League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 793: Newcomer boat, free labor?

When Ye Che looked up, she saw an incredible scene. August 1st ★ Wenwang W√wくW√. √8く1zくW. CoM

It was a huge wave with a height of a thousand meters. This wave was like a giant something of a certain level. It was stirred up from the sky, madly smashed down and set off waves.


After the wave was far and near, the rushed to the water curtain ship.

At this moment, the rune enchantment of the water curtain ship began to become unstable.

The hull, which also began to sway, seemed to have flipped miniatures at any time.

"Damn, what **** luck, just came to the battlefield and encountered this disgusting thing!!"

Yi Lin's face changed dramatically, and he didn't want to think about it. The strength of the whole body was bursting out, and then it was attached to the hull, which made the hull stable.

However, the hull is stable, but the runes are enchanted, but they have not been able to withstand the waves of such a level. They only support about six or seven seconds, and they are directly broken.


A large wave of waves, like a downpour, fell on the water curtain ship.

Ye Che's face changed slightly, and the power of the segment has already emerged, turning into a semi-circular white gold cover, protecting himself and the exclaimed Xiaoqing.

Because of the power of the position, Yilin used to control the stability of the hull. One did not pay attention to it and was directly smashed into a chicken.

"Mom, I am not a major in water!!"

Yi Lin’s face was black, but the voice just fell, and the water scorpion on the side snorted, suddenly volleyed, waved, the sea on the left side of the hull suddenly vacated, colliding with the aftermath of the bang .


Under the collision of sea water, it turned into countless finely divided sea pearls and scattered down.

And around, the boundless sea is still roaring. .

However, the water curtain ship received only a small aftermath. In the case of the release of the "shock tide" from time to time, the water wave finally resisted this aftermath.

"How come there is such a big wave!?"

Ye Che frowned and looked around and gradually calmed down, asked in amazement.

There are no storms around, or a tsunami like that, even if it is a tsunami, it is impossible to have such a big wave, but it is a kilometer high! !

"It's a demon!!"

Wing Lin calmly said, apparently just came to the battlefield, so he was so embarrassed that he was very upset.


Ye Cheyi, this wave is actually made by the devil, this is too exaggerated! ?

This wave, but it is full of kilometers!

The water scorpion on the side is also a slight glimpse.

However, just as Yilin wanted to explain it, Xiaoqing suddenly raised a good-looking arc and said: "If you don't guess wrong, you should be a mad beast? The strength of the mad beast can only reach the diamond v in adulthood. Its destructive power, but it can completely compare the iii, the demon of the drill ii... When it appears, it stirs up the wind and rain, destroys countless human buildings, the horrible waves, and even spikes the general soldiers, but its talent is extremely strange. The mobility in the sea, simply bursting the table, even the strongest of the iii diamond ii, can not catch up, unless there is the power of drilling i, personally shot, there is hope."

Yi Lin looked at Xiao Qing with a strange look. "The little girl is not very knowledgeable. This kind of demon who lives only in the battlefield of the chaos, the most dangerous area, you actually know."

Ye Che also looked at Xiaoqing with great interest. He now has Xiaoqing’s potential to be an encyclopedia. Before that, she seemed to be able to tell her origins and so on.

"Hey... I read more books on weekdays..."

Xiaoqing smiled slightly.

"This thing is not something that can be written in the general book..."

Yi Lin had a secret voice, but did not ask, but followed Xiaoqing’s words and continued: “This mad beast has tens of thousands of airbags on both sides, which can store a large amount of sea water. When it is time to escape, it is released at the same time. That degree, just like the phantom, even many people who have lived in the battlefield for a dozen or twenty years have never seen it... and when it stirs up the wind, it carries a glimpse of the sea. And then, there will be waves of the same level as you just saw."

Ye Chewen heard a flash of dignity in his eyes, this chaos battlefield, it really is a terrible place.

If those o-class warriors first arrived, I am afraid that this level of waves will come, they will be seriously injured without death, and this is only the aftermath.

"Well, it is very difficult for the mad beast to pick up the waves twice in the same place at the same time. It is estimated that it has already escaped. Let's go to the team springs first."

Yi Lin exhaled and wiped the sea on his face and said.

Ye Che nodded, and the water scorpion kept a new attitude, the iceberg goddess.

Perhaps only this attitude, let her face Ye Che, not so embarrassing.


The water curtain boat slowly turned and started to drive.

Ye Cheju looked up, and now there is a small island on the left side of the kilometer, while the right and back are continuous reefs.

The angle of these reefs looks like a triangle.

“This is a triangular sea area. One of the habitats of our Langton base. When it was opened, this time it was 1515 square meters, and the landing point of each transmission was random according to the area.”

Yilin explained that while controlling the water curtain ship, he rushed to the small island.

Ye Che nodded secretly, no accident, then for the next time, he will settle here.

Soon, with the rush of the water curtain ship, the island was clearly printed into Ye's eyes.

But with it, there was a disgusting **** smell.

Ye Che looked up and suddenly looked at it.

I saw that there are more than a dozen three or four hundred meters of buildings on the beach of this island. Above these buildings, there are more than a dozen bodies of demon sea beasts.

These bodies are all 100 meters in size and look very incomparable.

However, now it is hard to be hung there, exposed to the sun.

At the bottom, there are hundreds of water curtain boats docked there, but now they are all in the east, because there is no open rune enchantment, most of them are broken by the shackles.

Beside it, there are a lot of people with bare upper body, and they are busy.

As the water curtain ship approached, there was a burst of roar, low noise, and passed over.

Obviously, the object is the madman.

At this time, the water curtain boat that Ye Che was riding was already very close to the island, and it was finally seen.

"Hey!? There are new people coming, Nima's free labor is coming!"

"Fast, stop the boat!!!"

"Mom egg, this **** mad demon, labor and capital will one day, will kill this beast!! Hey, newcomer ship? Come, stop the labor and help!"

Ye Che and others are still not close, and there is a burst of drink on the beach.

Ps: Uh huh, I will give you everything, and I will endure eternal life.