League of Legends of Battle System

v1 Chapter 248: 10 out of 10 shares?

The hostess seemed to be very interested in Zhang Huan and continued to ask: "Not long ago, everyone thought that hIT would lose to sup, presumably your pressure was great at that time, and I do n’t know what your mood was then. . ?? hunting text ?????????? "

"Is it the mood again?" Zhang Huan sneered suddenly, then said, "In fact, from the beginning, no one cheered for us and was not favored by anyone. My mood is heavy, but as the captain, I I can't show a solemn expression, so I have to bear it. The uncomfortable feeling at that time turned into my motivation for fighting in the game, and even a series of wonderful operations later. "

Zhang Huan was telling the truth. The hostess listened but joked: "So, most of your operations are inspired by the audience in the stadium?"

Zhang Huan nodded, "You can say that!"

The hostess slightly stunned, and after hiding a smile, she turned her eyes and said to the audience: "Of course, the wonderful operation of hunter must depend on his own strength. Without sufficient strength, external incentives will only overwhelm one. People, without prompting him to play better in a game. "

"Well, next, let's interview other members of hIT." The hostess unveiled the topic about Zhang Huan and asked Wang Sudao: "As an order for hIT, how do you think the sup team performed?"

Wang Su heard the words, rolled his eyes, secretly said that this is not nonsense, of course it is rotten to death, but this can not be easily said, you still have to respect the opponent, "sup is a very good team, at least they order Swinging doesn't have to be me, but because our captain in the middle is too strong, their performance in the game as a whole is definitely not as good as ours. "

After Wang Su finished speaking, the hostess interviewed Jiang Xiaotian and the three one by one, but they were all topics that didn't hurt and didn't matter.

Finally, it was Deng Haoran's turn. The hostess asked a more acute question: "Now that the hIT team has successfully won the IcI Championship, it means that hIT is eligible to participate in the upcoming MSI Mid-Season, in previous years. We have wild cards in major The world competitions are not very eye-catching, but hIT's performance today shows me what a strong team looks like. I want to ask the coach, what are your goals for the next msi event? "

After Deng Haoran heard the female translator's narrative. After taking the microphone, I didn't hesitate, directly showing seriousness: "There are two goals, first, to play against the strongest teams in the major competitions in the world, sharpen the team, and second, to the top three of the msi. Progress. I believe the top three of msi will have at least our place. "

After the hostess listened, she smiled sweetly, but it didn't look good. She said: "It seems that you have enough confidence in coaching, but I just heard from Hunter that hIT seems to be a newly formed team. What kind of confidence gave you the confidence to get the top three?"

Deng Haoran smiled mysteriously, then glanced at Zhang Huan and said, "The thing that can give me the greatest confidence is naturally the strength of my team members!"


Leaving the stadium, the hIT team returned to the luxurious hotel with a trophy and glory.

After using a hearty meal that Zheng Hong specially customized for them at the hotel, Jiang Xiaotian was led by Zhou Tong. Then they went out to enjoy the scenery of Mexico City.

And Zhang Huan and Deng Haoran were called to Zheng Hong's room by Zheng Hong.

Zheng Hong's room is large, basically a suite, which is decorated in a high-end atmosphere. I can see that this guy is extravagant.

Entering the door, Zhang Huan was not polite. He chose a seat in the living room and sat down. Then he took a fresh big apple and peeled it.

When Deng Haoran saw this, he urged: "I just ate greasy things and ate less cold."

Zhang Huan peeled. Shaking his head, he said, "Coach, rest assured, my stomach is okay."

At this time, Zheng Hong also brought the three cups of coffee that he had brewed, took a cup and tasted it slowly, while the other two were on the coffee table in front of Zhang Huan.

"Come, try the coffee I made myself, and let go of it, both of you are working hard today!" Zheng Hong took a sip of coffee and said.

"Thank you, Brother Zheng!" Zhang Huan was also polite. He put the apple first, then took the coffee and tasted it. After feeling a little hot, he put it back and continued to pick up the apple and cut it.

Deng Haoran did not move the coffee, and he saw Zheng Hongdao with his eyes: "General Zheng, did you find me and Zhang Huan? Are there any important things to explain?"

"Of course there is!" Zheng Hong put down the coffee, and then smiled with relief: "This time I was able to win the wild card championship so smoothly, it was also my expectation. I thought it would be at least 3: 1 or 3: 2, but I didn't The thought of you coming directly to a 3: o is a big surprise for me. "

During the conversation, Zheng Hong looked at Zhang Huan after cutting the apple, and the fiery meaning in his eyes was unabashed.

Deng Haoran pushed the boat smoothly: "General Zheng, in fact, I don't have a big role in the game. It mainly depends on the hIT players. Their performances this time are very good. Of course, the most outstanding one is definitely the kid boy. "

"Hey, coach, why do you want me to eat, do I just eat an apple? I listen to you, don't talk nonsense." Zhang Huan took a sip of the apple, apparently dissatisfied with Deng Haoran's claim that he was eating.

However, to be honest, the amount of food he has eaten in the past few days has increased somewhat, but correspondingly, he feels that his mind has become clearer and more energetic, just as he only slept two or three nights last night Hours, but today's game was also full of energy, without feeling tired.

Zheng Hong grinned, and then said, "Zhang Huan's performance in the game really made me feel relieved. I was also grateful that at the time, I had a hand and bought this boy for five million. It was not a loss!"

When Zhang Huan heard this, he suddenly pouted: "Brother Zheng, don't you think it's a loss? I think it's a loss." With a look of hope, he said, "Yes, my extra bonus? This time I But you've lost your temper in strict accordance with your standards. You can't rely on it! "

"Rest assured that the benefits are indispensable to you." Zheng Hong said: "In addition to the 200,000 dollars you got this time, you can be freely allocated. In addition, given your perfect performance in this game, the club will reward you 10% Stake! "

"What?" Zhang Huan heard about it ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ His eyes blinked, his face filled with astonishment. Deng Haoran was also taken aback.

"Why, are you dissatisfied with my reward?" Zheng Hong laughed.

Zhang Huan's breathing suddenly became a little hasty, and his expression became serious, saying, "Brother Zheng, I'm just a contestant and I don't have the money to invest."

"Your boy, I can really guess that Zheng always has money, so I need your salary to invest, and this share is free of charge." Deng Haoran explained aside, and secretly said that the boy had good luck.

Even if Deng Haoran didn't explain, Zhang Huan knew what Zheng Hong meant, but he felt that he would be tied to a boat with hIT and felt a little bit used by others.

However, if you think about it carefully, is it not an indirect use of people to play games for others?

In addition, the 10% stake in the hIT eSports club is less than one or two million. Although Zhang Huan is not the kind of person who loves small and cheap, he is a bit reluctant to let go. (To be continued.)