League of Legends of Battle System

v1 Chapter 144: Siege Hunter? (repair)

装 Outfit, the match Li Sangzhuo (ice girl) Zhang Huan chooses conventional corruption potions. The accessories are the same as those used for monkeys, and scan is selected.

DEThis DE is in the red square. When the invisible crystal wall surrounding the spring disappears, Zhang Huan controls Nuo to go straight to the grass opposite the statue on the road.

I glanced at the situation of a few people in WZZ. Maybe because their ability to go down the line is not weak, so they did not choose to change lines.

If you are on the regular line, Zhang Huan will suffer a little loss here in the early stage, so he is going to hit a small stone statue to grab the second level.

Glancing at the location of the widow opposite, Zhang Huan found that she was next to the statue man at the bottom of the road at the moment, and it seemed that she was ready to start.

At this moment, Li Sangzhuo inserted a jewelry eye in the river at the mouth of the Canyon Pioneer, and then walked into the triangle grass on the red square road, and squatted up there.

Seeing Li Sangzhuo and the widow's position, Zhang Huan's head lighted up, and he controlled Nuo Shou to bypass the red buff pit and pass in front of F4, and then entered the opposite blue buff wild area along the river.

On the commentary table, Xiao Le saw Nuo Shou's position and was surprised: "Looking at Hunter's position, they are two mobs who are going to oppose the blue buff. At this time, the ice girl also went to the side of the red square stone statue. In the grass, wouldn't you also want to be wild? "

"Hunter wants to oppose the blue buff mob, but the ice girl might want to catch Hunter, but it is impossible to fight against the wild, because the ice girl has a Dolan ring and two reds. It will hurt. "

"It seems that Hunter is still very good at it. Most of them expected that the opposite ice girl would come to harass him, so they dared to go to the opposite blue buff wild area."

"The blue buff is about to be refreshed. The ice girl is still squatting in the grass opposite the statuette man. What does she want to do? Does it mean that Hunter is playing the mob with a red buff? She will lose if she doesn't go back online."

The analysis results of Tong Tong and Xiaole were similar. Li Sangzhuo really thought that the promised player was playing a red buff monster at this time.

But when she walked with confidence and was ready to make a surprise, she was surprised to find that the red buff had refreshed, but the family of three was squatting quietly in the pit, and there was no action, apparently no People are fighting.

"I rely, Nuoshou is so overcast, it must be running to steal our blue buff mobs!" After the soldiers on the road intersected, Li Sangzhuo did not find Nuoshou's figure, so he immediately concluded that Nuoshou was hitting his own blue. buff mobs.

Although irritable, but this anger in my heart has no place to anger, I can only throw a Q skill to the three members of the red buff family, and then hurried to the road.

Zhang Huan here, I learned the Q skill to kill the Quartet. This skill has a 0.7 second cast and cannot be canceled. In addition, the damage in the inner wall (axe handle range) is the lowest, but the damage in the outer wall (axe blade range) is extremely terrible. If the outer wall is Q, the bleeding effect will be applied.

After a short while, two blue buff mobs were easily taken into the bag by Zhang Huan, and he took a bottle of potion.

I came to the line and saw that Li Sangzhuo had just stepped out of his own red buff field, and had just replenished a soldier. Zhang Huan was funny for a while.

This Lisangzhuo, ca n’t make good online reinforcements. You have to play hide and seek with Zhang Huan. The result is to play by yourself. Originally, she went online and used Q and hero passive skill settings to clear soldiers quickly, making Nuo Shou. After reaching the line, it did not rise to the second level so quickly, but now, it is impossible to follow the original trajectory.

However, in the early days, Li Sangzhuo had long hands, and Zhang Huan had no way to take her with short legs. When he came online, he launched a Q skill to kill the Quartet.

Accumulated strength briefly, and then waved the giant axe wildly, and raised the axe to the three soldiers who were about to die.

Ooz! With the metal-like cutting sound and the air shock caused by the strong force, the three soldiers were easily captured by Zhang Huan.

Coupled with the experience of two blue buff mobs, Zhang Huan directly rose to the second level, and immediately learned E skills.

By coincidence, Li Sangzhuo used the Q skill ice shards insidiously to call Zhang Huan's position.

Li Sangzhuo's Q skills, due to the timely delivery, when Zhang Huan came forward to fill the three soldiers early, he knew that it was impossible to avoid them, so he did not dodge. Opportunity to rise to two, bully directly.

Tong Li Sangzhuo obviously knew that Nuo Shou would reach the second level at this time. After the Q skill was thrown, she decisively distanced from Nuo to avoid being beaten by him.

As soon as they came and went, the fighting time between the two was very little. Before the sixth level, they were basically reassuring soldiers.

I say basic, but there are exceptions.

At the third level, Li Sangzhuo saw that the opponent on the opposite side was more entangled. At first, she was afraid of Hunter's name, so she did not dare to overstress him, but she was persuaded by the opposite side for a continuous minute. Just daring to face up, Li Sangzhuo's mind was hot, and she began to beat the cat's heart.

The result ...

Her Q skill was turned away by Nuo Shou. Although W skill trapped Nuo Shou, she was pulled over by the latter's relentless iron hand. After being reduced by a part of her armor, she was directly attacked by another. Faping A cut on the body, and then W skills hung on her body, which reduced her movement speed by 90%.

Zhang Huan here, after W, a full Q skill is split on her body. This set, coupled with the bleeding effect, lost nearly 300 health, and scared the ice girl.

I fortunately twisted an E skill in her hand, and used the E skill to flee in a critical moment.

After this wave, Lisang Zhuo knew that although he had an advantage in the early days, once he was drawn, it would also be a **** lesson ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Just go with the set just now She had a third of her blood, and waved twice, wouldn't she go back to the spring to take a bath?

Therefore, Li Sangzhuo was relieved after the incident, and did not continue to find troublesome hands, but became somewhat regular, and dare not continue to hold the line.

Eight minutes later, Zhang Huan returned to the city at six minutes, and updated a mallet, a pair of straw shoes, and a real eye.

Although Yu Li Sangzhuo's reinforcements are a few fewer than Zhang Huan, the equipment for home updates is similar, a 1200 lunch box and a pair of straw shoes.

The calm time passed, Li Sangzhuo, who was originally in harmony with Zhang Huan, suddenly became violent, and his skills were thrown on the soldiers ... Yes, Li Sangzhuo was clearing his troops quickly.

In the field of vision, the opposite widow and the male sword had already reached the position of the red square triangle grass. Obviously, Zhang Huan knew their purpose and wanted to siege themselves!

看 "Look, here on the road, WZZ's jungler and middle lane have already arrived. Some thoughts on the Hunter on the road."

"Hunter is also alert. When he realizes the danger, he retreats directly inside the tower, but three people on the opposite side, isn't Hunter ready to leave?"

咦 "Well, look at the position of the leopard girl. After playing the red buff, he directly gave up the two unfinished mobs and went straight to the road! It seems to be ready to fight back with Hunter."

"Two or three, even under the tower, but the ice girl is hard to control, hard to say! The main thing is that the position of the leopard girl is a bit too late."

Uh ...

I ask for a ticket. The leopard girl has been turned into a wine barrel, and it has been modified ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Welcome the book readers to read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all in ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Mobile users please read.