League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 862: Frost Battleship

Originally, most of the people present had reached the diamonds, and wanted to go to the a-class chaos battlefield to earn the battle. Bayi Chinese Network W★wW. ★81zくW. CoM

Therefore, even if Ye Che is flying over, it will not cause any waves, but the key is that his age is too young, so almost everyone has attracted attention.

"Look at this age, it is estimated that it will be 2o, and it has already achieved diamonds!"

"A 2 year old diamond... oh... the third child, don't look at it, take care to bring disaster!!"

"These characters are very likely to be the inheritors of the hero clan, whether it is behind the forces or themselves, they are amazing!"

Many people whispered to each other and saw Ye Che step forward. Some people even moved involuntarily to the two sides, for fear of blocking Ye Che.

"Hero family?"

Ye Che's eyes flashed a trace of doubt.

It seems that I was aware of Ye Che’s surprise. Xiaoqing whispered to the side: “A level chaos battlefield, it can be said that it is the most intricate place in the chaos of the sea, is the location of various top forces and top talents! And those top The forces will be self-contained by the heroic clan, and the genius in the so-called hero clan is rumored to say that it is possible to borrow the power of the heroic ontology."

Although Xiaoqing is telling Ye Che, the tone seems to be somewhat disappointing to what hero clan.

"It turns out that...the hero clan...the top genius inside can borrow the power of the hero's ontology?"

Ye Che secretly said, as the saying goes, there is no wind and no waves, and the hole does not come. Since this information has been spread, it is obviously not too messy, so Ye Che secretly left his eyes.

At this time, the first few people have been transmitted in one go, and Ye Che and Xiao Qing are the turn.

"A level chaos battlefield."

Ye Che looked at the trainer of the rune, and the voice was not high.


The guards answered with respect and respect, and there was no perfunctory because of the young man and the young woman. Just as Ye Ke directly flew to the disc, he noticed it, so he did not dare to neglect.

Especially from Ye Che, he can feel a murderous murder, which can be cultivated through battle and life and death.

"Well... ok, but because the rune transfer array needs to be repaired frequently, so each transfer fee is 2oo, you have a total of 4oo."

The supervisor said seriously.

Ye Che did not have any opinion. After delivering the 4oo battle, the light of the rune of the rune suddenly lit up like a blazing sun. The next moment, Ye Che and Xiao Qing, along with a few people standing behind him, crossed the void. , entered the a-class chaos battlefield.

The wind is whistling, with an extreme sea bream.

Ye Che quickly got rid of the stun of the space shuttle. At the foot of his place, it was a stone monument three or four times larger than the disk. There were about forty or fifty people standing on the left side, apparently from the b level. The transmission was transmitted from all over the battlefield.

On the right, there are a lot of people waiting to be sent to other places, but the difference is that each of these people is surrounded by extremely fierce atmosphere.

Obviously, they are all masters of the battlefield in the a-level battlefield!

Under the stone tablet, there is an endless ocean. What makes Ye Che unexpected is that they are transmitted during the day, but when they come here, it turns out to be dark, except for the stone monument, surrounded by Hessen.

This dark environment made Ye Che suddenly alert, and the real power swept around, there were no demons nearby, only those people who had just seen.

Ye Che is planning to let the little dance call out the map, and then when he is on the road, a very heavy crash, coming from afar.

Ye Che's eyes turned quickly and saw a few men with bronze skin, dragging a huge iron anchor and came over.


After the men came to Ye Che and others, they just glanced a little, and they said coldly.

"This is the pick-up of the a-level battlefield, so that after the arrival of the newcomer, it will inexplicably die."

Xiaoqing whispered aside.

Ye Che nodded.

At this time, dozens of people who have just been sent around have already gone with these men.

Ye Che took Xiaoqing, and soon with these people, came to the edge of the stone plate to stand.

While Ye Che was thinking about how to cross the sea, he only heard a "beep", and one of the giants showed his head on the sea.

This thing is like a white jade casting, only to see its head is not seen at the end, big and amazing.

"The Titan clan is really rich in financial resources, and it takes a million battles to exchange for the Frost Warship. It is also exchanged."

Someone immediately sighed.

At this time, the battleship of this white jade color has been parked under the stone tablet.

"The shipping fee, 2oo battle, one, paid the boat!"

These big men with iron anchors turned their heads.

"Rely, it's so dark."

A middle-aged man from Ye Che’s two positions immediately exclaimed.

"You can choose not to sit!"

Someone in the big man snorted.

The middle-aged man looks at the black paint environment around him, although his heart is hairy, but he is a diamond strong, afraid of an egg!

So the heart is horizontal, directly said: "Do not sit without sitting! I flew over!"

Only when he spoke, he did not notice that many people looked at his sneer eyes.

Just came to the a-level battlefield, Ye Che did not want to do things that were not sure, and directly handed over the combat power, and Xiaoqing stood on the battleship, which is now bigger than the ship.


With a low voice, the Frost Warship started.

The middle-aged man gnashed his teeth and flew directly alongside the frostship.

Behind him, a field of 500 meters in size, from time to time came a roar.

"This guy is going to be miserable..."

Among the people who got on the boat together, suddenly someone said that they were gloating.

Ye Ye thought that when this person said this, he soon heard the middle-aged people’s field, and suddenly there was a huge bang, just like what was hit by a slap.

The middle-aged man flying next to the Frost Warship, his face was white, and he still didn't understand what happened. The whole person had already been struck by lightning, and he fell straight from the sky, and the field behind him collapsed instantly.

"this is……"

Ye Che body is cold, just a moment, he feels the middle-aged people's field, at least suffered from the impact of ten to twenty energy, and this energy Ye Che did not feel wrong, it is the magnetic field!

There are at least one or twenty diamond demons around this!

Ye Che suddenly took a deep breath.

After the middle-aged man fell into the sea, there was no movement. Everyone knows that this guy must have fed the fish without accident.

"The Capricorn Rune has been transferred, the next stop, the Angel, the remaining station... Seven, estimated time, four hours! Please return to the cabin and sit down!"

On the Frost Warship, a mechanically synthesized voice came.