League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 730: fury

Just one plus, a young man in a black gown has fallen in front of her. August 1 Chinese √ WWWW.く81くz√W. CoM

"Fist cream, long time no see!"

Ye Che slowly looked up and looked at the man in front of him.

This man's face is covered with wrinkles, although the momentum is extraordinary, but it is obviously old, it is the fist cream.

"Sure enough, you... you really didn't die!"

The fist cream took a deep breath and looked deeply at the youth in front of me. The mood was inexplicable.

At the beginning, he was defeated by the purple collar, and the field was defeated. This Ye Che, but lived, not only that, if the rumors are not wrong, he just came to the two realms, he will The owner of the house is killing!

Not to defeat, not to reluctantly win, but to kill directly!

I have to say that the fist cream has attached great importance to Ye Che, and now Ye Che, if she fights, she has no grasp of winning.

"Let's let go of 6 Yao, if she is not damaged, we can't be enemies."

Ye Che Shen channel.

Immediately, Ye Che pointed her gaze to the girl carrying the fist cream. The girl's finger was green and the face was covered, but the face was mostly obscured. It seemed to be noticeable.

"Ye Che, to be honest, I appreciate you very much."

The fist cream is not tense, even with the moment of seeing Ye Che, with a touch of relaxation.

"What do you mean?"

Ye Che brows wrinkled.

"You don't really think that I can't see you are deliberately tempting me out..."

The fist cream smiled slightly.

"You know, then you!?"

Ye Che's look has changed.

"Nothing, I just want to see you, to tell the truth, if you didn't think about something less, maybe you really have to be degraded, and I really have no way to escape."

The sound of the fist cream is a little hoarse. At the same time as speaking, I still look at Ye Che up and down. It seems that I am not afraid of Ye Che’s anger.

Ye Chewen heard that he did not say a word directly, and his body moved to the front of "6 Yao". His fingers were pinched, and the gauze on the face of "6 Yao" was removed.

"Sure enough, not 6 Yao!"

Ye Che’s heart was shocked, and suddenly turned around, watching the fist cream, and the voice said coldly: “6 Yao, where!?”

A bad premonition, produced in the bottom of my heart.

This fist cream clearly knows that it is not its own opponent. It is obvious that she is waiting for her here, but she has to be hard.

There is only one possibility, she has a snuggle!

This cuddling makes her completely ignoring Ye Che, ignoring the power of the entire two-city city!

"I said, you have considered one less thing, that is, the importance of 6 Yao to our boxer!! The son of the hero is enough to let my family command and become the master of the boxer!!! Even, make the whole boxer become The most powerful existence of the two realms!"

The fist cream said, but the finger was twisted. With the sound of "squeaking", the girl who was forced to play 6 Yao was already twisted her neck.


Ye Che was shocked, and even furious.

As soon as the body moved, the fist had already carried the power of rich platinum, and the sound of the whistling and screaming, slammed into the fist.

The action of the fist cream made Ye Che unexpected, so that under such a close distance, Ye Che did not save her.

"A good and powerful atmosphere."

The fist cream was condensed with both eyes, and Ye Checai did not see it for two days. He actually gave birth to a feeling that could not be matched.

"Sacred blessing!"

The fist cream was low and the golden light shone from the void and fell on the fist cream.

At that time, the body of the fist cream rose, and the degree reached the limit.

Only she just wanted to rely on this degree to escape Ye Che's blow, a sharp tip to the extreme, has already resisted her eyebrows.

"Ignore the space, ignore the time, the true sixth layer!!!!?"

The fists of the fists suddenly slammed the boss, and looked at the tip of the sword in front of his eyebrows, with a sharp voice in his mouth.

"Say, where is 6 Yao, don't say, die!"

Ye Che's eyes are astonishingly cold. At this moment, no matter what tricks he wants to play, he just wants to find 6 Yao, which is crucial.

"The sixth floor, you are only 2o, but you will realize the true meaning of the sixth floor! My family commander, 34 years old this year, has reached the level of drilling ii, but this year just touched the true sixth layer one or two, you actually ......"

There was a weird cry in the punching mouth, and she was really shocked.

Originally, she was only curious as to why Ye Che could survive under the purple collar, so she planned to see the side before going to the heroic city, but she did not expect to see this scene unexpectedly, and saw the young man's card!

The fifth layer can be understood, but the sixth layer, involving the illusory time, how this kid understands! ! !

Just when the boxing cream was stunned, the tip of the "virtual sword" was even further, almost completely touching the eyebrows of the boxing cream, and it was overflowing with a trace of blood, as long as one inch, even if the boxing cream is a diamond, In the absence of automatic guards in the field, you should also drink on the spot.

"The last time, where is 6 Yao!"

The virtual sword begins to tremble and it must be activated at any time.

The fist cream looked at Ye Che deeply and said: "I have to deny that you really are the top omnipotent genius among all the people I have met. Even at this age, no one is on the real level. I can reach you this step, saying that it is the first generation of the entire Chinese youth, the first person can not be overemphasized!"

"But 6 Yao, I still advise you to give up, the general commander of one of our main players, has already come to the two realms, and he will be able to drill the strength of ii. Don’t say that you are only a platinum, even if you Achieving a diamond, just like an ant, the entire two-city city is also completely vulnerable!"

Said here, the fist cream looked at Ye Qi's sudden change of face, continued: "Maybe you still don't understand the meaning of the son of the hero, the son of the hero represents the inheritance of the hero's body, as long as we have less master, I am afraid that it will be instant Break through the existing sincerity, step into the realm of the gods, when the masters are invincible, even among the masters, they can also have a place! And once we are the masters of the masters, then the homeowner’s position is at your fingertips. As for the meaning of the position of the homeowner, you must understand! So, you should understand the importance of the son of the hero, for my family!"

"I understand……"

Ye Che took a deep breath.

The punching cream saw Ye Che, and his face showed a smile. He said: "You can rest assured that as long as you are interested and saved me, I will not report it to you. You only need to tell me how you escaped from the purple collar. If you tell me about the skills of Guangrui, you can leave."

"Hey, let me go!?"

Ye Che’s eyes are extremely cold, and if he doesn’t know the importance of the son of the hero, he certainly thinks so, but now...

"I understand, since you will not say where 6 Yao is, you will live forever and miserablely."

Ye Che’s voice fell, and a killing madness emerged.


The fist cream was shocked at the bottom of the heart, and the scalp was blown up.