League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1352: Invasion!

(About the quarrel in the book review area, I elaborated on it.??? Bayi Chinese W=W≈W≈.=8≈1≠Z≠W=.≥C≥O≠M Why are the two more recent? Because I keep three every day. Moreover, the 6th can only burst out at most 3o. If it is two or more, then there may be thirty-seven and eighty on the 6th. Some people say that the extra seven or eight is not the same as no explosion. Isn't it squeezed from those three chapters? Is it not meaningless? Isn't it deceiving book friends? I tell some logic that the black powder that turns can't turn, the sixth is omnichannel, and the more updates, the better. The seven or eight that I squeezed out was nothing more than usual, but on the day of omni-channel, the effect will be n times, but my ability is limited, only about 30 chapters can be exploded, so the extra chapters are out, the meaning is Here! I have repeatedly stressed that omnichannel is the most important thing in the novel, and there are people who choose to ignore it. I am really surprised, I ps said several times, countless times, why there is still black powder logic can not bend, non I have to pay attention to this, what are you doing more? Iron powder is a fool, have you seen the authors who have been fooling the readers throughout the year? Have you seen the New Year’s door and did not take a step, the author of the 30-40s at home? Last year, the New Year’s Eve, I went straight at home. Chapter 10, some black powder is not to be embarrassed, why don't you catch the 20 chapters? Only the ten chapters, really let the fans chill? Really, some black powder water army please close your mouth, can you? I am welcome, I am too lazy to be with the black powder and the snake. If you are dirty and pussy, don’t smack it on the book book!)

(I am angry, the anger is not misunderstood by the black powder, but tramples on the heart of my book friends. Above.)

The wood is sporadic.

Over the altar, suddenly there was a shock, and there were ten figures in the next second, which slowly fell from the air.

Ye Che's eyes are deep and looking up at the sky. It seems to pass through it. He sees the mysterious sea of ​​Raytheon. In the unpredictable passage, there are four Raytheon elements, which are included in the body.

Suddenly, the total number of Raytheon elements in his body has reached 368, and the condensed thunder wing has reached 30 centimeters.

"Ye Che, will you continue next week?"

The mouse said with respect and respect, from time to time, he peeked at Ye Che, and his eyes were shimmering.

In the past few months, this Ye Che has never lost in the canyon battle. Every time he solved the battle within 20 minutes, which made him both shocked and amazed.

"I don't think it's the genius of the upper bound. I didn't know it before. I am fortunate to fight with him now, I know that it is powerful, and this Ye Che is estimated to be in the upper bound. It is not the top genius. I really want to see those peerless. The genius of the genius." The mouse sighed,

At this time, Ye Che nodded and said: "You go to arrange it, I will continue to close..."

The words of the retreat have not been finished yet, and Ye Che suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky with a burning gaze.

"grown ups?"

The mouse and the nine people next to him glimpsed, and as Ye Che’s gaze looked into the sky, suddenly the heart was shocked. I saw that it was far above tens of thousands of meters, and there were eight ships with air screams. Sound, anxiously shot at here.

"Not good, someone invaded!"

The look of the mouse changed, and he couldn’t help but blurt out.

However, the degree of this ship is really incredibly fast. The last word of his sentence has just been finished. The eight ships are less than a kilometer away from this place. When he blinks again, he listens. With a bang, the ship has fallen heavily in a place less than a hundred meters away from Ye Che.

Then, the door of the ship opened, there were hundreds of people, and the fish went out.

Ye Che stood in the same place, but his eyes fell on the aliens. The aliens had a slender waist and a slender neck. They looked like a doll that was rounded and stretched. In front of him, a faint shadow was undulating. It is the illusion of the mark of the gods.

"God tester?"

Ye Che’s self-speaking, which lasted for three months, was finally found in the woods as the power of the testers continued to expand.

"Where is the wood star, give up the star!"

The aliens shouted coldly, their eyes glanced over at the mouse and others, but when they glanced over Ye Che, they frowned, and then they began to think.

The mouse and others are not alarmed. This kind of thing has been born in the woods for countless times. They just dropped their sights on Ye Che and waited for his choice.

But the mouse still reminded me: "Ye Che's adult... If you don't... give them... I feel that the hundred people behind him are at least six-star senior summoners, we can't beat them."

Ye Che shook his head, not arbitrarily, but when he thought of the star key of the aliens, the corner of his mouth could not be slightly evoked. The star key, as the name suggests, was the key to open the wooden sporadic altar.

Every star that has been ruled will have a star key. With it, you can capture the star's energy of the star, and you can feel the movement of the planet at any time. It is also a symbol of the identity of the star.

Thinking, Ye Che asked the alien who was not salty or weak: "What is your name?"

The aliens looked at Ye Che and seemed to be in a state of contemplation. They couldn’t help but say: "Nile."


Ye Che nodded, then his arm swayed, and a ghost of the gods appeared, and then Ye Ye entered the name of Nile. Soon, the number of stars he conquered and his rankings appeared in the shadow of the gods.

"Nineteen thousand eight thousand, the number of conquered planets, one hundred and four, almost at a medium level."

Ye Che's eyes flashed slightly.

After seeing Ye Che’s imprint on the door of the gods, Nile couldn’t help but look at Ye’s face again. It seemed to think of something. He couldn’t help but be shocked and said: “You are Ye Che!???”

"Oh, do you know me?" Ye Che is quite strange.

Nile's look is unclear. Three months ago, this Ye Che was the only person asked by the Shenmen messenger to ask his name. He was deeply impressed, but he could not think of it. He met this planet today.

"It took me three days to find out that this wood is not a powerful enemy. Is it because of him, give up!" Nile's fist clenched.

His current ranking is medium or so, and his ranking is to be in the middle class. Don't look at the difference between the words, but he decides whether he can join the middle or the higher forces, and his treatment is also different. .

But this Ye Che...

Although this Ye Che does not seem to have a strong atmosphere, it is also a six-star level, but he thinks of the different attitudes of Ye Jing’s messenger to Ye Che, but he is still hesitant.

"Adult, what's wrong? This tester seems to be very arrogant. According to my opinion, it is directly slain!"

"Mom, here he and an indigenous person are six-star senior summoners, still so embarrassing, adults, kill it!?"

Several senior summoners next to Nile, staring at Ye Che, looked badly.

Nile is a bright eye, I don’t know what to think of, and I quickly entered the name of Ye Che in the shadow of the gods. Then he stopped, and then the arc of the corner began to pull and expand, then laughed and almost laughed. Tears.