League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 55: Welfare Bureau fourth

"Well, okay, don't send the package to win. Gossip one ★ Chinese network Ww√Wく. ★8く1★zくWく.√CoM★"

Ye Che said casually, but the attitude, how to look like it is like perfunctory.

Mom, don't send a package to win, this sentence should be said by the scene.

A few people groaned inside, even Xiaotian was so surprised to see Ye Che, is this the pure and kind Ye brother in his mind?

If he remembers correctly, in the last game, several times is the sister who plays the ball girl, saving himself in the fire.

And the rhythm is all brought up by her.

Ye Che looked at Xiaotian's eyes and couldn't help but smile.

Just the first layer, even if you play soy sauce, the small sky is not the opposite.

But the situation is actually very good, because playing wild and her ball girl, just help the road.

After all, even if you lie down and win, you can't give it to someone.

So just in the game, I can't see anything substantive.

For example, this team, what will happen to the situation of the collapse, is the mentality explosion, or the edge.

Will it be quarreling, will there be a unified command, can you hit the headwinds?

These are all things that Ye Che urgently wants to know.

After all, only by knowing the team in which you are located can you determine the layout and play of the next few layers.

In the five minds, the second layer of challenges finally began.

As the scene has always taken the ball girl, playing wild or Zhao Xin, the single-day election of Galen.

The bird who lost hair can't stand the endless increase in blood. He wants to do something in the road, so he chose a robot.

As Guanghua circulated, five people had already descended to the Summoner Canyon.

Only Ye Che did not buy equipment, there was a transparent screen in the void, and a piece of information appeared from it.

"I rely on it, the curtain beauty has come to challenge again. Mom, what luck I have, I met you again."

"The beauty of the curtain is fascinating..."

It seems that the opposite of the team and the cedar team is old knowledge, this game has some meaning, Ye Che thought.

The hairy birdman, smugly with the message: "Our scene is to use the feet, the hands can not stay in love, are cleaned and lined up, waiting for our abuse!"

"Rely, bird people, you talk a little bit!"

"Yes, wait, can't beat you but you can't beat you?"

They began to have information about the past, and the birds and chrysanthemums also came back to the wind.

In this atmosphere, the challenge of the second layer began.

At this time, outside the tower, the oriental neon suddenly opened, saying: "Zhou Rui, let's go in, I don't want to waste time."

Zhou Rui made a slight glimpse, but he quickly returned, and nodded: "Of course, then we will come up later and pass them!"

Just talking, the crowd came.

Zhou Ruiyi turned back, and now the tower monument represents the highlight of the Raksha team and has reached the third floor.

"The second layer, in 17 minutes and 28 seconds, defeated the other side."

Olin looked at the tower monument and nodded with a look of appreciation.

Yu Wen’s killing team has also fought on the second floor for a while.

The first layer of Yu Wen’s kill is opposite gg in twenty-one minutes. In fact, the time is not much different from the Raksha team.

What's more, this actually does not represent anything. After all, the length of time required to defeat the opposite side is closely related to the chosen hero.

"Let's go, let's go in."

The oriental neon said, going to the heavy tower, Zhou Rui and others quickly followed.

Seeing the oriental neon dress personally went into battle, the crowds around it boiled again, and there are more and more people around the tower.

All of them are coming to hear the news, but it is still very wide and wide enough to accommodate them.

These people are all in a position with strength, and they will not feel tired for a day.

At this point they all had an excited discussion, all looking forward to the arrival of the seventh floor.

As long as you rush to the seventh floor, you can see the projections of these top teams. If you think about it, they will feel excited.

For that moment, not to stand for one afternoon, even if they stood for three days and three nights, they also felt value.

"Nice to cheer!"

Before in Rune Pavilion, the helper big sister who was crazy and ruthless Ye Che, was in the distance for the oriental neon.

Beside her, there are still a few clothes, and the imposing woman is also shouting the name of the neon.

These are her girlfriends and partners.

The oriental neon turned back and showed a beautiful smile. After waving, the team with Zhou Rui disappeared into the tower.

At the same time, a starlight on the tower monument was instantly lit up.

At this time, the second floor of the tower, the curtain team.

"Oh, I know that meeting you is destined to be abused."

A message that bounces on a transparent screen.

This information is in the opposite direction.

Ye Che looked at him and couldn't help but laugh. The five glasses on the opposite side were too, but they just got a blood on the scene and said this kind of frustration.

"If you don't fight, don't fight, wait for 2o."

The opposite five mentality of the beginning exploded, it is normal, just like the scene has not beaten the third layer.

The team opposite this is also the first layer, but the second layer is not in the same place.

In particular, it was folded several times in the hands of the Curtain team, so if one blood is lost, I don’t want to fight again.

Anyway, how can it not change the ending, why bother to suffer.

In fact, the squadron team is better than the opposing team, and the strength of the second tier is medium.

But if the strength of the team is very average, then it is okay.

However, the squadron team has some special existence. If the team has great strength, the scene will account for half of it.

Therefore, people who are in line with her are often unable to beat, and the mentality is easy to explode.

In particular, I love chrysanthemums and there is always no brain help, and the opposite is not the case.


Ye Che has a few question marks and seems to want to retain them.

"Question number is a hair, 2o vote, don't explain!"

Opposite the fierce back.

Ok, it seems that this is the Welfare Bureau.

Ye Che thought, but the hand is not slow, directly bought a killing sword.

"666666, Ye Che, you are forced to install this wave too."

The hairy birdman immediately shocked Ye Chu’s outfit, and this kid is too good to fight the snake, and he is afraid of hard.

The last game was awkward to die. When I said 2ogg across the board, I bought a killing sword directly.

The voice of the bird, the scene and the love of the chrysanthemum I obviously heard, and there was a sneer in the scene.

However, Ye Che apparently got used to it, and did not pay attention to it, but went to the wild area on the road.

"Why are you going to the hurricane girl?"

The birdman suddenly called his own adnetbsp; "In any case, I voted 2o, I went to the wild area and took a look at the scenery."

Ye Che said, really wandering in the wild area.

The other four people of the Curtain team were speechless for a while, and as time passed, 2o minutes passed quickly. As soon as they arrived at 2o, they surrendered on the opposite side.

"Haha, cool, I hope that the third floor will also encounter such a mental explosion."

The hairy bird can't find the north, this game is completely true in the spring water and gold coins and other victories.

As Guanghua circulated, they went back to the moment, and outside the tower, there was a burst of cheers.

Because Yu Wen killed the killing team, this time just broke the second floor and arrived at the third floor!