League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1579: Surprised Xiaolan

The couple were shocked and looked at the outside of the bar to see if anyone was chasing them, because Ye Che’s appearance at this time was like a person who fled, even more embarrassing. ? Bayi Chinese Network W (a) W (eight) W?. (8) 8?1 (a) Z?W?. ?C (one) OM

Xiaolan was shocked, and looked at Ye Xue with amazement. "My God, if you don't see you for three days, you shouldn't have been going for three days? You are sucked up." Look, you..."

Ye Che smiled, this Xiaolan was still so embarrassed, he was busy screaming: "Room...between..."

The sound is even weaker, and the body is shaking so much that it is like being planted at any time.

"Don't stop, you don't fall here, the impact is not good, then who ... you help, take him to the upstairs and pick a compartment." Xiaolan said quickly.


The newcomer did not swear, and straightened Ye Che to help.

In the confusion, Ye Che felt soft and understood that he finally reached the bed, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Suddenly, the will to the limit of disintegration, his whole person instantly slept.

"Hey, sleep in seconds!"

The newcomer looked at Ye Che's look, singularly surprised, and then did not know what to think of, the corner of his mouth with a weird smile.

Obviously, he was also stunned by the words before Xiaolan.

This sleep, like a long and indefinite period, Ye Che made a long and long dream, dreams, light, light in the shadows. However, those shadows are illusory as covered by gauze, and he tries hard to see clearly, but he can't do anything about it.


Two days later...

Downstairs, Xiao Lan, who was bored to answer the newcomer question, suddenly asked: "Is that kid still sleeping?"

"It’s clear that he hasn’t been down since two days ago. I took a look at this morning after I finished the task, and I went to sleep deeply.” This is the summoner who works at the bar to do the task.

"Great, sleep for two days, you said, what did this kid do, consume so much?"

"Who knows..."

Everyone chatted, the bar, just to give them a chat and soothe mood, here is just a new town, there are very few special things, so this time the topic was transferred to Ye Che, but soon transferred to other things. Obviously, just because of Xiaolan, I talked casually.

Xiaolan’s face showed a hint of worry and looked upstairs.

"Lan sister, you are not worried about the kid? Hahaha." Several drinkers laughed.

Xiaolan’s face was more worried, saying: “He... paid only one day’s rent...”

Alcoholic: "..."

The passage of time, Ye Che, this feeling, really really sleep for three days and three nights to wake up, wake up when it is late at night, the stomach is "squeaky", the scorpion is also dry and smoke, follow the corridor and walk downstairs, Ye Che took a bottle of unknown wine directly on the counter and poured it into his mouth.

Although it was late at night, there were sporadic guests in the bar, but no one noticed Ye Che.

After a few mouthfuls of wine, Ye Che unconsciously bowed his head, but stunned, and saw that Xiaolan was sitting right under the counter. The space under the counter is a bit large, like being deliberately modified, and the quilt is also laid on the ground. Xiaolan is relying on his eyes.

"Sleep here?"

Ye Che stunned, no need to be so dedicated? After all, there is still a lot of room upstairs.

Seeing the sleeping Xiaolan, Ye Che did not have anything to bear. After all, compared to his own time, sleep was no big deal, so he shoved a few Xiaolan and woke her up.

Xiao Lan squinted his eyes, and then his eyes were on Ye Che.

"Hey, are you awake? This is the early morning of the fourth day?" Xiaolan instantly woke up a lot.

"The fourth day?"

Ye Che also stunned, I didn’t expect to sleep for so long.

At this time, Xiao Lan changed his look. His tone suddenly became fierce. He said, "I don't care what you did in the past three days, but now, for four days, and if you don't give a reasonable wake up. My confession..."

"I want to go out of town..."

After waiting for Xiaolan to finish, Ye Che had already reverted to the front of the counter and said casually.

“Out of town?” Xiaolan frowned and said: “When you want to leave the town, you will rise to the tenth level and then say.”

"I am already at ten."

Ye Che calmly said.


Xiaolan’s whole person was completely awake this time. She quickly got up from the bed under the counter and stared at Ye Xue and asked, “What did you just say?”

She wondered if she had got it wrong.

"I'm already ten, what's wrong?" Ye Che is quite strange, while speaking, it also lights up the level.

Looking at the swaying 1o-level display, Xiaolan, who was originally full of doubts, suddenly stopped, and looked at Ye Che, saying: "Ten... It’s really ten, you actually, three days. At tenth level!?"

“Is this hard?”

Ye Che asked, if it is not the limit of receiving the seal, he is now estimated to be above 25.

When Lanton looked like a monster, he looked at Ye Che and asked: "Do you know how long I have used before I get to level 1?"

"How long?" Ye Che asked.

"One month, a full month! This is because someone is taking it, otherwise the time will be longer, and you have reached 1o level in three days. How dare you believe me!" Xiaolan's eyes are getting bigger.

"that is the truth."

Ye Che shrugged and continued: "Now, can you tell me how to leave the new town?"

He can't bother to spend his time explaining it. Now he just woke up and was very weak.

"No hurry, no hurry!"

Xiaolan’s eyes were bright at the moment. She walked out from behind the counter and turned around Ye Che for a few laps. Then she suddenly extended her right hand and rubbed her arm. Mysteriously asked: “Hey boy, Let's talk about it. You told me the secret of rising to the 1o level in three days. How about letting you enter my brother's team? My brother's team is a large team that can accommodate 1oo people. Now it is full, but as long as you answer me Just the problem, I will pack you in!"

"The team?"

Ye Che's eyes are slightly brighter. If you want to achieve the team, you must have the qualification of the captain. This Xiaolan means that his brother already has the captain qualification? That is obviously a master.

Seems to see Ye Che heartbeat, Xiaolan continues to seduce: "After the new town, you will choose to go to the place according to your current career. For example, your career is a shooter, then you can go to the plague capital, the ice **** city, the evil The city is directly governed by heroes and gods! But most of these areas are not safe areas, that is, you can shoot at will, if you don't have a guide, you will be unable to move!"

(End of this chapter)