League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 668: Micro-field, big horror


A few meters around the leaves of Ye Che, there have also been strange fluctuations. Gossip Chinese Network W√w★W. √81zW. CoM

The next second, a red-hot field about two meters, appeared on the top of Ye Che.

“Sure enough, it’s a micro-field!”

The purple collar eyes are picked up.

At the same time, the purple soil of the purple collar has suddenly slammed into the tiny field of Ye Che.


In an instant, countless thunderous explosions, no pauses, more and more disease.

At the junction of the purple soil field and the micro-field, the space began to oscillate, and countless pieces of force ejected and turned into disillusionment.

This kind of sound is enough to make ordinary silver gold, after hearing the heartbeat, even the heart stops, the blood vessels burst and die!

"Good consumption!"

Ye Che’s face suddenly showed a big shock, and now it’s just a collision. The power of his own body is enough to consume one-fifth!

This kind of consumption is terrible to the extreme.

Ye Che’s power is more than a dozen times more than the average person. In this case, only one second loses one-fifth. Doesn’t it mean that ordinary platinum has a micro-field? It was enough to die just a few times in the moment.

"It shouldn't be played, the field of this diamond is terrible!"

Ye Che’s eyes flashed a remorse.

Before the distance was too far, the purple collar of the purple collar was rebounded in an instant, so Ye Che thought that this micro-field could resist.

I did not expect that the resistance can indeed be resisted, but the energy that is imaginary is too much.

Seeing Ye Chebai's face, a purple smile on the face of the purple collar, and even shouted: "Now give up resistance, spare you not to die!"

Ye Chewen heard aloud and said: "If I would believe you like this executioner, then I will live on the dog for the rest of my life."

Just kidding, I escaped several times before, so if I fall into her hands this time, even if I don't die, I am afraid that I will end up with a disability, how can I give up resistance.

"court death!"

The purple collar eyes are cold, and the purple soil is pressing down, the more fierce.


Ye Che’s heart snarled and increased the output of the force.

2 seconds... 3 seconds... 4 seconds...

At this moment, the power of the segment in Ye Che is only less than one tenth.

"District area, give me broken!"

The purple collar also saw Ye Che's lack of support, and at the same time he was happy, he wanted to crush this miniature field completely.

Only the broken micro-field, the purple collar of the purple collar, can be included in the leaf.

Ye Che smiled and stopped the output of the power of the segment. In fact, it was not that he wanted to stop, but the degree of recovery, which could not meet the output.


The purple soil field is tilted down, and the distance from Ye Che’s body is only two meters away.

In the micro-field, the red light of the fire is bleak.

"It's really stubborn, crush!"

The purple collar is low and the sound is heard. The next second, in the purple soil space, the unparalleled purple soil emerges and wraps away from the miniature field. It seems that the purple collar is intended to directly swallow this miniature field.

But what I want, this time, it is a horse cell.


In the ear of the purple collar, the sound of the konjac wearing a cloud-cleaved stone was like a thundering explosion. In the meantime, it directly reached the purple collar of the diamond iv, and it shook the ears and the nose was bleeding.

"This... what is this!!!"

The purple collar was shocked, and she clearly felt that in this small micro-field, suddenly there was a huge and terrifying will!

This horrible will, because of his current devouring, is like a moment of awakening, and it is overwhelming, covering the power of the mountain and the sea, and spewing out of it.

"What a ghost thing!"

This thought, just emerging from the purple collar, she only felt the brain shocked.

A thick, pale voice appeared in the brain of the purple collar.

"The king of the king, death sin!"

Along with this voice, a broken sky, the will of the heavens and the earth, such as the tsunami, burst out!

Just like a world's strongest king awakened in general, the micro-field is only a slight shock, the purple collar of the purple collar space, directly collapsed, turned into pieces of decimeter-sized clods, scattered like raindrops.

The purple collar was white and trembled.

At this moment, she could not care about the field of purple soil, she only felt that she was locked by a great will.

She has a feeling that the master of this will, as long as a little thought, what diamond iv, what hero skills, will be vulnerable, and will instantly become a fly ash, leaving no trace in this world!

Despair, tremor, fear, death, countless negative emotions, linger from the mind of the purple collar.

While her mind was completely lost, a strange wave of volatility appeared on the moon 380,000 kilometers away from the Earth, and then crossed the space and arrived at the purple collar.

At the same time, this great will has already sentenced the purple collar to death.

The willpower of destruction has already smashed down against the purple collar.

However, with the emergence of this wave of fluctuations, this willpower suddenly trembled and stopped. Then, from this will, there was a confused and seemingly unclear discourse.

"Ray... is that you...?"

"You still... didn't die...?"

"Hey... why am I asking this..."

The thoughts of this will seem to be completely confusing.

The sound that followed was intermittent, until it was unspeakable.

Ye Che’s mind, all in the micro-field, naturally feels this will and his words.

Surprised to the extreme, I saw that the field of purple collar has collapsed, and she seems to be stimulated too lightly, immediately bite her teeth, control the force of the remaining ranks, rushing to the east Fly away.

The stimulation of the purple collar is not small, the stock is absolutely invincible, just like the most powerful king between heaven and earth, the feeling of trepidation has been undulating in her heart.

In addition, her field of purple soil has collapsed, so she can only watch the leaves fly away and disappear.

At this time, Ye Che, who is tens of thousands of meters away from the purple collar, although the face is still pale, but the basics have returned to normal.

Even the power of the ranks in the body, under the recovery of its horror, has recovered nearly half.

"Is that will, is it the original owner in this field? It is terrible!"

Ye Che dark thought, now think of the will, just light, Ye Che has a feeling of goose bumps.

"This field will be studied again. Now I will go to the demon of the Eastern Region. The field of the purple collar has been abolished. In a short time, I have nothing to worry about!"

Ye Che went to the east to fly away, while secretly.

Now there is a micro-field in hand, even if there is a diamond demon, he is not empty, the kind of magnetic field, the power of the field can completely resist!

"The level of heroic skill is too low. It seems that it is necessary to open the challenge again. Otherwise, it is not advisable to use the micro-field to make a card. The energy required to open the micro-field is too great, and it is not necessary to use it! ”

Thinking, Ye Che intends to let the Oriental Jian, the Oriental Nishang and other people out of danger, once again open the challenge!

At the same time, the awful wall of the East is already in sight.

On the city floor, a human cry for help was passed into Ye Er’s ear.