League of Legends of Battle System

v1 Chapter 244: Big Dragon Force!

"We can see that after Rui Wen returned home this time, the updated equipment has completely exploded. This set of equipment is undoubtedly leading the audience. I am afraid that the most meaty Ike here can't stand Rui Wen's. A set of outputs, right? "

"Yes, many players who are proficient in Ruiwen know that in the current version, when Ruiwen was the strongest, Hydra and Heiqi were produced. Once these two pieces of equipment are made, there are blood-sucking, health bonuses, With attack acceleration and armor penetration, Ruiwen will really take off. (Biqiwu Pinyin) "

"Assassin heroes in Hunter ’s hands are playing at the highest level, Yasuo will not mention it. Ruiwen here, the speed of light qa, and w skills are very appropriate, two flashes of leopard female with w Prove that hunter's understanding of this hero is extraordinary. "

"Yeah ... now that Rui Wen is in position, instead of going to the middle, but going down the radial path, it seems that Hit should be ready to pull off the sup's bottom path."

"The only thing here that hasn't crashed is the bottom road, but when Rui Wen brought the Canyon Pioneer buff to a wave of advancement, they can't definitely keep this bottom road tower. Once the bottom road tower is broken, then skate shoes Development space will be greatly compressed, which will make the situation worse for sup. "

"But this is also expected. At present, the economic gap between the two sides is almost 10,000. If hit does not organize the pace of the offensive, there will be problems."


In the gym, on the big screen. After Zhang Huan returned to the city to update his equipment, he controlled Ruiwen Qe to constantly throw it out and quickly ran down the road.

At present, there is a Canyon Pioneer buff. His purpose is to use this buff to start to greatly suppress the opposite side and turn the current advantage into a victory.

Without going down from the opposite side of the flanks, Zhang Huan and the male gun arrived at the same time at the same time. With the buff of the Canyon Pioneer, a wave of soldiers who had been treated with strong medicines showed extraordinary bravery, inspired by their heroes. Began vigorously attacking the enemy's target.

Although the health of this defensive tower was very healthy, under the attack of the four people, it didn't persist for five seconds and it broke down into a pile of ruins.

Pushing off a tower from sup, the four of Hit were not satisfied. Under Zhang Huan's command, they were placed behind the soldiers. Outrageously rolled towards the position of the second tower of the sup road.

At this time, the big tree provided pressure in the middle. Therefore, sup also had to send Ike to defend. As for the rest of the sup, they consciously retreated to the lower ground and were not prepared to defend the second tower.

The lesson of the last blood is vivid, they dare not bet on whether this same well-equipped Ruiwen can complete the harvest again.

In order to resolutely prevent this from happening, after the discussion, sup decisively gave up the second tower and retreated to the high ground. At this time, only the high ground tower can give them the confidence to fight with Hit.

"Oh ... sup here really did not dare to defend the second tower of the bottom lane. Last time Yasuo of Hunter scored five kills at this similar place and ended the game, and this time, if that happens again, it is estimated Sup had to surrender. Simply, they chose the safest way to do it.

"The current game time is only 20 minutes. The attack on the Highland Tower is still very horrible, so even if the economy here is ten thousand ahead, but you do n’t dare to cross the tower and start a group easily. It's safest to switch to another route and keep pushing the tower. "

Just as Tang Jie and Roma expected, Hit won the second tower of the sup team without any blood. Naturally, it is impossible to continue to occupy the highland tower. Under the leadership of Zhang Huan, they went directly to the middle road and cooperated with the big tree to win the second tower of the middle road again.

sup here is also determined to not fight with you outside the idea, so, after a few people hit the middle of the battle, the move to remove the second tower of the middle road indifferent. They stayed inside each other within the range of the Highland Tower on the Middle Road, and there was nothing to do for a while.

Regarding the act of turning a blind eye to the sup, everyone hit it and liked it. After winning the second tower of the middle road, he used the mentality of avoiding the war and took the second tower of the road.

Then when leaving, Zhang Huan controlled Ruiwen to plunder all the resources of the sup field, and finally twisted away with a small waist.

This kind of robber-like approach hit a few people who said they were miserable, but in fact they dared to get angry and dared not to go up. Once they went up, they were bound to be maimed or even killed.

However, a few people in the sup don't know, even if they have always retired without fighting, this practice of reporting and keeping stream can only make them persist for more than ten minutes. What will happen when Wulong comes out?

Moreover, the removal of these four defense towers directly caused the economic gap between the two sides to reach 13,000.

In the early 20 minutes, the economic gap of 13,000, what is this concept? Probably one side rises infinitely and the other side is killed in a state of blood collapse.

After returning to the city, Zhang Huan directly took out a violent sword and equipped him with a bottle of red medicine. Then he hit the four: "Go straight to fight the dragon, if you dare to come across, open them backhand!"

Regarding the situation on the battlefield, Zhang Huan can see very clearly. From the opposite equipment, he also knows that the economic gap between the two sides must be extremely large.

At this time, the highland is definitely not good, but now it has huge economic advantages. The equipment and grade are crushed on the opposite side. We must take advantage of this period to start the team battle. If you do n’t drive under the opposite tower, you will naturally need to use the dragon to make a fuss.

If the opposite dares to come, then hit kills and take the dragon, if not, although they can't kill, they can successfully win a big dragon. In this way, their highland tower cannot be defended under the strong impact of the big dragon buff.

However, this wave of big dragons, as for whether they can fight, dare to dare to fight, then it is up to a few people to decide for themselves.

On the side of the hit, the five people went straight to the dragon, and after clearing the nearby vision, they did not hesitate to fire directly and launched a fierce bombardment on the dragon.

Zhang Huanruiwen's equipment was good, and the output of the male gun and wheel mom was also very high, so the dragon's health dropped very fast.

The sup five obviously also realized the situation of hit ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ This time, they did not choose to turn a blind eye. Instead, they rushed to the vicinity of Dalong collectively as long as hit was lining up.

"Have a wave, success or failure depends on the last battle!" Sup's assistant said.

Now that Hit is going to take the dragon, they must not stop it, because once Hit successfully wins the dragon, then it is foreseeable that the three lanes of sup will blossom, and the three lane crystals will break, then it will really be weak. Already.

So, generally speaking, for the kind of play that avoids fighting and staying at home, the other side needs to do is to clean up their wild area resources, compress their living space, and then control the dragon and take the dragon. In the case, the big dragon forces the group directly.

In this way, as long as the dominant side does not commit a major mistake, the losing side will always be the one at the disadvantaged side.


ps: This is the third. (To be continued.)

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