League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 562: I am very interested in the Nether Castl

When the Eastern Jurisprudence turned fate, this strange green shadow had already floated up, and then suddenly rushed to the sky in the eyes of all the soldiers. Eight ★ one Chinese network WwくWく. ★8√1√zW. CoM

This looks like it has really risen to the general.

Dongfang Jian and Shi Jin did not look at each other, and the face was dignified.

From the huge gully criss-crossing in front of you, and the strange deaths and phantoms of the people, the enemy is really unusual.

At the very least, Oriental has never seen an enemy of this level.

Even Shi Jin is also a suspicious color.

"Now that it is the peak hero game, many things can not be done with big hands, such as the city's security search, and the inheritors it says, we don't even know what it is, how to find out??"

Dongfang Jian said ugly.

Shi Jin turned his head and looked at the brightly lit city.

In this city, there are millions of human beings. If they are so strangely dead, the loss is too great. He and the Eastern Jianwan can not cleanse their sins.

"You can't take care of it. The enemy is unknown and powerful. We must first find out the so-called inheritors before we can qualify to talk to them. Now, we must first understand the characteristics of the inheritors and the information! Without further ado, Go back to the city and read the information of the predecessors!"

Shi Jin’s tone was a little short, and he turned and walked away after he finished.

Dongfang Jian naturally understands the seriousness of the matter and ordered some soldiers to deal with the scene after the aftermath, and immediately returned to the chariot.

"Shi Jin, don't look for it in a big way, don't let the people use it, then the green shadow doesn't say the time of the inheritor, so we should have time."

After returning to the chariot, Dongfang Shen said.

"I know."

Shi Jin nodded and suddenly asked the Oriental Jian: "How is Ye Che?"

Dong Jianchao smiled and said: "This kid came back and went directly to the Oriental Star Club. I heard that I also learned two guards."

Shi Jinwen said, can't help but smile.

Then the look of the micro-motion, the chariot controller said: "Dict the road, go to the Star of the East!"


There was a loud male voice in the control room.

"This matter is very important. Except for a few of us, don't announce it. The soldiers are also sealed. Don't cause unnecessary panic. Ye Che's words, let him have a bottom, let him and us stop by." ”

According to Shi Jin, Dongfang Jian naturally knows that at the same time he said, Dongfang Jian has already issued orders.

Then he nodded and said: "The child is too tired. When I came back, I went back to the room with 6 Yao. I didn't know what happened in the temple. At this time, I just asked Ye Che."

Shi Jin nodded, not in words.

At the same time, in the Eastern Star Club, Ye Che’s game has come to an end.

Under the assassination of the persecution, the adc, ap of the savvy team, as long as it appears, will send the head.

Plus the current revision of the mercury ribbon, can not lift the big move of the robbery, so adc is extremely difficult to escape the assassination.

At this time, it was the last wave of group battles. The blue side had begun to play the dragon, and on the big dragon, Ye Che’s robbery had long been there for a long time.

After seeing the purple party five people who rushed in, they actually shot directly.

The phantom is isolated, the fist blade rotates, and the big move locks.

In an instant, all the skills, even more changes in several directions, until the enemy's adc and other people reacted, the robbery has become a smoky smoke disappeared, and then Jinxes even opened the treatment, but also hard to be robbed The big move is dying.


A voice of voice, resounding in the Summoner's Canyon.

"The war situation has been fixed. The robbery of the blue team on this day is the flying of 6 ah. All kinds of smashing, killing, killing, and killing. Relatively speaking, the enchantress is useless. If you can't stop the person, you will be abolished."

While the audience was still talking, the blue side had already won the big dragon, and then with the big dragon buff, broke the purple square road highland crystal.

Then the robbers took the road down and the rest went to the road.

Under this split push line, the Nethered team has been unable to resist.

After all, the middle-level soldiers must be guarded, and the robbery is a class boss, and no three people can't prevent him.

However, there are still four other people on the blue side. In this way, after about three minutes, the Ming Ming team lost three ways and has since collapsed.

"Yeah, won!!"

Wu Hao was surprised to scream, and other women also showed excitement.

Wang Nuo Xue is planning to thank Ye Che and the like, but when I look at the "headset", I don't know when, the side is already closed.


Wang Nuo Xue suddenly stopped.

This person should be so mysterious, there is no need to finish it and leave.

Soon, a few other women also knew about this situation, one by one, with a big eye and a small eye, speechless.

But they did not know, at this time in the general control room, a few people came.

Among these people are three black robes, a woman, and a person dressed as Ami.

These people are the three-party forces of the Nether Castle, the South and the Western Regions.

Their original intention was to contact the controller of the robbery in the general control room. I did not expect to see a young man sitting there after coming here.

Immediately, they turned their eyes and saw the interface where Ye Che had not withdrawn.

"Robbery? You are the controller of the Sky Blue team!?"

The woman opened her mouth and looked at Ye Che with a look of surprise.

Ye Che had heard the movement behind him, and he turned his head casually. Suddenly, the corner of his eye saw several familiar dresses.

That familiar black robe, that familiar atmosphere.

This is the Nether Castle that lingers in Ye Xing's heart and night!

For a moment, Ye Che seemed to return to the ordinary village, the **** shop owner's house.

"The Nether Castle..."

Ye Che whispered, and there was a strange smile on the corner of his mouth.

Before, it was his lack of strength, and he did not want to borrow the hands of the Oriental Jian, so it was dragged to the present.

Originally, he was planning to solve the Nether Castle tomorrow, and he could not think of the other party taking the initiative.

I just don't know, these people are the little sisters of the Nether Castle, or the high-rise class.

But it doesn't matter, the important thing is that they are all Nether Castle!

Thinking, Ye Che suddenly showed a bright smile, said: "Yes, it is me, may I ask you?"

Seeing Ye Che really is the controller of the robbery, but also looks like a very good talk, the three forces are overjoyed.

The Nether Castle is a middle-aged man, and he smiles and says: "I don't know what the little brother is called, are you interested in joining us in the Nether Castle? What to treat, everything is good!"

"Oh, Nether Castle?"

Ye Che grinned and said: "The Nether Castle, I am very interested!"

Ps: Recently, the plot has turned around, so I have to think about it. The update in the afternoon should be around five or six.