League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1656: Ai Xi’s hometown (five)

Finally, 12 o'clock has arrived. Bayi Chinese Network W≠W=W≈. ≈8=1≠Z≠W. COM

The six people, including Ye Che, looked very fierce.

"At the attention of the members of the British Soul Team, please note that the team countdown is 1 minute countdown. Warning, this team is a gold medal, please be prepared!!!"

"Detected the first time the British Soul team conducted a gold-level team match, specially made the following instructions!"

"First: the first time to enter the designated hero copy, the default degree of land reclamation is o, as the completion of the task to promote the plot to increase, with the increase in the degree of land reclamation, and the passage of time, the difficulty of land reclamation will increase!"

"Second: The land reclamation level reaches 1o%, which can be bordered by the next hero copy. You can freely choose a copy of the hero who borders, or continue the hero copy!"

"Third: Do not attack the copy hero (the recognition degree can reach 5o or more can attack), do not disclose the information about the hero copy, otherwise, erase it!"

"Now, please choose a copy of the hero to enter! Countdown 59...58..."

Looking at the information floating in the three-dimensional space, Ye Che is silent.

Before the good to say, but the third, that is not allowed to attack the copy of the hero, not allowed to reveal the relevant information of the hero copy, making him a little hot, always feel that there is absolutely hidden big secret!

But that wiped it off and made him a cold.

Ye Che has a feeling that this erase is not just to erase the life in the "League of Legends", it may be reality!

There are thousands of thoughts in my mind, but Ye Qing’s mouth has already said: "Choose a copy of the hero, Ice Shooter Ai Xi!"

"Are you sure!?"


"Hey! The hero copy confirms... Confirmation is complete, the Freire Zhuo tribe backtracks... Backtracking success! World construction... Construction is completed, the main characters are being generated... The main event is being generated... The event is confirmed successfully!"

"Everyone is ready!"

Ye Che said quietly.

The five people said in unison, and no one spoke at this moment, all of them were holding their breath, and their muscles were tight.

Although their strength has changed dramatically over the past few months, they are still a bit imaginary when they think of only six people in the team.

Ye Che is also dignified and dignified. Although he has made sufficient preparations this time, but for the first time he faced the gold team game, he still played a very strong spirit. He originally wanted to choose Black Moding, or Victor. The hero of doubt.

However, in the "Hero League" he is still too weak. In case, if the heroes such as Black Medinger are aware that they have problems, then they are in trouble.

Therefore, he chose a hero that is currently the most familiar. He intends to learn more about Ai Xi’s past, and then he will find out the heroes who have doubts after the bottom of his heart. Anyway, after the land reclamation reaches 1o%, he can interact with another hero. On the border, he is not in a hurry.

At the same time, the countdown continues.


"Golden team game, open!!!"


The white light flashed, Ye Che and his team of six people, suddenly disappeared in place.


Whistling ~~~

As the six people recovered their sights, a stock of cold stocks rushed to the extreme and rushed.

Looking at it, the earth was pale, and there were large swaths of snow fluttering in the air, but these snowflakes were different from those I have seen before. They were sharp like a knife. When they fell, they could even hear a scream of air. .

Further away, it is a group of high-pitched clouds, seemingly hidden, they are all wrapped in snow, like a frost giant.

Just a few meters away from Ye Che and others, there are mountains and rocks that are tightly wrapped in snow. Under the snow-covered parcels, they are crystal clear as jade. These nine jade stones are steep and steep. Splendid as the thirteen swords, in the shadow of the blue sky, like a silvery Jian Yulong lying there, powerful.

And a few hundred meters behind them, there was a dark altar that was looming in the storm.

"Here is... Freire Zhuo, the hometown of Aich?"

Ye Che whispered, his eyes blurred, in front of him, as if there was a figure of Ai Xi, and the whisper of whispering.

"Team... Ye Che, I think of a way, I am cold!"

I like your saliva, holding your shoulders, shouting, and also taking a snot. As a shooter, her clothes are very thin, and she can't stand it under the cold wind.

"It's good to drink syrup."

Ye Che said casually, and at the same time took out a bottle of red medicine to drink, and instantly he was warm.

Immediately, the other five people quickly rushed out of the red medicine to drink.

At this time, the reminder about the task finally rang.

"Event, the battle of the traitor! Ten minutes later, Ai Xi, who is being chased and killed, will arrive here to open the Freire Zhuo Shi, please rescue! Successful rescue Ai Xi, recognition +1, open land + 1%, and get the friendship of Ai Xi!"

"Special reminder, in the retrospective scene, there are a total of ten teams, and the team that first achieved 1% of the land reclamation wins, you can choose to leave or continue to challenge!"

Hearing here, Ye Che’s face changed and he quickly whispered: “Fast, hidden!!”

As soon as the words fell, he quickly sneaked into the snow and hid it.

Pu'er almost kept up, and the rest of the four people stunned, but the reaction was also very fast, and quickly smashed down with the past.

"Ye Ge, is this?"

The **** monster asked with a low voice.

"Ai Xi will arrive here, but the reminder says that there are ten teams in this scene, so there are absolutely nine other teams in the surrounding kilometers! Whoever is exposed first, whoever becomes the focus, we only have 6 people, so Never expose them to their eyes."

Ye Che said quickly.

Then, instead of waiting for him to turn back, he deflected his head and asked Pu'er: "What do you think about this team game?"

"Difficult problem!"

Pu'er condensed his eyebrows.

The blank grid, Mo Yan’s eyes and other people’s eyes suddenly condensed.

“Before there were hints, we started the gold team game for the first time. The default degree of land reclamation is o. As the task is completed, the plot will increase. As the degree of land reclamation increases, and the time goes by, the difficulty of land reclamation will increase dramatically! That is to say, when we become more and more open, the difficulty will become bigger and bigger, which is inevitable, but one thing we can change is time!” Pu said.

Ye Che nodded, said: "Yes, as time goes by, the difficulty will increase dramatically, so the less time it takes to complete the task, the more difficult it will be, then what do you mean?"

"Active rescue!" Pu'er Shen Shen.

Suddenly, Mo Yan was bright from the eyes of four people.

"No, no, if you take the initiative to rescue, you will be on the task!"

Ye Che is directly opposed, saying that his eyes have already looked into the distance.

There, snow-capped, windy, and the visible range is less than 100 meters.

Based on this environment and ten minutes to arrive here to estimate, Ai Xi is estimated to be only two kilometers away from here!

"Don't be fooled?" Pu'er stunned, and the other four were also inexplicable.

"You will wait and see, ten minutes will arrive, there will definitely be a team falling into this big pit, and will be eliminated!" Ye Che bounced in the hand, in the distance, the snow is bigger...

Soon, ** minutes passed, and in the distant blizzard, there was a faint figure that was rushing away.

(Request a ticket to prove that I still have a demand -.-)

(End of this chapter)