League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1702: Hash Aich!

(Two more, tomorrow, four more, the table hit me, it is true that these days are uncertain, too much entertainment, but the missing chapters have been perfectly complemented, sly face. Bayi? Chinese network W = W ≤ W ≤. ≠ 8 ≤1≠Z≠W≤.≈C≈O≈M)

Everyone lowered their heads, whether it was Essex or Basil, they were all tight and their faces were stiff. They didn’t have to look at them, and now Ai Xi is afraid that he is already on the verge of anger.

If this Ye Che is a general "courtier", it is a good idea, but he happened to be remembered by Ai Xi, and he just intended to be deliberately introduced by Ai Xi, but this is how long it takes to express the violation of Ai Xi’s concept. The remarks are completely daring and do not know how to live and die.

You must know that Zhou Zheng, Essex, and Basil’s current status must all look at Ai Xi’s face, let alone the such remarks as Ye Che’s now, they don’t need to talk, they know this leaf. After the end of the year, they have seen too many examples of this kind of death without knowing the state. It is precisely because of this that they have been cautious and cautious, lest they touch Ai Xi’s counter-scale.

It’s okay to bicker on weekdays, and it’s okay to suppress each other. There is only one thing that Ai Xi will never tolerate, and that is to publicly promote war! ! !

"Ye Che, do you know what you are talking about?"

At this point, Ai Shi finally spoke, the voice is not cold or hot, but almost all the people familiar with Ai Xi in the fort know that this attitude of Ai Xi has almost sentenced Ye Che's death penalty.

However, Zhou Zheng, Essex and Basil were shocked at the bottom of their hearts. They felt that something was wrong from Ai Xi’s tone. It was a hint of room, not a statement, but this emotion was hidden. Extremely deep, if they did not have a long-term understanding of Ai Xi in the past few years, they could not hear it.

"It seems that this leaf is more important than Ai Xi’s just showing it. It’s a pity that I can’t see the situation!”

Basil gave a secret voice.

If this is not the case, Ai Xi could not give this opportunity to explain to Ye Che, dare to publicize the war in the fort, this is a taboo, and this Ye Che is still the kind of high-spirited.

Zhou Zheng, Essex and other "deputies", at this moment, after hearing Ai Xi's cold and hot inquiry, his eyes could not help but fall on Ye Che, want to see how he answered, but most of them feel this Ye Che After feeling the wrong atmosphere and the change of Aich's tone, you should immediately change your mind and then recognize the mistake, otherwise it will really be dead.

Finally, under the gaze of the eyes of everyone, Ye Che spoke up.

"Ai Xi, you know what you are doing!?" Ye Che’s tone of remarks seemed to be a bit low. It was just the meaning of the words, but it made everyone stunned. This guy is really being slammed by his head today, not only Did not admit mistakes, but also asked Ai Xi anti-voice! ! ! ?

Ai Xi also stunned, then frowned and asked: "What do you want to say!?"

Ye Chezheng is just a face, said: "Your Majesty, your ideal is to make Frey Zhuo De unified, and then restore the glory of the ancient queen, eternal peace, I am right?"


Ai Xiao coldly asked, this is almost the whole thing that Freire knows, Ye Che can know, naturally not surprising.

"So? So you ruin your ideal!" Ye Che's mouth twitched, deliberately revealing a sneer.


"The nonsense, the swear words, the lofty ideals of Her Majesty, you can be questioned by this ignorant generation!"

"It’s ridiculous, ridiculous, Ye Che is it!? Very good, the purpose of your sensationalism has been reached, and now you immediately admit your mistakes, the Queen’s heart is good, and as long as you promise not to preach the war, there is no problem in keeping you safe. of!"

"Recovering the glory of the ancient queen, Freir Zhuo De Yongping, what a great ideal, you dare to say that it is a dross, I really want to dig out your heart and see if it is black!"

"Your Majesty, admit mistakes!!!"

After hearing Ye Che's incomprehensible remarks, almost all the "presidents" in the whole castle had been fighting against Ye Che, and the face was harsh and the wording was heated, just like Ye Che committed any sinful crimes.

Ai Xi did not stop them, but as always, keeping a cold face looking at Ye Che, it was like watching a stranger.

The current Ai Xi, there is no real maturity, but at a stage of good and evil, in her view, war is sin, peace is holiness, and now Ye Che publicly preached war, that is sin! Already have nothing to do with, no matter how talented.

At this moment, even if this Ye Che has a long-term capital, she will never tolerate the skill of the Summoner Canyon.

Ye Che quietly confronted Ai Xi, even if they didn't even look at the "courtiers" of these dogs, these people, even including Zhou Zheng, Essex and Basil, were ignored. He just said to Ai Xizhen: "Ai Xi’s majesty, if the average person loves peace, I will never have this statement, because they may just be out of a moment of pity, or the brilliance of human nature suddenly. What's more, it is mixed with interests, there are impurities, and the perception of peace is not profound!

"But you are different!!! You are pure, pure, and self-contained. For peace, you even let go of your mother's **** vengeance. Once, in order to prevent civil strife, you even have to hide the assassin, peace has become The imprint of your heart!"

I don't know when, the coldness on Ai Xi's face has gradually turned away, and even a different blush has appeared.

No one has ever, no one has analyzed the ideals she admired so carefully, which makes her heart feel a different feeling.

"This kid..."

"People don't want to be invincible in the world! I thought he really planned to die in the end. It turned out to be such a plan."

"Hey, don't you say that Aich is so boasted, it seems that he is really not angry."

"Crap, this kid is crazy to embrace the concept of peace, and at the same time recognizes the ideal of Ai Xi, Ai Xi has a lot of anger, but also fades a lot."

"But even if Ai Xi is not angry, this Ye Che will not be able to get on the table in the future, and will be resisted by everyone."

"Well, he is a waste."

The captains of the various teams have been discussing in the team channel, and the words are derogatory and ridiculous.

"But, precisely because of this, I said that you spoiled your ideals!" Ye Che circled around and wandered around.

For a time, many people were dumbfounded. It was not easy for Ai Xi to be angry when he was in a hurry. Now he is starting to attack again! ?

"Why, I don't deserve this ideal?" Aich asked.

"No, of course you have it! Just Frederick is not worthy of it!" Ye Che said seriously.

(End of this chapter)