League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 217: First appearance

6 Yao is very excited because she knows that Ye Che is the great **** of Raven, and she has not been quiet all the way. ★ August 1st Chinese Network Ww√W. 81zW. CoM

I was almost ready to play the battlefield and I was quiet.

"Oh, I am late for more than twenty minutes, and the mentor will not marry me?"

6 Yao is somewhat worried. As long as the class is officially reported, it will be very serious to be late. After all, it is a partner when the actual demon class exercises.

If this is late, it will be the time of two people.

"Yes, changed the name again." Ye Che shook his head.

Originally, 6 Yao has always been called Ye Che Great God. Under the several reminders of Ye Che, 6 Yao has been changed, but he still likes to give Ye Che a nickname.

"No, you have something to do with it, you must be fine."

"You don't know, our tutor... It's hard to get around..." 6 Yao listened to Ye Che's words, but did not relieve it, but the more uneasy.

Ye Chewen began to recall the mentor of the 6 Yao elite class. He only thought of his body slenderness, he had a pair of Danfeng eyes, and he also mocked his classmates last time.

While Ye Che wanted to ask the specific situation of 6 Yao, when several students passed by, the words of conversation attracted Ye Che.

"It was a terrible last night. Three senior students were seriously injured and there were two minor injuries."

"Mom, how can these **** demons mix and kill?" If you don't come to the school, I am afraid that there will be casualties!"

"Exactly! If it is not yesterday, I don't know that there is another such master in the college!"

"You are ignorant, the sister of the water bubble school is very famous in the War College seven years ago, and the body of Yuehua is open, who dares not to accept, hehe!"

"I’m so ignorant, I’m ignorant, anyway, I’m going to turn the powder now, Nima is too strong, so many high-level trainees haven’t won the hybrids for a long time, and she’s actually killed by her!”

"The combat power is at least ranked in the top five of the college!"

"Wait for another two months, the real strong students of our college are coming back, I am afraid that there will be a dragon fighting!"

"Not bad... But the thousand city water droplets were really strong last night, I was afraid that for that night, her popularity would soar, hey, if she could be her boyfriend..."

"I am grass, have you not burned??"

"Go and go, think about it?"

"Ha ha..."

The two students talked and gradually walked away.

Ye Che’s footsteps were slightly slammed, and he screamed: “The body of Yuehua?”

He has an understanding of the body of the hero, and he has been in the college for a few days. He also learned a lot through the English soul helmet.

Thinking of the body of the moon, Ye Che thought of the change of the moonlight before going to the arena challenge last night.

It also caused a slight vibration of the soul blood in the body, so Ye Che was careful.

"Don't the moonlight of last night, because of the body of Yuehua? Then why the blood of the soul of the soul will be inductive..."

Ye Che bowed his head, and at this time, the performance field finally arrived.

The performance of the military field has long been full of people, drinking a sound.

6 Yao looks a bit embarrassed, after all, is a freshman who has just entered school for less than a year, and is the first to arrive late.

"Don't be afraid, I will go with you."

Ye Che smashed the head of the 6 Yao, and comforted.


6 Yao nodded, some guilty and Ye Che went to the class.

As soon as they approached the elite performing field, the two were seen by the students inside.

"Teacher, mentor, 6 Yao is coming!"

Some students rushed to remind.

The Danfeng eye tutor heard a turn and saw that 6 Yao and a male student came over.


The Danfeng eye tutor snorted and walked over with his hands frowned.

Ye Che blinked slightly and stopped, and the Danfeng eye tutor had already walked in front of the two people. He was screaming at the 6 Yao directly. "6 Yao, do you know what time it is!"

"I...sorry, sorry, sorry, because..."

6 Yao was a little scared, especially when he saw some of the gloating eyes of the students, his heart was even more imaginary.

"Shut up! What I hate most is that you are late, and there are plenty of reasons for the students! Do you know what time this is? This is the era of the devil's rampage, you can be late, no problem, anyway, you can't die. But if you join the team in the future, you know how bad it will be because you are late? Ah, you know!?"

Dan Fengyan said, in the end, it was a burst of drink.

6 Yao scared and said: "Know... know..."

"Do you know? You know a fart! Do you know that because of being late, it will delay the entire process of the team? Do you know that because of being late, will it delay the progress of the entire team or the time of retreat? You know it is possible because of this delay. Time, so that your team will be caught by the devil, and then be slaughtered!?"

Dan Feng’s eyes seem to be addictive. This kind of saying is so grand, and then highlights his great way. He has already used the fire.

Sure enough, his voice fell, and a burst of support had already sounded.

"it is good!"

“The tutor is right!”

"6 Yao, you are a big mistake, the penalty!"

Most of the students, because of the Dan Fengyan mentor, screamed.

However, there are still a small number of students who have made a fuss about it. After all, it is college life, not outside the city, but it can quickly be overwhelmed by a louder voice.

Watching so many students point their guns at themselves, 6 Yao nose screamed, and tears began to swirl in his eyes.

Dan Feng’s eyes were invisible and glanced at Ye Xue’s class. After seeing Yang Haodong’s instructor, he could not help but rise.

Today, he is going to pass 6 Yao to reflect what is an elite class and what is a regular class!

Twenty minutes late, my elite class will be severely punished!

But in your regular class, someone skips classes for two days, but the punishment is not light or heavy. This is the gap between the elite class and the regular class!

Thinking of this, Dan Feng eyes sneered and yelled at 6 Yao: "Cry, you still have a face crying? Do you know where this place is? Here is the place to train the elite, here is the elite class! I am the mentor of the elite class, absolutely Will not allow you this kind of harm..."

He was trying to continue to swear, but the man who was standing next to 6 Yao suddenly said: "Dan Fengyan... Oh no, elite tutor, I just want to ask you a word, are you looking at it?"

"What? What are you talking about?"

Dan Feng eye tutor, a suspicion is not wrong, after all, he is an elite mentor, in front of this fine-skinned teenager, dare to insult himself?

Under serious doubt, he decided to give the boy another chance.

"Oh, you are still jealous..."

Ye Che pinched his fingers and continued: "I said... Are you blind? You can't see the injury in 6 Yao?? This kind of eyesight and hearing, I now seriously doubt the way you are qualified for this elite tutor. Wouldn't it be a scam to get it? I think it's necessary to appeal to the college and disqualify your tutor!"

Ye Che is not salty and not faint, but just saying it makes people stunned at the place.

This boy, do you know who to talk to? This Nima is too bold!