League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 23: Killing book, 20 layers!

****** may want to prove himself, just the scene of the second was lost in front of everyone, so at this moment see the Qin female was Zelas q, quickly an e-shift in the past two times flat a, then a q Take two flat a. August 1st ★ Wenwang Wくw ★ W. 81zW. CoM

The hand is very fast, the piano girl has not had time to retreat, half of the blood is gone.

He dared to pay such a shift, because the weapon was controlled at the back, the scorpion was also big, Zelas was also controlled, and the nurse had blood to him.

There was no fear, and then he rushed up sharply. This Qin woman was really beaten badly.

He wants to open a large set of martial arts women, and then has a great chance to Zeraz, who can open the piano.

The more I think, the more I feel reliable, and I have to go a few steps before I am going to make a big move.

Only he will appear in the next second, this **** stone man came over and was hard to stop in front of the violin woman.

"Oh, I will charge some interest first!"

At this time, the enemy meets with extravagant eyes, and I don’t want to think about it.

The dazzling white light appeared from the muzzle, and a shuttle bullet penetrated the air and immediately hit the stone.

Just the next second... the stone disappeared.

Then, like a big truck that opened to 3oo yards, it was extremely violent.

****** The whole person was stunned in an instant. He seemed to realize the feelings of Zeras before, and the experience of tens of seconds ago was born again.

The cold boy is now and he is ascending to heaven.

He saw the Xiaolong Canyon and saw the surprised eyes of his teammates. He saw the stone man under him and the meteorite that rolled under him.

In front of the computer screen, he suddenly felt a tight body.

On the computer screen, the screen is gray again.

"Hit you mB!"

The cold teenager suddenly took a picture and his eyes turned red!

You know, he just came out of the spring, is trying to make up for the loss of the second before, but did not expect to breathe a few mouths to summon the fresh air of the canyon.

What's special, the whole person is lying again.

"Open and hang! This sb must be open!"

The cold teenager slammed the table.

It’s just that the teammates have no time to answer his words. The weapon has already started to rush up. The scorpion is also on the weapon and wants to kill the stone.

Zelas is also flashing to keep up, an e-control is thrown straight to the stone, and the ignition is delivered to the stone.

For a time, the entire Summoner Canyon was lit.

But I have to say that the stone q skills are too imba at the moment, and the effect of the full level q makes the stone run fast.

After the last q seconds, he was like a wind, and he ran back.

I saw this weapon e-skills open, after picking up q to the stone body, is planning to activate the second heavy e to stun the stone, but now the stone has run out of e-skills.


The weapon whispered, and a feeling of great grievance was being derived from the bottom of my heart.

And this stone just ran out of the scope of the weapon e, suddenly a footstep, and then slightly twisted, flashing over the e-skills of Zelas has been lost.

The whole person was not good at Zlatston.

But the only thing worthy of comfort is that the q skill of the scorpion hit the stone, and this is no way to do it. The scorpion is on the weapon, facing the stone.

If this is not enough, there is only one possibility.

It may be that this nephew is too shy, and under the excitement, reverse q...

"Very good, a scorpion's q hits the stone very accurately, and then the flash is kicked back, it will definitely end!"

Seeing this scene, Hu Mei finally began to re-explain.

No way, the bombing of the previous scene made her really do not know how to explain it.

The average second person, or more than 20 minutes later, can only occur in the middle of the road ap.

And this stone can be full of blood in fifteen or six minutes, and it is simply mad.

"Bomb, throw a dynamite bag in front of my body!"

Wang Nuo Xue, who is mad at the bomb, heard the words, and did not ask why, even a dynamite bag was thrown in front of the stone man.

"If this scorpion will flash, then half of it may be redirected by the explosive pack, then I naturally have no danger, no r flashes..."

After thinking about it, Ye Che smiled slightly, this scorpion should not flash, otherwise the scorpion would become a god-level scorpion, and the situation may have been opened by him.

If you dare to do this, you will not be able to do this.

Sure enough, the scorpion picked up the sound wave and kicked it over the stone. Just close, he flashed to the stone man and planned to kick the stone to the friendly camp.

It’s just that he suddenly appeared in front of the stone and seemed to have a sparkling thing.

I don't have time to think about it.

Just suddenly, with a bang, the scorpion turned to the blue camp in reverse.

This time, like the sheep into the wolves, Zhou Xin's ez, Xiao Yan's Qin female, Wang Nuo Xue's bomb, and even stone people who have no footsteps.

One by one, this bald little white sheep was drowned.

The countless teams that saw this scene boiled again.

"The bomb is again pre-judging, the strength saves the stone man, saying that this year's Sky Blue team is really strong, I decided, I want to be the first fan of the Sky Blue team!"

"Hey, labor is the first fan? Well, you line up!"

"Captain Snow, I want to give you a monkey!"

"You are paralyzed, you a big man is not disgusting, Captain Snow is mine! I have to do surgery for her."



The scorpion only persisted for less than two seconds and followed the footsteps of the ****.

At the moment of the death of the scorpion, Xiaolong Canyon suddenly calmed down.

No way to calm down, the e-skills of the weapon have been handed over, and the only control of Zelas is gone, not to mention the nurse, and no hard control.

"Oh, forget it, this dragon has let it go."

Zelas controller, gloomy, and for the first time through the metal wall to the seat of the sky blue team.

It seems to be able to pass through the metal wall and see the sisters of the Sky Blue team.

"This is really hard."

Zelas whispered, and the arms and the unwilling arms and nurses retired.

The first dragon, under the powerlessness of crying and shouting, gave up the virgin body.

"Captain! This stone must be open, just bigger than me, now there is big!"

The cold boy is like a robbed toy of his beloved, looking at the captain of the Ts team with a look of indignation.

The skinny boy shook his head and said: "Li Pengfei, look at it yourself."

Said, put the stone equipment bar open, the obvious 35 minus netbsp; Li Pengfei seems to understand what, for a time stunned, his mouth moved, no opening.

He is more, the stone equipment bar, the white book, the number above is 18.

18-layer killing book.

"Oh." Li Pengfei smiled.

For the first time, their team was so miserable for the first time. The key is that they still don’t know what went wrong. This stone is inexplicable on the 18th floor killing book.

And the whole team is also inexplicably all the rhythms are gone.

It feels like the first wave of stone killing Zelas, and the stone man has been holding his nose.

"Now what?"

The master of weapons is also somewhat suffocating. After just the wave, I saw the stone seconds and seconds, a pair of you dare to hit me, I will send you the violent appearance of ascension, some virtual.

"What else can you do? I will make the banshee, and the stone will be gone."

The captain of the Ts team said that he did not return to the line at the same time. He went straight back to the city and bought a magical cloak.

Only, even the Ts team knows that the stone man's nemesis is a banshee, Ye Che can not know?

After he returned to the city, he immediately made up a piece of equipment, brushed the wave and went to the middle of the road.

"Hey, this stone man is really unreasonable. He brushed a few waves of wild monsters and went to the middle. Everyone should remember that this Zelas did not flash, but the stone people did not flash, should not catch it? ”

Wang An said with a red face, although he couldn’t catch it in his mouth, he felt that this kid should not do anything that failed.

At this time Ye Che controlled the stone and went straight to the middle route. Zelas was shocked.

However, after thinking about it, the previous stone man's flash has been used for the second, his equipment is to reduce the cd, but not the netbsp of the summoner skills; so the heart suddenly calm down, but still subconsciously control Zelas slightly back .

But the next second he is now, from the stone man, suddenly drilled two shadows of the shadow of the snake.

"What the **** is this?"

Zelas thought, but the next moment, he seemed to suddenly think of something, his face was pale.


The two snakes traveled fast and quickly, and one of them got into the body of Zelas.

At this moment, Zelas is like being entangled in something, walking as if in a swamp, the degree of action is extremely slow.

"S5 twin shadows, good things."

Ye Chechen said, then he took control of the stone man without hesitation, and went to Zelas, who struggled to move forward.

Looking at the stone man who is getting closer and closer, Zelas throws out an e-skill and wants to control him, but he is easily removed by the stone.


Zelas stood up and stood still, and the next second, the familiar feeling came.

It is still the original taste, or a familiar formula, but a small snake is added to the formula.

At this time, the stone man's murder book officially came to the 20th floor!

"Captain, how are you dead again?"

The weapon was a little dissatisfied and looked at the skinny boy. The one that lost the most before was actually him.

The flash has been handed over, and the defensive tower on the road has been broken by Raven. At the same time, Raven has gradually become bred.

It’s obviously impossible to kill her so easily.

"Hey, this stone is too motivated, and there is a pair of shadows. This is terrible. He has a flash. He can think of who is big and who is big. There is no flash of the double-killing shadow. We can't escape if we don't flash. ”

The skinny teenager scratched his head in distress.

The first time I played the League of Legends, I was so wronged. Before and after the first right card team, I never had such a feeling of powerlessness.

When he thought of this, he was shocked. Could it be said that the pressure given by this stone man was greater than the silent right hand?

I felt that it was unlikely because I had already numb my right hand.

Silent right hand is the first strong team in the four great canyons, how could it not be comparable to a small stone man.

"Weapons are singular, now it is estimated that after you open up, you will not be stoned down. We have four people to do a good job, not to play the banshee."

Zelas ordered.

"it is good!"

Xiaotao answered the first question because she now has no effect on her own.

As long as the stone is big, there is no chance for her to add blood, and the teammates will be seconds.

At this point, in order to show that they have a role, they bought a big wave to do.