League of Legends of Battle System

v1 Chapter 265: Kill you with just 3 arrows!

Back in the city, Zhang Huan was rich and oily at this time. First he combined the blades of Mozong, then bought a cd shoe, and then combined the short sword into a zigzag dagger, before he could run out of gold coins. ?????? hunting ??????????????

In other words, Zhang Huan returned home with almost two thousand gold coins on his body, and now he is starting in ten minutes. This kind of economy and equipment is really a bit scary.

But after careful calculation, the two buff gold coins and the F4 monster gold coins, and then three heads and dozens of supplementary knives, the deviation is actually not large.

"The score on the field is currently 6: 3. In general, hIT is slightly ahead of here." Remembering to say: "Originally, the hunter in the middle of the road played an unstoppable statistic, but when he got off the road, the barrel was Forcibly took a wave of rhythm, and Ik of G2 won a double kill. This gave hIT a huge advantage here, and was suddenly pulled away by G2. "

Abu nodded: "I didn't understand the wave of wine barrels going down the tower. Lu Xian and Niutou were far apart at the time. It took at least four or five seconds to get there. Obviously not a wise choice. "

The hallucinatory took over and said, "I think that the barrel should be the first to kill the wheel mom, after all, the wheel mom's health at that time was only about two hundred, and the eQ set of the barrel can go in seconds."

Abu said: "But doesn't he know that Feng Nu is weak and shielded? And the wheels did not use e skills in the previous wave, which means that the wheel mother will definitely have e skills when the wine barrel crosses the tower. Of course, those are secondary, and the most important thing is that the barrel is the first to cross the tower. "

Abdon paused and continued: "As we all know, League of Legends is a team game. It focuses on coordination. Teams without coordination can not go far after all. The wave of barrels just now is obviously after self-inflation. The desire to prove yourself will lead to the collapse of the lower lane. This desire to show is the most deadly in large games. In my opinion, it must not be allowed. "

After Abu said, remember to shake his head with a smile: "Although Abu's statement is a truth, I think it should be right for people and things, and maybe not for hIT's junglers. But hunter here, I think he only has show, but also Only because of wanting to show, opened up the situation today. "

"Although League of Legends is a team-coordinating game, it is a game full of vitality and possibilities. If a top player does not want to prove his mind during the game, he will follow the tactics step by step. What ’s boring is a pity for the entire league. ”

"Why can Faker occupy the first person's height. That is because he can show, he is great after success, and even if he fails, he will only carry it back. The charm of e-sports is besides helping each other in the team, I think the most admirable thing is the spirit of energy and hard work! "

I remember that Abu was speechless, and the audience at the scene even agreed.

The charm of e-sports is to show the spirit of dare to fight with illusory things. If you have to take care of it in illusory situations, then you ca n’t imagine how unbearable a person ’s performance would be in real life.

Of course, this type of hard work must also be done within your means. The show should have a brain to show, don't just blindly give people a head. If that's the case, still follow Abu's words. Let's coordinate according to the team.

On the side of Zhang Huan, after going online, he was 9th and 10th faster, and he was against a tsar with only 7th level, which basically can be said to be crushed, and then hung up to fight!

Plus, the hero of Verus has longer hands than your Tsar. Even if you are under the tower, Virus can strike long distances outside the tower!

"Fuck! I can't finish it!" Perkz looked at his dim screen again at this moment, and his heart was full of bitter water!

Three arrows, no, just two and a half arrows, his tsar was sent to hell. How can this be played?

Verus' Q skill can shoot him four hundred health with one arrow, this is not too terrifying! It would be nice if I could easily escape by relying on the position.

However, in a panic situation, perkz had to make up for it and go to avoid the Q skills of Verus. Where can I take care of it all?

Therefore, perkz is now full of decadence. Although he has not played professionally for a long time, no matter which mid laner he faces, he has not been so miserable.

Look, the game lasted 11 minutes and died four times.

And in terms of the number of reinforcements, Virus has 1o7, but his Czar is only 52, and more than a dozen of them are for life. Do you say that the Czar played tragically?

The three arrows shot Tsar, and Zhang Huan did not have much fluctuation here, as if he had done a trivial thing.

But at this time, due to the power of his three arrows, all the audience in the Oriental Sports Center was boiling, one by one looking red, as if Verus in the game was playing by themselves.

"My God, the three arrows of the hunter killed the Spaniard.

"At the time of s5, Weiluus of Weishen made a fame. Now I think Weilus of Weishen can't even reach half of the hunter!"

"666, my Tm is drunk. Are you sure we are not looking at the beating machine?"

"Amen, I ask now, who else besides the tyrant?"


As the audience was boiling and noisy, the director also gave the shot to Zhang Huan, giving him a large full-screen close-up.

Coincidentally at this time, Zhang Huan grinned suddenly, exposing a row of white teeth, giving people a kind of approachable, like a spring breeze.

When some of the idiots met, they suddenly covered their mouths and exclaimed, "So handsome!"

"Hunter, I want to give you monkeys!"

"I want to support you, how much!"


Regarding the boiling situation in the stadium, Zhang Huan naturally did not know. At this moment, his thoughts were all in the game.

Killing the Tsar, his Velus also successfully won the sixth head, dominating the game!

"Xiao Yifei, come and fight the dragon!" During the time when the Czar died and Aike didn't teleport, Zhang Huan called Xiao Yifei's barrel immediately after pushing the line under the red square tower, and began the journey of dragon slaughter. ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ In the early twelve minutes, with the sorrow ringing through the Summoner Canyon, the first dragon was also successfully captured by hIT.

Although the bonus of the first little dragon is not much, it is a good omen to be able to easily take it down.

Take down Xiaolong, and see that the blue buff of the red side happened to refresh, so Zhang Huan matched the barrel and naturally took the blue buff into his pocket.

As for the Tsar in the middle and the leopard girl who hit the jungle, even if they realized that the blue buff had been refreshed, they did not dare to come over and compete for it easily.

After all, Virus is currently equipped with the crown and continues to go to the blue buff to find something, then it may evolve into a real death hunt.

Now, for g2, the most important thing is to stabilize the situation, slowly recuperate, and go to fight? It was only a few arrows from Verus that turned into a sieve.


ps: Tenth more, I am more and more people who subscribe to less than half, tears ran. (To be continued.)