League of Legends of Battle System

v1 Chapter 387: Stealing chicken doesn't make rice!

Here in Faker, after losing the blue buff, he also concentrated his energy on the road, hoping that the two will successfully kill the trolls and regain some momentum for the team.

But when he saw a reversing storm on the road, he immediately realized that Victor was going to teleport, but unfortunately, even if he knew that Victor was in the grass behind the blue buff, it could be too far away for three seconds. Restricted Victor, and he had previously used teleport, so he could not support it.

On the battlefield on the road, when the male gun used the E skill to withdraw to the grass on the left front side of the toad, Wang Su also controlled the troll to block it. More delicately, he used the pillar of ice to just seal the position of the male gun. In addition, the E skill of the male gun was blocked to a very limited extent.

"Grass, this is okay?" Blank, who was quite flustered at first, saw that the troll interrupted his E skills by using E skills, and he became irritable immediately, and couldn't help but burst a swear word.

And at this moment, Zhang Huan's Victor has landed after three seconds of transmission time. After landing, the first two steps were taken, and a W skill was pressed. I saw a dark purple gravity-limiting device appear at the foot of the male gun. The effect of the troll E skill made his movement speed drastically slowed down.

While the male gun was decelerated, Zhang Huan controlled Victor to quickly run forward, Q skills suddenly fell, and the energy ring quickly returned after attacking the male gun, and as a result, Zhang Huanxi gained a 30% increase in movement speed. to make.

At the same time, Wang Su gave the male gun directly to the male gun, causing his magic resistance and armor to be greatly reduced.

blank here in my heart, in a hurry, the big move was played in the opposite direction, using the backseat effect of the big move, directly displaced a good distance, out of the limit of Victor's gravity field.

"Want to escape? Can't run!"

The male gun did not flash at this moment, Zhang Huan knew it naturally, so in his heart, he was sentenced to death.

The escape of the male gun is just a longing for life. However, the struggle before dying is meaningless at all. It is better to face death more smoothly. Why go to face the torture when escaping, do you enjoy it?

Controlling Victor By the speed increase bonus, Zhang Huan quickly rushed to the position of the male gun. After approaching, the ordinary attack with the additional damage of the Q skill dropped, and then the E skill was pressed out, while quaking for a while, Both E skills were hit on the male gun.

In the end, the big move of Chaos Storm fell on the male gun and only listened for two seconds.

what! An unwilling and screaming scream screamed loudly. When the male gun entered the grass, Zhang Huan followed Ping A and sent him to heaven!


The original good killing of a tower, but this became the fuse of the male gun was killed again, saying that if you do not die, you will not die, about Mo is the truth.

Although wolf here has a big move to support the male gun, he also knows that the male gun has no displacement skills at the moment. With a pair of straw shoes, it is impossible to escape from Victor's hands. It is meaningless to release a big move. So wolf decisively omitted it.

The stealing of chickens this time did not eclipse the rice, but it completely sounded the alarm for blank. With this lesson from the front car this time, in the later period of time, his arrogance will probably converge a lot.

Taking down the head of the male gun, Zhang Huan did not stay on the road or return to the city, but controlled Victor to rush to the middle.

After a wave of troops was cleared, Zhang Huan successfully reached the eleventh level, and at this moment, Faker's Ritz was worthy to reach the tenth level. Compared with his Victor, it was a full level.

Sixteen minutes later, under Zhang Huan's irritable suppression, Faker's Ritz once again became obsessed with what is called torment.

Within three minutes, he was beaten to blood twice. Although Faker also consumed Victor backhand, Zhang Huan did not give him a good chance at all. Basically, Faker used it after the big move. Only to control Victor came forward to harass, to avoid a large amount of blood exchange situation again.

Moreover, Victor's hands are much longer than Ritz's. If Zhang Huan doesn't want to take risks by himself, then Faker can't do anything except to win by flash.

At present, the amount of blue on his body is not enough, Zhang Huan also chose to return to the city decisively. It has been seven or eight minutes since the last time I returned to the city, and now Zhang Huan has a lot of gold coins, which is two thousand one!

Without hesitation, I will decisively make the CD shoes, and make up the glory. The last few hundred pieces are a dark seal of 3500, which is used to synthesize the killing book later, and then equipped with a true Later, the jewelry eye was replaced with a nine-level scan, and Zhang Huan controlled Victor to rush to the middle.

Come to the middle, under the high damage of the E skill, easily push off a wave of soldiers.

Nothing to do. At present, Xiaolong still has more than a minute to refresh. Simply, Zhang Huan directly presses the line of soldiers into the SKT's tower. He wants to pull out this defense tower before Xiaolong refreshes.

As a line of soldiers entered the tower, Zhang Huan also controlled Victor and began a fierce demolition of the defense tower.

Faker, who was originally brushing the three wolves, saw Victor so arrogant. He immediately released the three wolves who had hit half a blood, rushed to the middle, and began to guard the tower.


An E skill death ray shot suddenly, the target pointed directly at Faker's Ritz, and at the same time, a Q skill's siphon energy was slammed with a flat A, only in one second, Faker's Ritz It was severely impacted.

Faker, tired of dealing with a gun vehicle in front of the tower, although he tried his best to avoid Victor's death rays, but under the careful design of Zhang Huan, Faker still did not escape the two stages of E skills.

Coupled with the special effects of QA and Thunder Lord, Faker lost nearly 800 health points directly!

Even though Faker's Ritz is now in the staff of time, but this set goes down, and he has almost half of his blood, enough for a while for his flesh to hurt.

"Such high damage, this Victor ..."

"Hunter's courage is also pretty big ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ dare to play Faker like this under the tower, and not afraid of being beaten by W control!"

"Faker's W skills were not good at the time, so Hunter dared to do that."


After another wave of troops was cleared, Zhang Huan controlled Victor and a team of soldiers continued to crush towards the SKT's middle tower.

"It seems that Hunter is here to secure a tower in the middle of SKT."

"It's an unfulfilled oath. For Hunter, it's very rare to be able to let Tower 0 on the opposite middle road survive for so long. It is reasonable to take down the tower at this stage."

"But ... the position of the male gun is a bit strange. He is currently squatting behind the three wolves next to the middle wall."

"Not only is the location of the male gun wonderful? You look at the location of Qianyu ..." (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL: