League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 902: Although millions of people, I am going

So after he was slightly indulged, he said directly: "You, can't wait any longer, or you will be slow to change, don't forget, the guards of the endless city owners are also watching this, and when they come, we think again." It’s hard to kill this clear god!"

This sentence is very reasonable, and immediately surprised the leaders of all forces. Eight ★ one Chinese network W√w√W. 81zW. CoM

Wang Yu of the eternal kingdom made a quick decision: "Yes, don't wait, I suggest that each team has ten people and go to break the door!"




"it is good!"

In order to avoid being stirred up by the power of the endless city owners, these forces are ready to shoot immediately!

Soon, a trial of only 500 people formed a murderous door to the home of the transfer house.

However, the pace is very small. Obviously, they are actually concerned about their own life safety, but only under the command, they have to go to kill God.

Ten minutes later, the law enforcement officer will lead all the guards in the Endless City to rush to the criminals to execute the death penalty!

Ten minutes later, the law enforcement officer will lead all the guards in the Endless City to rush to the criminals to execute the death penalty!


In vain, a reminder that made all the leaders of the battle group horrified, and it sounded.

"Damn, only ten minutes!"

"Fast, don't hesitate, kill me!!!"

"Kill the clear god, enjoy the purple dress, reward the deputy head of the throne, and enjoy the glory!!!"

"killing and killing!!!"

Because of this sudden and unexpected sound, the millions of people present were all crazy, and nothing was left to the house of transfer, rushing away.


The ground of the endless city is completely shaken by the sprint of this million people.

Especially at the door of the transfer home, a stock of killings gathered together, such as the same handleless peer, directly broke through the clouds!

Numerous weapons of various shapes, such as short swords, long swords, axes, hammers, and staff, have appeared in the hands of these trials, and they are full of thrilling power!


Finally, the top 20 people in the front row rushed to the front door of the transfer home, and the hammer in their hands had to break into the door.

However, just as they had just lifted the hammer, they only heard a deafening roar.


An incomparably huge, awesome tomahawk, suddenly came out of the door, and the heavy flying out.

The wooden door was broken instantly, and the tomahawk was unrelenting, and everyone in the line was in the air.

In an instant, countless blood splashes, and even more horrible blood deduction, flying from the top of this straight line.






The crowd is too dense, but this time, directly there are more than 20 people being smashed by the blood!

When it was said that it was too late, the Tomahawk just flew out, and a figure had already followed the flight.

"It's a clear god!!!"

"Quick, kill him!"

"Who has control skills, hehe!"

"The tester with real damage skills prepares, once he is controlled, he will output it!"

The heads of the various regiments, as well as those who have voices in their positions, are all screaming.

Chao Yunyang, chaos, Wang Yu, and Quan Tianheng, Zhao Wuji, the magic of the magic, the nightmare of the dream of annihilation.

And the people of the Supreme Palace and the City of Sky did not shoot.

They know that it is not time to shoot now!

"Controlling skills, on!"

I don't know who it is, screaming.

In the next second, I saw countless overwhelming control techniques, facing Ye Che straight.

There are hundreds of people who shot, and the rest of them are obviously going to take seamless control, so that Ye Che has been in control.

Once controlled, Ye Che will die!

"You really are damn!"

Seeing that these people really did not mercilessly take their own shots, Ye Che could not help but gloomy face to the extreme.

"Childish! Since you dare to come to the holy forest world, you must do a good job of death!"

One of the deputy heads of a certain regiment, who was very close to Ye Che, said with a sneer.

"You said it is good, so that's it... then... the shield of darkness!"

Ye Che sighed low, he knew that in this case, he could not allow him to have the slightest kindness!

With a low drink, the next second, in the horror of everyone, a purple-black shield rose from Ye Che.

This magic shield is the e-skill of Mogana, immune to all control!


"Booming and banging!"

Countless control techniques, whether it is reduction, or imprisonment, or dizziness, or silence, when it falls on Ye Che's body, it is invalidated.

Ye Che’s attack power is strong, but the law is also not bad!

A "Dark Shield" is opened, and in the case of spell power bonus, you can fully immunize tens of thousands of spell damage!


Some people were shocked at the place.

"How is it possible, how can he have three skills!?"

"Did he hit the skill book? Is it wrong? The axe he had thrown before is obviously the skill of the Berserker. Now how can he have the skills of Mogana!!!"

A look of horror or horror is printed in Ye's eyes.

"Want to kill me for a reward, then come on... just kill you and upgrade, save me everywhere to find the devil!"

Ye Che’s body was fast and low, and then the palm of his hand opened and closed. The tomahawk thrown out before was already pinched in his hand!

Then, the madman's q skills, that is, counter-current throwing, cooling time reduced to the extreme!

Berserker's q skills, as long as you smash out, then pick up, drop a large cooling time.

Ye Che chose this skill, in order to match the knife sister's q, to ​​achieve the fastest killing degree!

The rest of the wide range of skills, good is good, but the cooling time is high, release once, wait for a dozen seconds, the efficiency is too low!

"Counter throwing!"

As soon as he smashed the tomahawk, Ye Che’s arm moved and threw it out.

In an instant, it is a scream of a person who turns over the horse!

This embarrassment, more than 20 people were emptied of blood, bringing Ye Xue a 100,000 experience points!


With the flying axe far away, Ye Che's shape is like lightning, opening the "blade impact" and changing the countless directions. Every time the position changes, there will be a person's head flying over ten thousand tens of thousands of blood!

In just one second, more than a dozen trials died, and at the same time, Ye Che once again took the battle axe!

However, because there are too many people on the field, many people behind are not seeing this scene. They only hear the roar from the front.

For fear of being robbed of Ye Che’s head by others, he will squeeze forward desperately.

For a time, the scene was chaotic to the extreme.

In this case, Ye Che is like a ghost of death. In less than a minute, there are more than 300 people who have lost their lives in his hands.

Among them, there are even some heads of small forces fighting groups!

These three hundred people directly brought Ye Chul more than three million experience points.

Distance upgrade, only more than one million!