League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 63: Various minds

Even if he didn't see how to die, Ye Che also guessed the process. August 1 Chinese ★ network W ★ w ★ W. ★8√1z★W. CoM

It is obvious that the nurse was pulled and then was second.

Then I want to go to the rescue and then catch myself.

"It's really drunk, this is too fierce, the light of the hammer stone, or I will not die if I am pulled."

The bird complained, and some were indignant and even more depressed.

And Xiaotian Zhiwu a few words, completely nothing to say, that wave of his operation has too much mistakes, otherwise it should be able to change into the tower wants to kill his own.

But the hard power is here, sometimes it’s a thousand miles.

"Nothing is ok, I will catch the next wave, and pay attention to the station."

I loved the chrysanthemum while playing 4f, and said quickly, for fear of playing wild back pot.

She did not speak at the scene. She was completely self-sufficient at this time. The knife was robbed by half, and the blood volume was never overtaken.

"It seems that the rhythm is going to speed up."

Ye Che said to himself, and saw the end of the grass, which was close to the grass, and smiled.

The last point to catch, the first point is to deceive the q skills of the end, it does not matter when you are singled out.

"Back to the city!"

Ye Li immediately turned back to the city in the grass, waiting for the end of the day.

At the same moment, the last day has already inserted his eyes into the grass at the upper end. Now, no one has to walk into the second cluster. After all, he does not want to run white.

And the promise of the hand has long been behind the end of the night, waiting for the knife.

At the end of the grass, no one, the last day immediately entered the middle of the grass.

"My grass, back to the city!"

The last day whispered, and now the shimmering Jian Ji, the next second immediately thought and did not want to, is a lost skill qe lost.

Suddenly, Jian Ji’s whole person stunned and turned.

"Ha ha ha, no matter how fast!"

Seeing that Jian Ji was interrupted by himself and returned to the city, and under his own control, the end of the day seemed to be touched by excitement.

What is the coolest? Of course, now that the enemy is hiding from the city, when you plan to escape, you interrupted him the best.

"Okay, eat my big axe!"

Nobel’s mood was so excited that he was crushed for a long time, and at this moment he came back with the big axe pulling the jealous Sword Ji.

However, he did not know that he was not a little white sheep.

"Good cooperation!"

Ye Che's smile, applauding the enemy, this short silence of a few seconds, then a handful of pull, perfect.

"Well, it's perfect for me to get in touch with my hand!"

"e skill, advance fountain!"


As soon as the sound of the cow leather was heard, the blood volume of Nobel’s hand suddenly lost a small space.

Connaught hand immediately counterattack, the big killing of the Quartet opened, and suddenly turned, Jian Ji's blood dropped a few squares.

In addition, the end of the day is desperately sucking and sucking, and the blood volume of Jian Ji is also a bit slower.

After a while, the blood volume is only half in the first place.

After all, although the output of Jian Ji was high in the early stage, it was a crispy skin after all. The end of the day has been more than four levels. The two-level blood-sucking and e-skills are still silent.


"The trough, not right, this sword Ji a much higher than the blood of your blood."

After a second of time, Nobel’s hand was beaten with Jian Ji, and suddenly the script was completely wrong.

Since he was pulled back by him, this sword has never thought of running, and he is completely standing in the same place to open e-skills, and with the blood of the end of the day, he is mad at himself.

After a while, the promise has been bloody, after all, he came with less than half of the blood.

"You are an idiot, he is running and running, and I can't run here."

I immediately shouted at the end.

However, the promise is really hard to say, he was afraid of the rebound of Jian Ji, for fear of being blocked by Jian Ji.

Under such a mind, Nobel’s hand did not dare to a sword, but turned and turned back and started in one go.

Only Jian Ji e skills plus the movement is almost full, how can you let the novice run away, q skills are not open, directly all the way to a past.

"Sb no longer cuts you down!"

The end of the day can't stand it anymore. Seeing that Nobel’s hand is dead, he quickly screams.

The thing that makes the shame of the wild is that you help the teammates, but the teammates are dead. The key is that the state of the arresters has been quite good until now.

"Mom, I’m so desperate, I don’t believe you can react."

Thinking, Noto is desperately trying to escape, suddenly turned back, and then suddenly went to Jian Ji.


However, with the sensitivity of Ye Che's reaction, in the moment when the Nobel Axe was illuminating in vain, the skill Lauren had an eye-catching knife, and he did not want to use it.

A shield with a semi-circular arc immediately appears above the blade.


The shield with the **** red axe of Nobel’s hand, immediately collapsed, just...

A friendly hero was killed!

Looking at this tip, the whole person is not good at the end, I am Nima, this promise is too stupid!

According to the concept of the last day, when he fears Jian Ji, the hand eq picks up and then resets the general attack a, so that a moment of explosion, immediately can play the sword Ji half blood.

Then Jian Ji was reduced, the blood of the last day will be sucked for a long time, and then after the blood is sucked, he will stick to Jian Jiping a, and finally he will kill Jian Ji.

However, this Nima is better than the order, how is this wave so watery.

After seeing himself being killed, Nobel’s hand stayed for a while, and until the end, he was actually bounced and killed directly.

This sword Ji is absolutely the Lord, um, it should be a hero suppression!

Not to mention the promise of a person is still looking for reasons for himself, the last day to see the teammates died, the uncle can not bear to be unbearable, and immediately chased after the fierce.

At this time, Jian Ji was eaten by the end of the full bloodsucking, and has always been flat, and the q skills of the first hand, the blood volume is only one-third, but the end is still full of blood.

However, when Jian Ji killed his hand, he did not retreat, but rushed to the purple square soldier.

"Hey, I want to move through the small soldiers? It’s just a lieutenant!"

The last day wants to say, in fact, he has already seen everything.

After feeling that he had already guessed the idea of ​​Jian Ji, he was more confident and went straight to Jian Ji.

At the same time, began to call for robbery to contain.

After the robbery originally pressed the line under the ball girl tower, it only went to the sixth level with a little experience, but as a master, there must be details that others did not know.

So he suddenly retreated and went to 4f. This 4f kill, he must be 6th.

At that time, suddenly appeared from the side, the ball girl will die.

"Don't make a noise, wait!"

Yu Wen killed a glance at the road, cold and cold.

In his opinion, this one-third of the blood of Jian Ji, has been dead, not in a hurry.

At the end of the day, I was not in a hurry. After slowly drifting from the middle of the grass to Jian Ji, I began to level up.

Looking at this time, there is no q small soldier to leave, but a sword in a small soldier, he feels a little strange.

But after thinking about it, maybe this sword Ji was seen in the middle of the road and was robbed, so give up resistance.

The skill cooling at the end of the previous period is very fast. He has already turned around soon. When he picks up one another, the sword is dead.

"Ye Che ran quickly and robbed."

The curtain suddenly became loud. Perhaps it was Jian Ji who once again killed the promise and let her see the hope. At this time, she spoke directly under the emergency.