan team's substitute.