League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1390: Summoners gather! (Twenty-seventh)

"Then we are going, but this flying eagle can't drive past. August 1? Chinese network W (1) W? W (eight).? 8? 1 (one) ZW.COM"

Ye Che glanced at the inside of the Flying Eagle and said.

Almost all the testers are now hostile to the Black Gold. If the Flying Eagle is driven in the past, I am afraid that it will immediately cause a siege.

"Nothing, I can't live!"

Cangye trembled to the hatch and said: "It’s a pity that this battle is not seen."


Ye Che nodded slightly, then flashed, leaving the Flying Eagle, Cang Ye and Tu Dapan also followed, and the three flew over there without rushing.

Although it is not urgent or slow, but with their strength, the degree is also very impressive.

In less than ten minutes, the three men both arrived under the hundreds of thousands of ships.

"Wow! It’s spectacular, I’m afraid that it’s all the millions of testers, and I’ve come over most of them!”

Tupanpan exclaimed.

The Rune Star has only about 300,000 summoners to test the Shenmen, but with the number of Noxus and Zuan, there are millions.

"It's really spectacular!"

Ye Che’s face is also amazed, and hundreds of thousands of ships are still nothing, but hundreds of thousands of words are lined up, full of thousands of kilometers, full of some strange beauty.

In the interior not far from the ship, at a glance, about two or three hundred thousand summoners are vacant, and at their feet, there are countless colorful planets floating on them, and they are standing on their heads and screaming wildly. Have a name.

In the middle, there is a black gold man with a black gold flame on his forehead, who is fighting crazy with a white-haired girl.

The blood of the blood, swept away from the cosmic starry sky, is hundreds of kilometers away, and the power is so powerful!

And the girl, actually not weak, holding a big sword bigger than the human body, fluttering up and down in the blood, surrounded by countless meteorites, bursting and crushing, even the blood gas, also cut.


The girl's giant sword danced, and every time he tumbling, a large piece of blood was emptied.

Ye Che's heart is moving, this girl, apparently comprehending the invincible nature of the gold element, even if it is the life element of the black gold people, it can not be restored at one time.

Coupled with the dazzling attack, the Black Gold people rely on ordinary moves, but they simply can't help her.

"No matter how strange or change her style is, it is for a faster degree, a stronger attack! It is different and changeable, just to beat a stronger opponent. When it is late, what is needed is the most direct destruction. force!"

Ye Che speaks to himself.

The girl's dancing looks like a giant sword killing the enemy, which made him think of a lot.

Such as the League of Legends, the pursuit of the pursuit of technology, but if a 10,000-hour dog head out, regardless of what you have to walk and technology, directly with devastating damage, a blow ends.

"It turns out that it is no wonder that the essence of the element is fundamental, and the same way is the same..."

Ye Che's eyes flashed.

In the past, he also deliberately pursued moves and pursued a variety of attack methods, but now it is clear that the direct power and the essence of the elemental rules are kings!

At this point, the black gold man suddenly sneered and said: "You only have such a degree? Then stop here! Dragon breaks the legs!"


He was twisted, his right leg was like a dragon, and he went to the girl.

This foot, extremely horrible, the golden elements near the girl, directly blasted, the various elements of the sky, under this leg, all the explosions opened, a terrible wave of waves swept through.

"Damn, this is another trick!"

Hundreds of thousands of summoners present at the scene were stunned and screamed at the same time.

Obviously, this trick has appeared before, and they have been deeply impressed.

Under the aftermath, Ye Che did not retreat. There were still tens of thousands of summoners who did not retreat. They were obviously masters.

Tudapan and Cangye were under the protection of Ye Che, and they did not retreat. Both of them widened their eyes and looked at this violent scene.

At this point, the white girl, staring at the black gold man's blow.

The black leg of the black gold man, when swept over, actually swelled and swollen, the anterior erector muscles bulged high, and the **** ray of the surging, under the starlight of the universe, reflected the cold luster, stunned, this only The leg has been turned into a weapon with amazing lethality!


When the young girl's body is about to be touched, the black gold man's leg is like a whirlpool of crazy rotation. It spins up and releases an extremely amazing wave of destruction. This kind of fluctuation is enough to tear any one below nine stars. Summoner's body!

Faced with such a fierce offensive by the Black Gold people, the girl did not dare to neglect the slightest. She remembered very clearly that three days ago, on the rankings, a strong player ranked 128 was directly kicked by this foot. The body is broken.

And this, it is still the Black Gold people seem to have any concerns, deliberately staying without causing casualties.

Although I am stronger than that person, I can’t be too strong. So, this time, the girl is going all out!


A splendid, very penetrating sound from her mouth.


The giant sword in her hand trembled and actually expanded a circle again.

"The Golden Sword, no strength!"

Her brows tightened, and then the giant sword in her hand turned slightly, carrying the power of her hero, and the essence of the gold element, and the black gold man's blow, hit together!


The terrible power shocked the ripples, and the madness swept out from the point of contact. The empty space of the universe was like a tsunami. Countless elements of the particles rushed and exploded, extremely messy.

At the same moment, the white girl has already flew out, and the black gold man is also unstable, and then retire.

Everyone, looking at the white girl's flying figure, waited until she raised her head, but her face was slightly pale, and the audience cheered like a tsunami!

At this moment, no matter whether it is an alien or a human being, in the face of the common enemy, the Black Gold, they are all enemies.

"Liu Wei is good!"

"It’s amazing. For the first time, it’s been more than a week. This is our tester. The first time I took the black gold man’s leg attack!?”

"It is indeed the first time!!!"

"Since the Black Gold people have been provocative, this is the first time to fight evenly! The previous list of more than 100, more than two hundred and three hundred so-called geniuses, all face the black gold people can not bear a blow!"

"Sure enough, the top 100 masters are different!"

Many summoners broke open, and some summoners looked at the white girl's gaze.

At the same time, the white girl licked the ear of the silk, slowly stood up, condensed on the black gold humanity: "Power is good, but want to beat me, still a little worse!"