League of Legends of Battle System

v1 Chapter 490: It's late

But it is destined that the card has no chance to come and win this blue buff.

When the blue buff was only five hundred blood, Zhang Huan controlled the demon Ji to quickly jump out of the grass and ran to the back wall of the blue buff. Its health was only two hundred, and the barrel stopped stopping at it. attack.

On the right front of the blue buff pothole, there is a false eye, placed by Bloom. Therefore, the audience in Zhang Huan's live studio can clearly see the situation at the blue buff.

For a time, the heat that had been almost extinguished by these people was slowly ignited again.

Do not want to think, Zhang Huan's lips angle lifted, control the demon Ji q skills pressed.

Suddenly, a **** bloodthirsty breath, shrouded without warning, stopped at the place where he knew nothing.

The mark of the demon attacked the barrel with surging magical energy, and it fell almost at the same time. There was also a golden phantom chain that penetrated the wall and cracked the hard ground, pointing directly at the barrel.

qe skills are issued in an instant, 0.01 seconds after the end, Zhang Huan controls the demon Ji to press the w skill.

Incarnate as a fierce queen, carrying the magic mystery that trampled on all the rules, she walked across the sky and slammed into the noodle door of the barrel, where the blue buff was.

Boom! boom!

A slightly dull, but unparalleled attack sounded, the blue buff was instantly crushed into a fan powder under the witch's w skills.

The cask was suddenly struck by qew in a flash, fiercely beating against Thor, and his blood plummeted!

"I rely on, demon Ji, actually demon Ji! How dare she?"

Eye-scratching, Crash's horror at this moment was beyond the limit. He never thought that a monster who had a large amount of blood at the time and had only a few dozen points had not yet chosen to return to the city, but this completely shocked him.

But what use is shock and doubt? Death has opened the gates of **** and is beckoning to him, obediently welcome the destruction!


Don't wait for any time that can be resisted on the barrel side, after Zhang Huan's blessing of 15% of the blue buff's spell strength, the meaning of runaway is even greater.

As soon as the r skill copying the w skill was pressed, the barrel was smashed into the bliss world he desired, and there was no dead body.


Within just 0.5 seconds, the barrel changed from a fat man full of flesh and blood to a dead body, and fell into the blue buff pit with absolutely no breath.

"Fortunately enough damage!"

After taking off the first level of the barrel, Zhang Huan didn't continue to stay, and quickly controlled the demon Ji to leave the range of the red square blue buff. The card was just an enchanting and free-spirited back.

In this wave of killings, this blue buff played a very important role.

Zhang Huan ’s output method uses qewr. Among them, the thirteenth level and the q skill are at the fifth level. The damage is greatly improved compared to the previous wave. Once the e skill is used to detonate the q skill's mark, the damage will be more. Out two or three hundred points.

In addition, the w skill successfully killed the blue buff, providing a 15% magic power gain, which caused the overall magic power of the monster Ji to increase by more than thirty and nearly forty points.

However, these are the second ones. The key to killing the barrel is the r skill that subsequently copied the w skill.

This is not just about the damage from the explosion. There is another point, which is the benefit brought by the order of the output methods. Narrowly speaking, it is the reaction time left to the opponent.

Of course, if you are a little less confident, using the wqre output will not hurt the combo used by Zhang Huan to spike the barrel just now, or even a little more, but this will give the barrel a certain reaction time, which is difficult. Do it in seconds.

Secondly, the talented bounty hunter also made a very large contribution in this killing. The additional damage of 5% is very good.

In this wave back to the city, Zhang Huan had 3,000 gold coins on his body.

Without much thought, he pulled out the Fachuan rod directly, and then bought two real eyes before controlling the demon Ji to rush to the middle.

After a wave of soldiers cleared, they pressed the soldiers below the second tower on the opposite middle road, then glanced at the card, Zhang Huan controlled the demon Ji, directly over the tower, and the speed of the wind dragon and three-speed shoes was again, Cards after all.

Then a set of wqre went down, even if the w skill didn't hit, even if the card equipment had made an abyss scepter.

But with the advantage of French wearer, the ending is obvious!

boom! what!

The thunder and lightning flashed, and a thunderous buzz accompanied by a sweet and tragic tone, foreshadowing that the card once again offered its first level and was smitten by the monster Ji's violence.


Watching his computer screen turn gray again, Pawn was silent for a while, his eyes rolling slowly, wondering what he was thinking.

Deft's voice interrupted Pawn's thoughts: "Why are you dead again?"

There was no positive answer to Deft's question, and it was mainly unnecessary. Pawn sighed and said, "This loses, my pot. He is really too strong. I am not an opponent."

Upon hearing it, Deft froze, frowning, and then chuckled, "You're afraid you're obsessed."

"What do you mean?"

Deft smiled and said with a smile: "Do you think he was blown up by his face?"

Pawn looked stagnant, silent.

When deft was the default, he continued, "Faker was not killed by him on the msi at the beginning? It ’s no big deal. He's a jungler now, and you won't be against him in the future. Besides Your card is already at a disadvantage in this round. "

"Hoo ..." At the beginning, Pawn felt that it didn't matter if he was killed once or twice by the demon Ji, but as the game progressed, he suddenly realized that the killing behavior of Hunter was not just killing him. Hero.

That sense of resistance is able to destroy the will to fight from the depths of the soul.

Fortunately, this is not a professional competition, but a simple ranking contest. Although a bit ridiculous, under the guidance of paw's emotions, it also restored the calmness of the past.

Killing the card again, Zhang Huan could not find the so-called excitement point, and there was no challenge at all.

At this time, the red square middle road completely collapsed. In order to prevent the demon Ji from advancing the second tower, Niutou and ez had to choose to return to the middle road.

The departure of ez and the bull's head naturally gave the policewoman and Bloom a lot of room to play. The two were not stingy. After the advance of a wave of soldiers' lines, they immediately destroyed the red side of the tower. .

On the side of Zhang Huan, he saw the opposite side back to the defense, gave up and continued to hang out in the middle, and instead summoned Sword Girl and Spider, and slaughtered the canyon pioneer who had survived for 18 minutes.


After a burst of chrysanthemums, the Canyon Pioneer was punished by a spider and brutally broke into the dark void.

The remaining buff essence was won by Zhang Huan's demon Ji.

Subsequently, the three demon Ji directly came to the road, bullying themselves forward and suppressing. After the soldiers entered the tower, they each wielded their weapons and began to demolish one tower on the red side.

boom! This defensive tower was unable to defend, and had to regret to retreat to the second tower, giving way.

However, at this moment, the ez three have approached the tower of the blue square middle road ~ lightnovelpub.net ~, behind the soldiers, and began a fierce bombardment on them.

For the action of the three ez, the blue party turned a blind eye.

After the policewoman and Bloom pushed off the lower tower, they immediately led the line and aggressively pushed towards the second tower.

On the road, under the leadership of Zhang Huan's demon Ji, the target of the attack was also directed at another two towers in the red square.


Upon seeing the situation on the field, Deft knew it was definitely hunter's command layout.

Right now, if they forcibly remove one tower on the middle road opposite them, they will likely lose two consecutive two towers. Now changing the tower is harmful to the red side, and it is simply worth more.

Therefore, as a last resort, the three ez chose to abandon the push tower and evacuate back to defense.

However, things don't seem to be that simple. It's too late to return to defense at this time!