League of Legends of Battle System

v1 Chapter 241: W flash, dominate the game!

"Ruiwen!" In the blue and blue buff battlefield, after Ike flashed, the vision on the other side of the wall lit up instantly. At the same time, he and Leopard Girl saw a character that shocked them. (Biqiwu Pinyin)

I saw that at the moment when the leopard woman slammed into the male gun, before landing, she was intercepted by Rui Wen who rushed out from the side.

what! The resounding roar suddenly released, causing Leopard Girl and Ike to stun.

At this time, Xiao Yifei's male gun turned back suddenly, and then a smoke bomb with q skill and a w skill was thrown directly at the foot of the leopard girl, making the latter into a blind spot of vision.

At the same moment, Zhang Huan controlled Ruiwen to hit a flat shot, and then started the q skill flapping dance, dancing the sword quickly and elegantly.

The show finished after 1.5 seconds.

After receiving a level of e skill in a round of e skills, the original crispy leopard girl was sent directly to heaven!


Easily killed the leopard woman, Zhang Huan's Ruiwen ran away instantly, and instead, dropped the attacking spear directly to Aike, who was preparing to chase the male gun.

"Captain, save your life!" At this time, Xiao Yifei, after seeing Ike's e-skills, was polite and came forward to kill himself. Then he felt a lot of cold, and subconsciously turned to Zhang Huan for help.

Hearing that, Zhang Huan smiled and did not indicate that he controlled Ruiwen to chase forward.

In fact, Jiang Xiaotian's male gun still has more than a hundred blood. The opposite Ike is out of armor and has no shoes. As long as Xiao Yifei uses flash to successfully escape Ike ’s q skills, do n’t get hit by the third ring, then he There is basically no danger to life.

"Well, Captain Le, my flash is gone!"

In the end, Xiao Yifei had to go. He still gave up the flash, and although he successfully escaped from Ike's pursuit, he still felt some egg pain.

Fortunately, the sad girl of Leopard Girl is dead. And his flash replaced Ike's flash, and the result was still acceptable.

And at the same time Xiao Yifei surrendered the flash. Wang Su had pushed the line under the enemy's tower, and then controlled the trees to run toward the river.

At the same time, Zhang Huan's Ruiwen also caught up with Ike by virtue of the weak advantage of shoes.

Nine seconds have passed!

Control Ruiwen to hit a flat a, and then press the q skill that has just improved. The flapping dance is used again at a speed that exceeds the limit.

After the second q skill was connected to level a, Zhang Huan did not immediately press the next q skill. Because at this time Ike's blood volume had fallen to half of his blood, his heart was afraid. Follow the normal route. When Zhang Huan's three-stage q is deployed, Ike will definitely make a big move to escape, and now the tree is still some distance from the battlefield, so after Ike's big move, Zhang Huan and the two cannot continue. Chasing.

How can the fat that is coming to the mouth allow him to run away easily?

So, Zhang Huan directly followed Ping a and pressed the w skill to stun the soul, and when the ground shuddered, Ike was instantly dizzy. Zhang Huan then connected to Ping a, and then the third q skill suddenly hit, directly hitting Ike. Finally, while Ike was struck by a fly, a flat a was added to him.

"Such explosive damage!" Rui Wen output a set of coherent, Ike's blood volume at this time has only more than a hundred drops, my heart was terrified. After leaving the state of strike, Ike didn't want to, just directly Move out and prepare to escape from the opposite direction.

but. At this time, the big tree on the road happened to arrive at the position where he was back.

"Hey. The dishes delivered to the door!" Wang Su smiled when he saw Aike's big move coming to him. The flesh of his face shook slightly, then he controlled the big tree to throw the e skill small sapling, and then shot a q skill close to Aike, knocking it out. Finally, while the e skill small sapling exploded, a w skill directly changed the Ike tied it strong.

"It's over!" Aike was so distressed at the moment that he had planned a male gun operation with Leopard Girl, but in turn was seized by Hit. First, Ruiwen's violent output became the dead Leopard Girl, and now , I can't escape myself.

The final result was no suspense. After Zhang Huan took control of Ruiwen and played two Ping a's, Aike gave his precious life under the big tree's last Ping a. At this time, even if he could spend time Backflow, but also can not go back in time, continue to survive.

This time, Zhang Huan didn't choose to take off the Ike head, but gave up the head to the big tree. From the team's perspective, it would be natural for the big tree to win this head than it was for Ruiwen who already had four heads. Significant.

After all, Dashu took the heavy responsibility of the front row of meat in the team. Now that he has a head of Aike, plus the waves of soldiers that Aike lost, he will lead Aike in the next level and equipment. As long as no mistakes occur, Ike can be easily pressed.

And Zhang Huan's Ruiwen is now approaching the runaway. With four heads in hand, he can basically beat Yasuo and cannot take care of himself.

With the equipment, Ruiwen's horror is well known. To deal with crispy skin such as Yasuo, as long as qa and w hit the foot, even if the big move does not have to open, you can let him drink tea in the spring water.

The fact is exactly the same. After Zhang Huan returned home, he made Tiamat directly, and then used the teleport to go online.

I did n’t say anything when I was online, first cleared the soldier line, and then directly entered the tower again. I caught Yasuo ’s accidental position, and set a speed of light qa to pick up Yamat, and directly increased my experience to almost six. Yasuo returned to his hometown.

And the belated woman, who had been late, could only glance at Yasuo's corpse and the line under the tower, but did not dare to come forward.

At this time, Zhang Huan's brow frowned, and he promptly reminded the lower lane to be careful. When he told him, he also shifted his eyes to the lower lane.

It happened that I saw the head of a bull head wq up, but it happened to be a picture of a skateboarder jumping and hiding.


Shaking his head secretly, Zhang Huan knew that the bull's head would die after four seconds, even if Jiang Xiaotian started treatment, it would not help.

Sure enough, it was exactly the same as he expected. During the previous wave of confrontation, the bull's head had disappeared. Although the weakness was still there, but he was very crusty and could not stand the crazy output of the skate shoes after being controlled by the hammer, and eventually also Had to give up his life.

"Ahem, this skate shoe is a little playable, several times!" Han Tao was a little embarrassed at this time, and his own team was able to kill the two lanes, but he took a wave of bad rhythm in the down lane, and he looked a little bit for a while. Red swelling.

In fact, it is not that he has not operated well, but that he has responded too quickly to the adc and hammerstone. He has only hit once in five times, which is also sad enough.

"You have to be embarrassed when you go down the road ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ By the time, there is no room for playing team skate shoes." Zhang Huan told, at this time, this can only be said, teammates made mistakes in the game, can not go at will Blame it, or it will cause him to collapse, and that will be bad.

In fact, the skateboard shoes of the sup are generally playable. The most important thing is that the opposite side's hammerstone skills are well put. Each skill can control the bull's head. This is the key to the death of the bullhead. Otherwise, the hammer's hook and e skills are not available. Hit, the bull head will naturally not die.

However, this wave of sending people down is actually harmless. Zhang Huan here, after clearing a wave of soldiers, detoured from Xiaolongkeng to use the third skill of the q skill to jump on the back of Xiaolongkeng and came to the blue square red buff. wild area.

At the moment of starting the big move, using the flash of the limit w, connected a Ping a, Tiamat, a blast, and a final Ping a, plus the damage of Thunder, it will be less than six levels, and will be The red buff hit the leopard girl, who had only four-fifths of his health, to die, so she didn't even have time to react.


After killing the leopard girl and taking down the red buff of the blood, Zhang Huan chose to return to the city. After updating the equipment, he also controlled Ruiwen and rushed to the line! (To be continued.)