League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 387: Zero seal

"It's a blue buff mob..."

Ye Che secretly whispered, this Zhao Yang is definitely on the line before killing a blue buff mob. August 1 Chinese ★ network W ★ w ★ W. ★8√1z★W. CoM

Then when the level is about to upgrade, deliberately circumventing the field of vision, such details are difficult to notice with the level of the League of Four Platinum.

In other words, even if Zhao Yang’s teammates don’t come, the League IV will lose a lot.

When some people can't help but marvel at this wave of gank, the game continues.

The two sides are engaged in a burning battle. Although Zhao Yang took a blood and has a new routine, the teammates and the Allied team have an absolute hard power gap. About 2 minutes later, the Shining team The middle and the down road are close to the crash.

Even if Zhao Yang took the transmission, he succeeded in several waves of effective support, but the teammates' strength was too big and they could not return to heaven.

In the first game, the Allied team won! !


"66666666666666, let this **** Shining team be a traitor, taste the taste of being abused?"

"This Zhao Yang is also funny. I really think that I am a real god. I am not a master of the king. I dare to bring four pits. This is to teach him to be a man!"

"The alliance team is invincible!"

The students cheered again and again, and it was a madness to Zhao Yang and others.

The League and others are also unable to help themselves, showing a smile, looking at Zhao Yang and others faintly said: "Is it still playing?"

He also thinks that Zhao Yang is funny. The highest of the Shining team is nothing but silver. Even if there is a routine, it can't make up for the gap between several big segments.

"Hit... why not fight?"

Zhao Yang’s mouth evoked a smile, and he remembered what his captain had said when he came to the East.

"Zhao Yang, this person belongs to a calm and cozy person. Calmness is able to admit that he is wrong, but the shortcoming is that he does not know how to repent. You just need to let him win a game and let him feel that he is all right. He will lose all of them when he comes down!"


"Of course, otherwise you think why the East Field Ace Class has been stepped on our feet by the Western Region!?"


Thinking of this, Zhao Yang continued: "I have to say that you are small, so I will continue to let the Shining team fight against you. I think it is an insult to your team, but since I said it in advance, then I also If you are cheaper, then the next game will only be replaced by two members of the Shining team."

"Oh? Change members?"

The league faint smiled and said: "Even if you change, there are also two members of the Shining team in your team. This kind of hard injury, are you sure?"


Said, Zhao Yang waved his hand: "No nonsense, the second game begins!"

"it is good!"

The League nodded and then gestured toward Su Yun.

When Su Yun saw it, he said: "The second game of the Shining team vs. the alliance team, start!"

After the Shining team changed their teammates, the League of Legends screen entered the ban selection stage.

The two people who were replaced were the original assistants and wild, and it was Zhao Yang’s original teammate who belonged to the Western League team!

"There is no accident in this battle. It will be a battle for a dragon. Although the Shining team has two silver segments, but with their new routine, the outcome of this game will be confusing. After all, Zhao Yang’s two teammates They must be slightly stronger than the individual strength of the Allied team. In terms of consciousness and cooperation, they will also take the initiative. Now, see if the Allied team can break through the remaining two weak points of the Allied team."

Su Yun's tone is a bit relaxed, but when I look at the Shining team's single and adc outfits and the skills of the summoner, I don't calm down.

In the single enchantress Ji medicine out of the door, the next road ez sandals 4 red out of the door, a look is intended to resist.

The enchantress was originally a hero who was extremely difficult to be gank. As long as the Shining team’s mid-single is not waved, the early stage can be said to be impossible.

And the out of the road ez this out can also greatly enhance the duration of the line resistance.

Sure enough, in this outfit and wretched play, the Allied team had the middle and adnetbsp of the Shining team in the early stage; and soon after, Zhao Yang and two teammates had begun to take the rhythm quickly.

Many times the League of Legends team did not pay attention, it was the end of the three-person package.

After four or five times, the Allied team was almost intimidated. They also wanted to learn this style of play before, but just like everyone’s habit of dressing and skill release, they can’t learn effectively in a short time. May be awkward.

As for the style of the Allied team, there has been no change. Zhao Yang is almost familiar with the habits of everyone in the Allied team. The time has just passed ten minutes or so. The Shining team has already won four heads.

In fifteen minutes, all three outer towers of the Allied Alliance were pulled out. What is even more frightening is that the Allied team has not been able to get it until now.

"How can this be!"

Su Yun was shocked on the commentator, and he did not expect that the Shining team would suddenly be so powerful.

"How is it impossible... The vision of the Shining team is almost full of one-third of the summoner's canyon. The wilderness and the auxiliary are all eye-catching. It is completely suppressed by the visual field, but the alliance team is too strict. I want to play the post, but the general commander of the Shining team is impossible to give this opportunity."

Ye said faintly.

Su Yun heard the words silent, and she also knew that, like the bystanders, she certainly understood that all the rhythms had been caught in the hands of the Shining team.

Twenty-two minutes, Dalong was stolen under the repression of the Shining team. At this point, the Shining team did not lose a head.

Ez and the enchantress are too cumbersome, and almost do not appear in the vision of the alliance team.

Every time it appears, Zhao Yang and others are in the situation, only to come out and output.

Twenty-five minutes, the League of Nations was broken, and in twenty-eight minutes, the Allied Base exploded in a disgraceful color.

" Lost... actually lost..."

"The key is to be sealed. The alliance team has not got a head!"


Many of the students looked dull and sat in the seat for a long time.


The League of Four Leagues and other four people looked at the alliance and spoke.


The big eyes of the League are in a haze. When this game is selected by the ban, all his assassins are all banned. He can only use the middle of the road to breed heroes.

Robbery, blade, small fish, three ban selection, all gave him a single, it is simply what makes him feel good.

The enchantress was also taken away by the Shining team's first hand, which led him to be a sad reminder of almost no heroes.

"Difficult... The majority of our alliance team's Kerry points are on me. Now this Zhao Yang is forbidding me from the hero... The third game is also difficult!"

The League sighed and the heart was scared for the first time today.

At this time, he turned his head inadvertently. Now a young man with a handsome appearance is slowly coming down to understand the stage.

Ps: There are still a few chapters, so the 2O chapter is April Fool's Day. It is a day to write a 2o chapter.