League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 833: Mutant female crab

"The field of earth!"

With the sound of magic, a field of nearly three kilometers, slowly emerged from the sky, in this field, the purple soil violently tumbling like a purple dragon. Bayi Chinese Network W★wくW. ★8√1くz√Wく. CoM

Looking at this familiar scene, Ye Che's eyes flashed slightly, this magic is major, it seems to be a hollow beast, it was the original purple collar, used.

At this time, everyone was attracted by the sudden boss-level demon, and no one would care about Ye Xiao, the little platinum.

At the same time, Ye Che’s heart sighed out, and quietly retreated to the back of everyone.

At this time, Wang Yu of the eternal kingdom, for a moment, has already flashed to the right side, and then with a wave of arms, an explosion of ray of light emerged.

This momentum makes Ye Che scalp.

Because of the pressure of the power of this segment, it was not much different from that of Quantian Heng. That is to say, this Wang Yu and the magic light are at least diamond iii.

Fortunately, I just didn't run, otherwise I will definitely be won.

But for a time, Ye Che’s mind was filled with infinite doubts. These three teams are so strong that it is absolutely impossible to appear in the b-level battlefield.

Yes, now, but it has appeared, and also mentioned the spirit leaf.

Could it be that Xiaoqing’s Lingye attracted them?

What is this Lingye, what is it! ?

Ye Che's eyes are extremely complicated, and the subconsciously looked at Xiaoqing again, but now Xiaoqing's face is calm and looks very normal.

At this time, with the strength of Wang Yu's position, one side is also about three kilometers in size, and it has appeared from the top of his head. This is the "star field" of the star gods!

In this field, there are numerous golden yellow spherical rays, and the golden yellow spherical light has a lot of granular golden balls, which are turning sharply.

The last one was called cold, but it was facing the mother crab. His cold face was already killing.

Suddenly, Ye Che only felt that the sky was dark, and even the moonlight could not see the slightest moment. In the sky, I don’t know when it was full of countless crows.

"The Doomsday Messenger..."

Looking at these black crushed crows, Ye Che’s mind flashed a hero’s figure.

However, the strength of these three people seems to be different from those of Quantian Heng. At that time, the field of Quantian Heng was full of five kilometers!

At this time, the captains of the three teams were already in place, and the rest of the people, who were also flashing, huddled from the top to the bottom, from front to back, to prevent it from escaping.


The lightning magnetic field of the female crab rushed wildly, but when it came over, it was blocked by the three people.


The female crab was angry. Seeing Xiaoqing was not far away, but she was blocked by more than a dozen people. In the red mouth, she could not help but scream, and her body was nearly 600 meters.

"This power, it really is a boss-level demon!"

The three teams of people, the eyes of the crazy color, not waiting for the mother crab shot, actually began to take the initiative to attack.


"Chunting and killing!!"

"Bright offensive!"

"Crystal broken!!"

"Permafrost field!!!"

The members of the three teams smashed a strong attack, and everyone’s face showed a murderous heart.

At a glance, the sea in the vicinity of 10,000 meters was hit by the horror of the throne.

Fourteen diamonds shot at the same time, this power is simply earth-shattering! ! !


Countless waves, stirred up, are hundreds of meters high, and then squat down.


The female crab was hit by a joint of fourteen diamonds. It was blown up by a pound and flew up to a thousand meters, and sprinkled countless blood in the sky.

"Hey! Human, die!!"

The female crab is also crazy. Under Ye Jing’s horrified eyes, his 600-meter body actually began to swell.

"it has started……"

Xiaoqing whispered a word, looking at Ye Che's gaze, but flashed a trace of anxiety.

"What started?"

Ye Cheyi.

"Boss demon, it's not so easy to beat. When it opens the demon physique, these people are estimated to have suffered..."

Xiaoqing licked some dry lips and said.

"Devil physique..."

Ye Che’s heart shocked, and in vain thought of the white gold peaks and demons that he met in the Temple of Heroes, all had a demon constitution.

Even the demon of the Platinum peak, after possessing the devil's constitution, is so terrible.

Then, this boss-level female crab, what kind of demon physique it has, will be at a time when the strength will reach a point of horror.

At the time when Ye Che’s thoughts were thousands of years, with the roaring roar of the female crab, an extremely powerful force came out from the mother crab.

Repressed, heavy...

In an instant, a negative force of the stock spread out from the body of the mother crab.

The female crab is still being wrapped in a horrible thunder, and the body is constantly pulling up, pulling up, and expanding.

"Get together! This is the most important battle in our life, we can only win, we can't fail!"

Magic Bright, Wang Yu and Leng Ming, while swearing, the eyes of three people have been replaced by madness.

As long as you can kill the boss-level demons, the rest of the anti-day benefits will not be said, the entire team will be divided into eternal wars, which will not be degraded for hundreds of thousands of years.

No one is not heart-warming, no one is not crazy!


At this moment, the amount of lightning power that haunts the female crab slowly disappears, and then a behemoth is appearing in front of everyone.

It is tall, has reached a kilometer, has a belly with a diameter of four or five hundred meters, and there are countless cracks on the head, just like being put together.

The overall grayish black, scattered smell, although more than just ugly countless times, but breath, more than twice as strong!

"Sure enough, Ögat's abyss crab body is not skin, but was implanted by living, they... have finally started to work..."

Xiaoqing snorted and flashed a glimpse of his eyes.

"Well, what are you talking about?"

Ye Che suddenly bowed his head.

"Oh...no...nothing...right, can you still escape? Now is the best chance!"

Xiaoqing is busy.


Ye Che's mouth twitched slightly, and in her eyes, she flashed a trace of madness.

Seemingly seeing Ye Che’s thoughts, Xiao Qing looked shocked and said: “You...you don’t want to be the idea of ​​playing this female crab!?”

"What is it?"

Ye Che's heart is also for this idea, and the blood is spurting, but on the surface, it seems a little calm.