League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1429: Scribbled roots!

The space is fixed, and the space is fixed. Therefore, the person who is frozen can see clearly in front of the line of sight, but can't hear it. Because of the space freeze, the sound can no longer spread. ??八一中文?W?W?W. 81ZW. COM

At that moment, the Holy Ghost did not know what the Holy Ghost said, and did not know what Ye Che said. When she saw Ye Che’s death soon, the nearby space suddenly shattered, and then, in front of her When I saw flowers, I saw that the head of the holy shrine had fallen from the sky and was heavily squatting on the ground.

“Is this Ye Che made? This is incredible!”

The sacred heart was shocked, she only thought of this possibility, because the space around Ye Che was broken first, she saw it with her own eyes.

At this time, the thunder hammer of Ye Che’s hand was turned over, and he had already carried the horrible power of the moment, as he slammed into St.


St. Burt’s eyes are round and round. He never thought that this Ye Che would have this courage. He dared to kill himself. He was crazy! ?

I am a bipolar palace, the candidate for the future palace!

If you die, then this holy thing can't be concealed!

Between the electric and the Flint, Grace St. Bertho thought that while he was physically retreating, he began to activate the power of the star nucleus. The essence of millions of life elements began to roll from it, and then turned into a blood color. The dragon, greeted Ye Xue in the past.

He even secretly launched the talented **** tree, the death of the holy shrine, so that he faced Ye Che, did not dare to have the slightest luck.


The Thor's sledgehammer collided with the blood-colored dragon, and the ground near the tens of thousands of meters shook a little, as if it had been trampled by the giant god, it fell a few meters deep!

"Life pressure!"

In the eyes of Ye Che, the light flashed, and the essence of the element alone could not be countered by St. Berth, but relying on the life suppression of the purple-level star nucleus, as long as St. Bert did not enter the incubation period, it could be pressed!

Suddenly, a savage and noble wave spurted out from the nucleus of the Raytheon at the foot of Yee, directly covering St. Peter and his natal star.

St. Burt’s heart trembled, and this moment, there was a feeling of falling.

The pressure of life is complicated, but it is simple. Just like a mouse sees a cat, a dog sees a tiger with a soft leg. When a horse hears a tiger, it will be restless. Their hearts are either horrible and horrible, or they are soft. Waiting to die.

The creatures born on the purple planet are born to suppress those low-level planets.

This is the case now, facing the leaf purple nucleus embryo, under the natural suppression, the power of his **** dragon is greatly reduced, its fighting spirit, but also because of the invisible pressure, a sudden drop .


Ye Che is low-lying, the elemental essence of the Thor's sledgehammer, which has exploded again. Under the circumstance, the blood-colored dragon has shattered directly, and the Thor's sledgehammer has not lost momentum, and hits St. Bert. The chest, he suddenly spit out a blood, the body flew out.

St. Berth’s clothes, which are condensed by the essence of the elements, have cracks. Under the attack of Raytheon, the whole body is severely painful and the pupils contract.


"Kid, you are looking for death!!"

"Protect adults!"

The black gold people yelled, some loyal, and the wind rushed over.

They know that it is time to be loyal to the table.

Ye Che did not care about them. The Thor hammer in his hand was like a gust of wind. At this moment, he rushed to St. Bert. He beat him back and forth, vomiting blood, and he could not support it.

"You can't kill me. I am the future palace owner of the Bipolar Palace. If you kill me, you can't live!"

St. Berth’s fear of yelling, under the pressure of the purple-level nucleus embryo, he felt that he was extremely small, and the strength of the whole body could not be gathered.

"I didn't want to kill you at first! However, your killing is too heavy, and as you said, the bipolar palace I can't afford now, but in the case of the holy dying, once you let go My ending is conceivable, so blame yourself for being too vicious before!"

Ye Che said, Raytheon's sledgehammer with a slamming thunder and thunderbolt, once again smashed down, his whole body joints, under the thunder of lightning, creaking!

In the face of this attack, St. Peter strongly suppressed the raging Raytheon elements in the body, and several **** dragons were forced to block it, and Ye Che did not care. He even slammed the hammer, and it was incredible, and he hammered it. A hammer is stronger than a hammer!

The radius of the direct bombing trembled hundreds of kilometers, and countless trees fell to the ground.

St. Peter's resistance is getting weaker and weaker. Every time he blocks a leaf, he has to swell all over the body. Under the pressure of Raytheon, he only feels more and more powerless.

"Damn, it turned out to be a purple-level star nucleus, and even the holy scorpion is dead. What kind of person I have provoked!"

St. Berth’s heart trembled.


It was a hammer, and now, St. Bert finally couldn’t resist, and spit a large mouthful of blood and flew 10,000 meters. There were countless giant trees that had been known for many thousand years along the way.

"Hey! You are looking for death!"

At this time, the subordinates of St. Peter finally got killed.

I don't know why, the sable stone did not start after killing more than a dozen black gold people. At this time, it was not far away in the air, flashing purple and undulating.

Ye Che sneered, and these subordinates of St. Peter also dared to rush in this situation, apparently all desperate, plus their **** words without fluctuations before, all of them are dead!


The pressure of the purple-level Raytheon nuclear embryo has soared again and directly enveloped everyone.

Among these black gold people, about three black gold people have condensed the star nucleus embryo, but the best quality is the first green level, the rest are white, and more, it is the star nucleus. If it was not condensed, it was under the pressure of the purple-nuclear nucleus embryo. Most of the black gold people slammed their eyes and slammed directly on their knees. The heavy worship fell on the ground and shook it.

The black gold people who condensed the star embryos were not much better. Looking at Ye Che, they only felt an invisible fear rising from the bottom of their hearts.


Ye Che is low, and if it is cold, since it is decided to take the shot, it can only remove the roots.

"Puff puff!"

Thor's sledgehammer swept past.


These black gold people screamed in tears, until this moment, they realized that the strength of this Ye Che is terrible, whether it is the total amount of elements or the quality, they have burst several streets.

All the black gold people are flying together. Most of the black gold people’s chests are directly exploding under the impact of Raytheon elements. Those black gold people who have condensed the star nucleus embryos are not so disabled, but their bodies are directly broken into two pieces. Twitching on the ground.