League of Legends of Battle System

v1 Chapter 266: Article 2 Xiaolong, remote consumption!

The game time came to seventeen minutes. After the first dragon was killed, the second dragon has now been refreshed. ?????? Hunting ?????????

Fourteen minutes later, Zhang Huan pulled out a tower in the middle of G2. Although the tsar erected another tower on the ruins of the original tower, it did not guarantee his stability.

Basically, after Zhang Huan ’s Veruss fired two arrows, the Tsar dared not stay on the line and obediently ran behind the second tower to go back to the city. Even a lot of soldiers did not dare to make up.

However, it was precisely because of the extremely insignificant attitude of the Tsar that Zhang Huan never killed him within five minutes.

Even though the Tsar has not been killed, the current level of Zhang Huanweiluus is close to the 14th level, and the Tsar, Keke, has just arrived at the 10th level due to the multiple supply to the city. This gap is simply terrible!

In terms of replenishing the sword, in 17 minutes, Zhang Huan had 176 replenishing knives, but the tsars on the other side had only miserable 81. The gap was more than double. Although some were outrageous, they could be brought online from the tsars within 20 seconds, and they would be Looking at the situation where Verus shot two arrows home, in fact, 81 make-up swords are enough to prove that the pressure resistance of the opposite perkz is very strong.

As for the equipment, Zhang Huan's Velus is undoubtedly the best player in the field, even though he has seventeen minutes, but his equipment has been reduced to cd shoes, magic zongblade, dream spirit, and a pickaxe.

On the other hand, the Czar on the opposite side, at this time, had to make a Nash tooth with a weak make-up knife, and then added a large belt, and finally a pair of straw shoes, no money.

Alas, the yellow emperor in the mighty desert has fallen into a situation that is not as good as a dark evil shooter. In the Oriental Stadium, countless summoners who love this game are sad for this sad emperor.

On the commentary, hallucination said: "Now the second dragon has been refreshed, I don't know if g2 has any idea about this dragon here."

I remember to take the words: "I think the main thing for g2 at present is to stabilize the situation. Now hIT's Verus two-piece suit with a cross pick is in his hand. This stage is his most powerful period. This little dragon g2 can consider giving up. But looking at them, it seems that they have some thoughts about this little dragon. "

Abu nodded: "The current version of the game is not the 6.9 version. In fact, as long as the fifth dragon is not accumulated, it can be considered to give up. But to be honest, g2 must fight back against this wave of dragons. In a wave, they don't want to get the dragons. As long as they can kill Velus once, they will make it. "

Remember to laugh: "Abu, when you say that, I also think that the hunter's Velus must be killed once. Indeed, only after killing Velus, the momentum of g2 will rise sharply, otherwise he will be allowed to continue to carry on. , Wait for twenty minutes to make the three-piece suit and directly hold the ball. At that time, there was no resistance in g2. "

"Yes, the horror of the hero of Verus lies in his continuous consumption and long-range shooting ability." Abu explained: "This hero has only eight seconds of cooling time after the Q skill point is full. After the blue buff, plus the minus cd of the dream spirit itself, then the Q skill will only have one more in six seconds. "

"From the perspective of Hunter's grasp of Velus, we all know that his accuracy is very high, as long as the five people of G2 are pressed under the tower after holding the group, basically giving him two minutes. All the people of G2 can be Shoot back home. "

The hallucinatory took over and said: "Yes, to deal with heroes like Velus, you must start the group first, and different Velus will consume it. But obviously, this lineup of g2 has a strong backhand ability, but its firsthand ability is very In general, hIT here has the upper hand over g2, whether it is the first move or the back move. "

"No matter what the situation behind. But now the dragon team is about to start, hIT and g2's orders, after returning home, are immediately transmitted from the spring water to the river, it seems that the two parties to this dragon They are all inevitable, and at this time, it depends on whose teeth are sharper! "


With the analysis of the three commentaries, the team battle at Xiaolong began to gradually begin.

At this time, hIT's station is on the side near the middle road, while g2's station is closer to the lower road. Both sides leave room for themselves. If they see that the momentum is wrong, they can evacuate immediately.

"Don't start the group first, wait for my consumption!" HIT here, although occupying a relatively advantageous position, Zhang Huan still told the rest not to act lightly.

He chose Verus because he was ready to hit the opposite side without any temper, so in the team battle, he must show off his hero's specialties.

At this stage, although Zhang Huan's Demon Sect has not been transformed into Devil Cut, but with the existence of the ghost spirit and cross pickaxe, his current attack power has exceeded two hundred!

As a result, the maximum damage of the Q skill can reach nearly six hundred, except for the armor value on the opposite side, when an arrow hits, that can also remove four or five hundred health.

Choosing a safe location, Zhang Huan controlled Verus to pull up the dark purple crossbow. When he charged, it seemed as if the surrounding space was trembling. Countless weird dark energies merged into Verus' arrows from the void Above, make it red and bloodthirsty.

Charge for three seconds, oh!

Just listening to a crunching sound that pierced the space, the next instant, I saw a scarlet arrow, swinging the air, and turned into a dragon directly to the g2 in the front row of Ike position!

Seeing the arrows coming, Ike sneered. If he was in position, he felt that he should not be able to hide, but when the arrow of Verus was about to hit him, he suddenly pressed the e skill to the right. Panned a distance, so successfully avoided this Q skill.

Here! But a piercing voice still swelled. Looking at it, it turned out that the 998 (Wind Girl) hiding behind the swaying enchanting figure was stabbed to the sky.

Because the shield of the e skill was given to Ike, and the wind girl's own health is not high, and the armor is not high, Verus went straight through the heart, and in just one click, she was killed by 479. The blood volume is really a bit scary.

Just after the arrow passed, four seconds later, hey! It was another scarlet body, and an extremely evil arrow broke through the air, and the target pointed directly at the wheel mother.

"Hide away!" Wheel Mom's hand is fast. Of course, this Verus' Q skill is naturally hurt by her e-skill.

Here! However, unfortunately, because this Q skill of Velus came from the front side, although Wheel Mom used the e skill to avoid the damage, the wind girl behind her was not so lucky.

Although the damage of this arrow was reduced by 15%, the crisp skinny wind girl still lost 4oo points.

At this moment, she has not much health, and she has only a third of her health. If she is still being shot, I am afraid that she will have another scene of three arrows returning to the west ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ and g2 leopard The woman also continuously shot Q skills in the dark, but she was helpless. Her Q skills trajectory was too slow, so she shot twice, but did not hit any one of the hIT.

"Can't wait, either retreat or start a group fight!" Aike saw Feng Nu was consumed so miserably, and immediately felt cold, and immediately proposed to see what his teammates thought.

"Let's retreat, I'm not in good shape right now, the second dragon, it's okay!" Feng Nudao.

"No, you can't withdraw, you must fight, otherwise the next wave of Velus will go home, and there must be a piercing bow. Then, there is no way to continue, while he has not completely grown up, annihilated His arrogance! "

"Okay, then fight!"

"Open a group, go up! Even though they are not as good as they are online, let this wild card team know how great we are when we play group 2! The momentum cannot be lost!"


ps: Eleventh more! (To be continued.)