League of Legends of Battle System

v1 Chapter 116: Fun on the road

Seeing that the momentum was not right, Lin Feng said to Zhang Huan, "Brother, take your time and be careful." After speaking, she immediately went to find her sister Feng Xue.

Zhang Huan's words about Lin Feng were unknown at first, but after seeing Lin Xinyi and Zheng Qing coming together, he didn't know what he meant.

But Zhang Huan didn't have much pressure on it. He was just two women. He was sitting properly, and he was afraid that they would not succeed.

Zhe Lin Xinyi also saw Zheng Qing at this time, but didn't talk to her, just smiled at Zhang Huanyanran: "Go to Shanghai to compete, come on!"

"Come on?" Zhang Huan looked stunned, a little surprised, he didn't expect that Lin Xinyi, who has always disliked the game, said such a thing, was he encouraged?

"Don't you always like games, why now ..."

After finishing Zhang Huan's remarks, Lin Xinyi blushed. After taking over, she said in a small voice, "When I'm okay these days, I played a little with that model, and it felt very interesting."

"You play games too?" Zhang Huan was a little stunned.


Zheng Qing was on the side, seeing the two of them as if they were yours. I stepped on the first two steps, displeased and said, "Hey Zhang Huan, you are going to start, what are you still struggling with, just get in the car and want all Are you waiting for you? "

At a glance, Zhang Huan found that most of the people were really in the car, and he also looked at himself, coughing suddenly, and said to Lin Xinyi, "Well, I'm leaving, thank you for seeing off." For Lin Xinyi Zhang Huan was very moved off, but the main thing was because she played lol.

He didn't expect Lin Xinyi, a good girl, to play a game to fit his life, which made him a little surprised, and naturally he couldn't help feeling.

"Well, you go, be careful on the way!" Lin Xinyi nodded, watching Zhang Huan leave.

On the side of Zheng Qing, after Zhang Huan took a few steps away, he turned back and stretched out his fingers and pointed at Lin Xinyi, then glared at her, then hummed, and then followed Zhang Huan's swing again and again. pace.

Seeing Zheng Qing being hostile to himself, Lin Xinyi's nose wrinkled, and she suddenly became agitated.

"Brother Huan, come on!" Lin Feng shouted loudly before getting on the bus.

Zhang Huan smiled and nodded, waved at him, and was pushed into the car by Zheng Qing.

After Xu got into the car, under the push of Zheng Qing, Zhang Huan was directly squeezed into the corner of the last row, while Zheng Qing was sitting next to him. He is on the left.

Zhang Huan rebelled against Zheng Qing's unreasonable approach, but the school bus is also a small passenger car. The driver was Teacher Yang. Feng Yuan was sitting in the co-driver's cab. The first two rows were also occupied by Li Xiaodong.

In fact, sitting in the last row is quite spacious, but the problem is that Zheng Qing put her last name Li on the seat, so it seemed a little crowded.

At this time, Zhang Huan and her were basically sitting next to each other, and they were close together.

With narrowed eyes, Zheng Qing and Zhang Huan couldn't figure out what happened to her. Is it because of Lin Xinyi? "Are you going to Shanghai too?"

怎么 "Why, I'm an analyst of the DE team, can't I?" Zheng Qing didn't turn his head, put his hands on the front seat, and said anxiously.

At this moment, Yang Xinyu in front turned his head and looked at him with an ambiguous look, and said, "Sister Qing, why are you angry, wasn't it OK just now?"

"Just talk a lot, look at your cellphone, turn your head, or I'll knock you." Zheng Qing stared at Yang Xinyu with a hard look.

Seeing this, Yang Xinyu shrank his head and looked back.

At this point, the school bus has started.

Seeing Zheng Qing's appearance, Zhang Huan poked his lips, but her hips were tight, making Zhang Huan a little uncomfortable, so he moved and moved outside.

Being squeezed apart by Zhang Huan's buttocks, Zheng Qing turned his eyes and twisted his eyebrows, and then hummed, sitting directly on Zhang Huan's thigh, then pressed hard, trying to squeeze him into a narrow corner. Let him know how great he is.

But when Zheng Qing was sitting, the beauty was soft on the buttocks, obviously there was no power, but because of this ambiguous posture, while Zhang Huan felt soft, he couldn't help swallowing his saliva and tilting his head toward Party.

I took a deep breath, and Zhang Huan didn't dare to act lightly, for fear that some people in front would find something.

However, Zheng Qing didn't care about this, twisting the twisted hips and still struggling Capricorn. She thought that pushing Zhang Huan so hard could make him uncomfortable for a while.

Really, Zhang Huan is really uncomfortable.

After this situation lasted for more than ten seconds, Zheng Qing turned his head and glanced at Zhang Huan proudly, and then was about to scold him, only to find that there was something panicking under him.

His Majesty tilted his head and saw a small tent set up, and then glanced at Zhang Huan, turning his head out of the window, and he couldn't help but swallow, Zheng Qing understood.

He scolded the wolf, shyly flushed, and immediately slipped off Zhang Huan's thigh.

It happened that at this time, the school bus suddenly made a right turn, making Zheng Qing's body unstable instantly, and then flung into Zhang Huan's arms.

It is self-evident how the two of them pose, Zhang Huan is now being pressed by the softness of Zheng Qing's chest, asking the faint scent, which is refreshing. But this cannot be said.

Xu propped herself up, Zheng Qing didn't dare to look at Zhang Huan's expression, and she was ashamed to cover her face. But after discovering that the person in front hadn't noticed what she had just looked like, she took a sigh of relief.

Looking at Zhang Huan with Yu Guang, he found his face calm, but after seeing his undiminished tent, he stretched out his right hand on his thigh and gave him a stiff slap, whispering: "No Assassinated Pervert Wolf. "

I was so stunned by Zheng Qing that Zhang Huan took a sigh of relief and thought of running out of her two words, but thinking of the scene just now, Zhang Huan decided to put up with it.

In the next trip, apart from Li Xiaodong and Wu Yongjie fighting, Feng Yuan was taking a nap, while Yang Xinyu and Gao Xiang were holding mobile phones, one was chatting, the other was watching a video.

As for Zheng Qing, maybe because there was no rest last night, after getting on the Shanghai-Nanjing Expressway, he rested on the right-hand surname Li.

However, Zhang Huan was a bit stunned after the incident just now, and he did not like to play mobile phones in the car. Because he had been motion sick several times before, he had a lesson from the previous car. Even if he wants to play mobile phones now, Don't dare try easily.

When he was bored, his head turned aside and he began to look at Zheng Qing's posture.

In Jiangcheng in April, the temperature is not high, but it is not low. Zheng Qing is wearing an orange-red outerwear today, and a pair of white casual pants on the lower body, which tightly wraps the shapely slender thighs tightly.

偷 Peeking up close, no, Zhang Huan suddenly found that Zheng Qing was quite expected. Although the place in front was missing, the small buttocks were still quite awkward.

Before Zhang Huan remembered when she said that Zheng Qingshou was thin, she retorted that she was slim. Upon closer inspection, Zhang Huan found that her figure was really well-proportioned and slim.

In the past, Zhang Huan and Lin Feng did not find some beautiful pictures on the Internet. They have seen a lot of good looks, but Zheng Qing's body and Zhang Huan have to admit that they need to be in the top five.

Holding the look of Zheng Qing sleeping, Zhang Huan was breathing, a smell of gardenia flower smelled into his nose, making him feel refreshed, and when he looked at her again, his hips, he slaps him awkwardly.

After I finished shooting, Zhang Huan took a moment's notice, and then secretly said that he seemed to be a little bad, and couldn't.

And Zheng Qing also woke up from his rest, rolled up, opened his sleepy eyes, glanced at Zhang Huan vaguely, stretched out his left hand and touched the place where Zhang Huan had just hit, "You asked me to do something ?"

Seeing that Zheng Qing showed no signs of anger, Zhang Huan felt relieved ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ If the previous move was known, he would be severely despised.

"You squeezed me while you were sleeping, pay attention." Zhang Huan was right. Zheng Qing was not very honest when she was sleeping. In order to lie down comfortably, she wanted to put her feet on Zhang Huan several times. On the thigh.

"Oh!" Zheng Qing responded softly, then blinked his eyelashes, yawned, and then closed his eyes against his seat again.

This time, instead of going to sleep with the surname Li, she put E's head directly on Zhang Huan's shoulder.

Zhang Huan, when she saw that she was a little sleepy and slept soundly, she didn't mind her behavior.

But Zheng Qing slept extremely fragile, fell asleep, and lay down on his side, holding Zhang Huan's thigh directly, using this as a pillow.

Zheng Qing's move made Zhang Huan very annoyed. She wanted to wake her up, but after thinking about it, she was fine.

Along the way, while Zheng Qing was asleep, Zhang Huan kept making troubles, pinching her nose, and pinching her ears and face again. Although Zheng Qing woke up several times, maybe because of burnout For the sake of a large number of attacks, watching Zhang Huan muttered, he smashed his mouth again, and slept asleep again with his thighs pillowed.

Uh ...

Ask for a recommendation ticket! The computer configuration is too low or something, there is always a problem of disconnecting the network by yourself. I will fix it this afternoon. The two chapters were issued together in the Internet cafe. The update at night is as usual. I also know that the recent response is not good. Maybe this chapter comes out and someone wants to spray me again, but I do n’t bother to change it anyway. Anyway, the game is next. If you want to change it, you have to delete four or five chapters. lightnovelpub.net ~ Welcome book readers to read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all in ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Mobile users, please read.