League of Legends of Battle System

v1 Chapter 249: 6000000! !!

Generally speaking, the way e-sports clubs make money is basically to pull sponsors. ? Hunting ??????????????

hIT operated this way before Yu Wenli took away personnel and most of the funds.

However, this sponsor is not someone else, or Yu Wenli and Zheng Hong, to put it plainly, that is, they are investing in teams independently.

Autonomous investment is not a long-term plan for a team. It can only last for a period of time at the beginning. In the future, it cannot be carried out without a strong capital chain.

Yu Wenli and Zheng Hong were aware of these conditions at the time, so later, hIT also began to slowly pull sponsors.

However, it turns out that the level of the 1sp1 event has not reached the height of 1p1, so although some sponsors have previously expressed their willingness to sponsor the hIT team, they are actually not willing to contribute much money, not more than 500,000.

For Zhang Huan, who is a class player with millions of signature fees, the sponsorship fee is simply a slap in the bucket, which has no effect at all.

So from last year's team to now, hIT has been in a state of negative profit, and the loss is huge!

In fact, at the time, Yu Wenli left hIT. In addition to his limited future, in fact, it was more because of the lack of funds for hIT.

After all, although he and Zheng Hong are both rich second-generations, they are not stupid. If investing in the e-sports industry does not make money, what else can be done?

Relying on entertainment, like President Wang, to contribute to the national e-sports cause? They don't have this kind of mentality. Yu Wenli is going there with money. Although Zheng Hong is part of the reason for money, he is more in the heart of the throne of e-sports.

Zheng Hong is a person with a story, but now he is past the stage of playing professional, so only the team that he hopes to build can win the championship, so that he can find a sense of accomplishment.

Previously, due to Yu Wenli's defection, Zheng Hong was desperate.

Later, fortunately, the capital turnover came over, and more than 20 million funds were injected into the club. As a result, hIT suddenly became alive, and the relatively heavy expenditures have become a very easy thing to solve.

Before buying this quota of hR, it cost Deng Haoran two million RmB. Adding in the expenditure during this time, at least 2.2 million went.

For the rest of the domestic team, such a large amount of expenditure in a short period of time, they are far from being able to bear.

Because expenditure and income are not directly proportional, and winning the IcI championship is also risky. No one can guarantee that a match that has not yet been played will definitely win. Moreover, the opponent is a team comparable to the second-rate 1p1 team.

However, although the expenditure of hIT here is very large, after winning the IcI championship this time, it has successfully qualified for the main season.

In this way, it is foreseeable that there will be countless sponsors flocking in, and the previous expenditures will be returned in several times or even dozens of times in return.

A top e-sports club with assets of tens of millions or even hundreds of millions is a very common thing, and now hIT has initially shown its edge. With such potential.

Although Zhang Huan doesn't understand the relish, but also knows that a top-level team can bring considerable profits to the club itself.

However, once Zheng Hong's request was agreed, he always felt that he had been counted, and he could not make a hasty choice. Even if he agreed, he had to get enough chips.

In fact, Zheng Hong directly rewarded Zhang Huan's RmB, but if it is a share. Hehe, Zhang Huan has some other ideas here.

Seeing Zhang Huan's hesitation, Zheng Hong thought he was dissatisfied with hIT, and was anxious at the moment. What if the rest of the team took advantage of it at this time to dig it up at a higher price?

If that's the case, I'm afraid that all efforts will be lost and all previous achievements will be abandoned!

Ten percent of the shares are said to be a reward. In fact, Zheng Hong hopes to envelop Zhang Huan in the same camp in this way and tie him tightly to the same chariot. All glory is glory, all is loss.

hIT is brilliant, then Zhang Huan, as a shareholder, will benefit more.

Regardless of thinking about anything else, Zheng Hong stated here again: "Zhang Huan, this time I decided to share the shares with you. I have thought through it. At present, Yu Wenli is no longer at hIT, so his shares will naturally be collected by me. Now Only hIT and I have shares in the entire hIT. "

Said, Zheng Hong paused and continued: "Now, even though hIT has played only three games, I have not seen you as a simple player from the bottom of my heart. With your talent, as long as there is a good one Of course, the team can obtain absolute glory, but after they have been glorified? "

"After gaining glory?" Zhang Huan stunned slightly, thinking of Zheng Hong in his mouth, constantly trying to figure out what he meant.

After seeing Zhang Huan thoughtfully, Zheng Hong was glad, and took the opportunity to continue: "If you just want to be a person who is dragged by the nose of the game, then the achievement will be limited after all, only if you step out of this circle, you can see Higher and wider, and if you want to step out of this circle and take control of the game outside, you must do it as a leader. "

"A leader?" Zhang Huan's pupils shrank, his heart slightly agitated.

Playing games and careers, eating a youthful meal, once years have passed, then it will certainly retreat behind the scenes.

Better to be the anchor selling meat muffins, but worse, they can only be analysts or coaches, and even some unsophisticated professional players. After retiring, they can only be reduced to training. The once glorious moment was only the past. The times are changing, who will remember the person who has been replaced by the emerging players?

After taking a deep breath, Zhang Huan's mind already had a plan. Just as Zheng Hong said, if he wants not to be eliminated by the times, then he must master the rhythm of this era.

However, relying solely on 10% of the shares, he wanted to completely tie Zhang Huan to a warship. Zheng Hong was afraid that he was whimsical.

After seeing a lot of things, Zhang Huan's vision and pattern today are not comparable to one month ago.

"Brother Zheng, I am very honored to be optimistic about you, but to be honest, I don't dare to accept your reward." Zhang Huan's tone was a little flat, which made Zheng Hong and Deng Haoran confused. His specific thoughts.

And Zheng Hong heard that, slightly anxious, said: "I said before, this is an extra reward for you after you perform well, you do not need to have a burden. After taking this share, you can also be regarded as a shareholder of hIT Now that the total assets of the entire hIT have passed 60 million, do you not feel at all? "

"Sixty million? So much?" Zhang Huan was quite surprised, secretly fearing that most 1p1 teams did not have so many assets?

Deng Haoran explained with a smile: "The land of hIT is the industry owned by President Zheng before, and it is also included in the shares. President Zheng recently injected more than 20 million funds, and 60 million is only a minimum asset. Estimate. In other words, if you accept this 10% share, then you can own 6 million assets for free. Such a good thing, I really don't know what you are hesitating. "

After hearing that, Zhang Huan laughed and laughed. The two of them felt that he was a little kid, "Coach, Brother Zheng, let's just open the skylight to speak brightly ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ to get some real content."

Ten percent of the shares and six million assets sounds a lot, but Zhang Huan knew to himself that if he accepted this share, he would no longer be a simple player in hIT.

Well, the effort and consideration will be ten times as much as before. To be honest, Zhang Huan does not want to be fettered.

But hIT shares are really good. In view of this, he has some other ideas in his heart.


ps: I do n’t know much about clubs, but according to some online information, assets are not bad. Take a vaccination in advance and don't talk about it until then.

In addition, ask for a subscription. These two days, the bookings have dropped. Hundreds of them are gone. I have been fluttering.

Some book friends said that they would let me engage in the anti-theft ... version, but I was afraid that it would affect the reading of genuine book friends. Although I said that this book will be finished and not an eunuch, but I also hope that capable friends can subscribe to support, after all, have motivation to create passion. (To be continued.)