League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 132: Gold and wind = fatal blow

"Be careful!"

On the other side, I saw the baby girl’s voice screaming in this scene. Eight ★ one Chinese text network Wwく W ★.く81√z√W★.くCoM

But even if she didn't remind, Ye Che also reacted, and the left hand was paralyzed by the paralysis, but there was a right hand!

"Fatal blow!"

Ye Che’s low drink, the power of the bronze-colored segment instantly emerged, and a virtual shadow sword appeared in an instant.

It’s just that he was paralyzed because he was half-body, and he couldn’t make a strong counterattack.

The guards on both sides of the left and right, after using the electromagnetic gun, left and right and attacked him.

"Dangerous, extremely dangerous!"

Ye Che's look has changed dramatically. I have the courage to have a good defensive skill, but can prevent my head from being protected?

"Action, fast moving!!!"

Ye Che's heart screamed out, and the power of bronze rushed to the left hand of the paralysis, but this kind of strong electricity is really horrible, and many cells in his left arm have been necrotic!

Seeing that the three people are getting closer and closer, Ye Che’s body suddenly trembled, and the gray water droplets became huge in Ye’s eyes.

Then, a generous and tall figure appeared in Ye Che's mind.

This figure is very light and light, as if the wind is blowing, it will be scattered.

He stood there quietly, holding a giant sword of ordinary height in his hand, silently.

A swaying god, after a second, it seems that after a year, this man’s long sword was lifted by him.

This mentions that the air immediately sounds a harsh sound, like the air around the sword, which is drained at this moment!

"this is……"

Ye Che’s heart rises to an incredible thought... Is this person not a soul?


This burly figure just read a word, the sword has been lifted by his head, and there is a strong sound explosion around his body.


Ye Che's eyes are confused, but it seems to be somewhat clear.


The burly figure read the second word, slammed his hands and grasped the whole sword, and at this time, the sound of the sound of the surrounding air exploded and exploded!

Just as the second word was finished, Ye Che felt his head dizzy, like a car that had been sitting for ten days and ten nights seven hundred years ago.

However, despite this, Ye Che’s heart is a surprise!

"I understand!"

"It turns out, ha, it is so!!!"

Ye Che’s eyes suddenly cleared, and the power of bronze began to sway the air around him.

The air was originally quiet, but with the shock of Ye Qing bronze power, suddenly it was like what was pulled, like a child who returned home, madly pouring into the virtual sword.

At the same time, Ye Che's left hand is light, actually can move!

Galen q skills, lift everything down!

Ye Che's left hand is not abolished, but the movement is slow. At this moment, he understands the principle of fatal blow and directly breaks through the obstacles of paralysis!

At this time, with the extreme flow of air, and a moment of vacuum, Ye Che moved briefly to the limit!

Wang Qiang only felt a flower in his eyes, and an indifferent and cold-faced face appeared in front of him.


Wang Qianggang confided a word, Ye Che has already swept a word, holding a virtual sword a stroke...


Wang Qiang immediately felt that his body was cold, and he couldn’t help but look down on him.

This look made him almost completely crazy. His legs and waist parts were cut into two halves by this sword.

I am being shackled! ?

Not only that, although Ye Che did not see the action that the figure did when he read the third word, it did not prevent him from going to brain to guess.

The word "zhi" read out, raised the sword, and hurriedly pulsed the surrounding air.

The word "life" is read out, the sword is lifted, the air is pumped into the sword, and the state is relieved, and the body is improved!

This is the principle of Galen's deadly blow!

The metal sword is added to the power of the paragraph, and finally combined with the wind!

Then Ye Che did not guess wrong...

"Wang Qiang, there is nothing wrong with wanting to live... The survival of the fittest is also true, but if you live to survive, you will trample on the lives of innocent people, and there is still a difference with the beasts? I think... no difference, so you are a man! ”

With Ye Che's cold words, the virtual sword slammed down.

I saw a blood rising out, and Wang Qiang’s arm was straightened and smashed.

Wang Qiang snorted, and even when the screams were too late to shout, they fell softly to the ground and convulsed.

At this time, he did not die, but in the current environment, such a broken hand, has nothing to do with death.

Ye Che’s random glimpse, now Wang Qiang’s original agitation of the power of the paragraph, there is o. 5s of stillness.

"Silence... It really is silence! Can you block the power of the segment? Although it is only o. 5s now..."

Ye Che thought about it, the virtual sword was horizontally drawn, and there was no military spur on the other side of the guard. It was originally holding a fist and slamming into the virtual sword of Ye Che.

He screamed and the entire arm was cut open.

The other guarded the bungee, and wanted to retreat, but Ye Che had no kindness to this kind of person who completely lost his conscience. The two steps chased him up, and then the virtual sword swayed and broke into the guard. in stomach.

This guard has a horrible color, and both eyes are full of grievances before death.

"Don't die!"

Ye Che's eyes are getting colder. In this era, apart from those younger generations, is the mind of the people after the age of 30 distorted?

I also hate before dying, what do they hate! ? What are the qualifications to hate! ? ? ?


Ye Che sentenced these people to death, took out a virtual sword, and brought out a blood. Ye Che turned back and locked his eyes on the stunned one-armed man.

In fact, it is not only the big Han stunned, the baby face girl, Song Yi, Qin Tian, ​​two ordinary teenagers, and the three men and two women who are tied to the ground, all of them are like a chicken.

Who is this young man, they know the horror of the one-armed man and so on, but now, almost all of this boy is abolished!

The sullenness at the door, but the look of excitement, the eyes look at Ye Che, but also from time to time to show the enthusiasm!

At this time, inside the fortress!

As Ye Che slowly walked over to the one-armed man, the one-armed man suddenly fell softly on his legs and actually collapsed.

Ps: Wang Qiang is not a big villain, nor a water story, but Ye Che is a professional player seven hundred years ago. In reality, it is impossible to suddenly feel guilty and need a certain amount of time buffer. To be honest, I am not very supportive of that kind of disagreement. As for the protagonist of murder, there is a little disrespect for life, unless the book's intention is to kill the evidence, but after the buffer of Wang Qiang and others, Ye Che will certainly not be like this. First, in order to adapt to the protagonist's doomsday, the second is to reveal the role of the colorful soul through this plot, the game does have some details of the bug, but the plot I will try to prevent it from leaving loopholes, this scene is the first battle of the protagonist seven hundred years later, So a little more careful, but at most four or five chapters, you can go to the game and don't want to reveal the story. . Everyone patiently looks at Kazakhstan, the layout is a bit large, and if you like it, this book can definitely write thousands of chapters. You must believe me. I don’t think that some places are unreasonable before. You see, the Galen q skills are very reasonable now.