League of Legends of Battle System

v1 Chapter 527: Concerns, invisible confrontation!

BP is completely over and the lineup of both sides is determined. @ 乐 @ 文 @ 小说 ww.ls520.om

EDG: Upper Danal, Widow in the Wild, Victor in Single Dan, ADCEZ, Auxiliary Hammerstone.

HIT: Swordsman, Blind Monk, Single Vampire, ADC Wheel Mom, Assist Troll.

From the perspective of the lineup, in fact, the difference between the two sides is not large, but in the eyes of most players, EDG's lineup may be more formal and more in line with the mainstream, because Nal and widow are always more attractive than Sword Girl and blind monk. rest assured.

However, Zhang Huan ’s blind monk is not selected based on the lineup. Their top, middle, and bottom three heroes belong to the lineup, but his blind monk alone is an alternative.

The blind monk is not good at fighting groups. This is the truth. Not only blind monks, but all heroes with low AOE output are not strong in team battles. Of course, this is only for output heroes, not meat shields.

In fact, if the factory manager chooses other heroes, such as male guns or Rexsay, Zhang Huan will not choose a blind monk, he will steadily match the lineup with wine barrels.

But the factory director chose a widow, so he can't show weakness. He is a blind monk and believes that he can easily teach a widow to be a man.

"Okay, the lineup of the two sides is settled. Next, we will immediately enter the exciting matchup. Let us wait and see!"

As the remembered voices fell, the scene of the Tiandi Performing Arts Center sounded a burst of exciting music, and then a wet picture appeared on the big screen. The owner inside was just the player who participated in today, the director!

Reading time quickly passed, and both sides entered the Summoner Canyon.

At this time, fans of the two teams at the scene organized shouts.

The first is a fan of EDG. The lead is a girl, who is not small, I'm afraid I used a loudspeaker.

After a shout of cheering for EDG, the cheering sound of HIT fans was welcomed.

"HIT, come on! HIT, come on! HIT, come on!"

Three cheers and cheers fluttered by, and the momentum was more than twice as large as EDG?

I feel the audience is very hi, remember to laugh: "It seems that there are indeed a lot of HIT fans today. Listen to the momentum. At least 80% of the audience is cheering for them, right?"

Joker said: "HIT is indeed in full swing now, plus Hunter's personal influence, HIT's fans are certainly not small, but 80% is a bit exaggerated, it is estimated that only 70%.

"Well, after all, this year's msi has zero sealed SKT, plus the current undefeated gold body, HIT's powder suction ability can not be underestimated."

Before the battle started, HIT had overwhelmed EDG from the momentum. However, the EDG players will not be easily affected by the shouts of ignorance. The whole team is fully motivated and ready to give HIT a strong blow in this round. Let everyone see that HIT is not unbeatable Team, other teams did not beat HIT, because they are too garbage!

EDG's idea is beautiful, beat HIT? But will the trajectory of reality really go towards their expected side? The answer is still unknown, everything needs to be tested in battle.


In this game playing wild blind monks, Zhang Huan's rune is still the same, there is nothing to say.

In terms of talent, he didn't choose the conservative play of the power of time, but went directly to the Thunder's explosive line.

Summoner skills, except flash and punishment, there is no better option.

Out of the box, in order to improve his early endurance, after buying a wild knife, Zhang Huan chose not to reuse the potion, but bought three bottles of red medicine with 150 gold coins.

After buying the equipment and waiting for the wall surrounding the spring to dissipate, the players of HIT and EDG controlled their heroes and dispersed quickly to each area of ​​the Summoner Canyon.

At the first level, neither party naturally opened a group.

Through the fog of war, Zhang Huan found that EDG's line was ready to change lanes. At this time, deft's EZ and meiko's hammerstone were exiting along the wall and rushed to the blue buff area. Widow and Nal were reassigned. road.

At the commentary, joker analyzed: "Looking at the position of the EDG combination, it is ready to change the line. Generally, there are blind monks in this position. It is the wisest way to change the line. Because the line is changed successfully, One way is two fights one, the blind monk ca n’t find a chance to go there. The other way is one fight two, resisting pressure, and it is impossible for the blind monk to kill the tower in the early stage. Now it ’s up to HIT to see if the EDG can be replaced. Online, the key to their victory in this game is Hunter's blind monk. Once he can take off, the game will be stable! "

"Yes!" Remember to nod: "The blind monk is a very rhythmic hero. It is easiest to seize the opportunity to roll a snowball in the match. However, once the EDG line is successfully changed, then the rhythm is changed and changed. In order to change the situation of the tower, their lower and upper roads can easily spend the first 15 minutes of alignment time, and then enter the development stage, which can well limit the strong stage of avoiding blind monks. "

Regarding EDG's play, Zhang Huan and Deng Haoran have had a common study together. From the summer game, they are best at changing lines. This game is generally smooth and difficult. What went wrong.

Zhang Huan thought about it here and realized that EDG could not be changed successfully, otherwise the initiative would disappear.

Change the tower for the economy? Hum, think too much!

As a result, Jiang Xiaotian and Han Tao controlled their heroes to go up the road according to Zhang Huan's instructions, while Liang Cong controlled Dao Mei to go down the road.

Seeing this, remember to smile a little: "It seems that HIT still found the opposite intention here, EDG's line change plan, declared defeated."

Joker added: "In my impression, it seems that all the teams that played against HIT wanted to change the line, but without exception, all were seen through by HIT. Not once was successful. Thinking carefully now, I found HIT It ’s really amazing. "

"I've seen it all right, it's good to get used to it, oh ..." I was surprised when I said, "It's a little strange to see the position of the blind monk of Hunter, what does he want to do?"

When instructing Jiang Xiaotian to change their road ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Zhang Huan controls the blind monk from his own F4 area, bypasses the upper road, and enters the grass on the back wall of the blue buff in the upper half of EDG. He took this position. Not only did it make me wonder, but it also surprised all the audience.

At this time, Abu, who had just arrived in the lounge, saw the position of the blind monk on the screen, and suddenly there was an ominous premonition in his heart that was rising.

At present, the standing positions of the heroes on both sides are like this.

The EDG combination is in the toad area in the Upper Halfan area, and it is ready to hit the toad and go online. The widow and the single danal in the wild are in the gargoyle area. The middle player also controls Victor in one minute and twenty seconds. A jewelry eye was inserted in the lower channel to prevent the blind monk from invading the widow's red buff wild area at the second level.

However, they do not know now. HIT has already seen through their line change plan. At this moment, the blind monk is not in the blue buff wild area of ​​HIT, but instead ran to the upper half of their home, ready to come one by one. Aggression.

The Wheel Mom and the Troll are not on the way down, but are preparing to start with a stone man on the way up. As for the Sword Girl, they are nestled in the grass between the tower and the toad in the lower way. (To be continued.)