League of Legends of Battle System

v1 Chapter 242: Article 2 Xiaolong, see instant seconds!

"Sup down the road here, a wave of killing the bull head, and finally found some momentum, now the middle and jungle are basically in a state of collapse, on the road now Ike is also uncomfortable facing the big tree, at present the overturn of the sup is , I hope this chuu skateboard can lead sup to take off. (Biqiwu pinyin) "

"Well, since the last one, sup seems to be stuck in the rhythm circle of hit. From the beginning of the game, you may not see anything, but once you go online, the problem comes out."

"Yes, in fact, the main difference is still in the middle. Ruiwen is currently the fattest point of hit, but in comparison, this hero is also more crispy. The key to sup's success is whether he can be in a team fight. Get rid of Ruiwen first. "

"I want to start with Ruiwen first? I don't think it is possible. From the details of r's alignment, we all know that he is not an easily swellable person. Every time he has achieved great results, he wants to use him. As a breakthrough, I don't think it will work. "

“It ’s true that this person is really too evil. Let ’s take a look at Ruiwen in the middle of the road. After updating his equipment, he went online with a hot red buff. For Naru, facing Ruiwen is like facing a nightmare. He dare not step forward now, even under the tower. "

"There is a saying in China that, once bitten by snakes for ten years, I was afraid of the rope. Naru was killed by Rui Wen under the tower. Now he is equipped with a higher level of Rui Wen. He may not even use the speed of light qa. It's over ... "

The two Mexican commentators had a general analysis of the situation, and allowed everyone watching the game to clearly understand the current strengths and weaknesses of the two sides. The two had the most talked about, of course, Ruiwen in the middle r.

After seeing his superiority, the two abandoned their prejudice. At this time, it was true. They support hit more, as for sup? Although the two did not say that they would be defeated, they talked about the downturn in the tone of sup. It is enough to show that they have no hope of sup.

Not only the two commentators, but even countless spectators who watched the game thought so. Even though sup got the bull's head in the lower lane, people with good eyes could see that in fact, the hit in the lower lane was not suppressed. Instead, he still kept ahead of the opponent on the make-up knife.

In the situation where the bulls on the lower lane were killed and in a disadvantaged position, the adc's make-up knife still did not fall on the opposite side, even surpassing a few. It also shows that Jiang Xiaotian's personal strength is very strong.

You must know that he is not a strong Lu Xi'an and a plane, but a weak wheel mother in the early stage, and once you get those strong and handy adc, it can be predicted that sup's down lane combination is simply not so rampant.

Here in the middle, Zhang Huan controls Ruiwen to go online. Because of the red buff on the body, the line control is of little significance, because there is Tiamat in the equipment, it can't be controlled at all.

A wave of soldiers pushed under the blue square, this time. The health of the opposite tower was low, only half.

After thinking about it, Zhang Huan forced Yasuo out of a tower range before deceiving him. Then began crazy tower demolition.

Yasuo has died under his men three times, and now it is worthless, so Zhang Huan has no interest in his head. It is better to push the tower directly to get money, but if Yasuo dares to go for it, Zhang Huan didn't mind taking his life.

Mosquito legs are meat, no less than a hundred, which is equivalent to the economy of several soldiers.

Over time, the game went on for seventeen minutes. A long time ago, Zhang Huan's Ruiwen won a tower in the blue square. Adds a lot of economy to the team.

Then he directed his teammates. Successfully won the first dragon.

Now the second dragon is refreshed. It is naturally impossible for him to miss the opportunity to take it into his pocket. There is no sup here to fight the dragon team at all. In the end, there is only a worthless leopard **** the back of the dragon Dangling around, seeing a little thought of this little dragon, do you want to grab it?

"Childish, still want to grab the dragon?" Zhang Huan grasped the mentality of the leopard girl very clearly. After letting go of the second section of q skills, he leaned back against Xiaolong's back, then chose an appropriate angle, and immediately fired. e skills go bravely towards the extreme displacement of the position of the leopard woman.

Immediately after that, the w skill was pressed in Xiaolongkeng, and then the next moment, it flashed suddenly, and the wall shifted to the side of the leopard woman.

what! After the flash was settled, a roar followed immediately, and I saw that the leopard girl who was originally dangling on the back wall of Xiaolong was instantly stunned by Rui Wen's w skill.

Without hesitation, in the process of being stunned by the leopard girl, Zhang Huan quickly struck Ping a, and then the third q skill that was about to dissipate immediately fell down, directly hitting the leopard girl, throwing it into the sky .

At the same time, Xiao Yifei also controlled the male gun to shoot a long shot from a long distance. In conjunction with the male gun, Zhang Huan hit a flat a after hitting the flying leopard woman, and then Tiamat pressed it.

Here! what!

The sound of metal-like cutting wafted, and then I heard an extremely screaming scream. The poor leopard girl even reacted and did not have time to press the flash. It was a terrible scene.


After removing a tower on the middle road just now, Zhang Huan cast a wave of Yasuo around and killed him, so with the head of Leopard Girl at this time, he was just super-god.

At the same time, there was another sorrow ringing through the Summoner's Canyon. It was Xiaolong who was announcing his unwillingness.

On the commentary table, when I saw Leopard Girl in action again, Hit successfully took the second dragon, and Rom shook his head and sighed and predicted: "The Leopard Girl was once again seized by Ruiwen and given a second kill, w flashed, unless it was able to predict Judging, otherwise she can't hide. At the end of the game time, except that the down lane is not bad, the other three lanes are basically in a state of collapse. In this game, they are afraid to lose again. "

Tang Jie also nodded: "At present, the economic gap between the two sides is around 7.5. At this point, the economic gap between the two sides is basically 4,000. In terms of jungle, the equipment of male guns is much better than that of leopard women. There's nothing to overturn this sup. "

"That's right ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ The fault tolerance rate of this lineup is too low. Once Ike's w skills are not accurate, it is impossible to continue the game, and hit here, there are two stables: big tree and Ruiwen. As long as they stabilize the situation and win the five dragons, then the big dragons, sup will face complete despair. "

"This one, I think naru will have a psychological shadow when facing r, at least when r uses an assassin hero, he will be afraid, I'm sure of that."


ps: Thank you for the rewards of the empty spectators. Although the results are not very good, the support from some people is still quite good. Of course, I also thank the rest of the friends who subscribe to support.

In addition, some people in the book review area did not believe what I said. To tell you the truth, the results of this book are really bad. Among the authors, the worst ones are me and the rest. Of course, I am referring to the author who conscientiously conceives and writes. Those who are fishing for three days and drying the net for two days are not included.

As for the update, don't rush it, there are indeed a number of saved manuscripts, but I still want to publish them on the same day as pk, and I don't know how much the other manuscripts have saved. We have a strong mind for the first. After all, two thousand yuan is basically equivalent to the manuscript fee for this month. (To be continued.)