League of Legends of Battle System

v1 Chapter 529: 1 blood, flash, red buff

On the commentary table, I remember to look at the factory manager's expression from a small window and laughed: "The factory manager came to the upper half of the wild. After seeing the blue buff and the three wolves being plundered by people, their expressions are very exciting, and they are probably angry now. Come on. @ 乐 @ 文 @ 小说 ww.ls520.om "

Joker added: "This is for sure, let alone the director of the factory. Even if I have been treated like this in the passers-by bureau, I can't help being angry. I have to switch back to see the director's position. I'm afraid it's against Hunter. Wild areas have some ideas. "

That's right, after precise calculations and the information returned from meiko, the factory manager determined that the blue buff and the three wolves were stolen by Hunter's blind monk alone.

In the early stage, without the help of his teammates, the blind monk was hurting by himself. At present, the director estimates that the blind monk is playing a red buff, and the blood is certainly not much. It is the best time to fight back, otherwise wait until the blind monk After rising to safety level three, there is really no chance of revenge.

I have to say that the director is a very wise player. When the monster was stolen, he did not lose his position, but accurately calculated the state of the enemy. He wanted to get back from the game.

"Coach, you are right. The director is a rather **** man. After learning that the wild area was emptied, he directed the spearhead of the aggression at the wild area of ​​HIT. It seems that he is going to find Hunter blind Monk's trouble, "remembered.

Joker thoughtfully said, "I feel like something is going to happen."

In the Summoner Canyon, both players have been on the line, and each line in the early stage is very stable. Except for the routine blood exchange, no human life will occur in a short time.

After Zhang Huan controlled the blind monk to eat the three wolves and the blue buff in the EDG field, he immediately ran and returned to his own red buff field. Immediately, he did not attack the red buff monster. After hitting the two mobs, Take down all the blood medicine on your body, and the blood volume slowly rises.

After pondering for a moment, after inserting the jewelry eyes in the grid into the red buff pit, they told Wang Siwen, Jiang Xiaotian, and Han Tao to develop normally. After leaving everything alone, they directly controlled the blind monk to detour into the grass on the right side of F4 and squat there. ,not moving at all.

Originally, the factory director didn't come to do anything, Zhang Huan could win the red buff with peace of mind, but since the factory director refused to accept it, he would come to die, it's no wonder he was cruel.

On the plant manager's side, because the widow's own passive has a stealth effect, he walked recklessly, passed the river, and glanced at the F4 pit. There were no blind monks, and he bypassed the red buff back wall, from the left. Into the pit in the grass, no blind monk was found.

When I turned to the grass directly opposite the red buff, I still didn't see the blind monk. I thought for a moment that the blind monk should have finished using the multiplex potion on his body, and then chose to go home. Otherwise, he should not just hit The two mobs in the red buff pit will clean up the big mobs together.

"As long as you win this red buff, it's not too bad!"

Since the blind monk was clever and didn't risk hitting the red buff, when the factory manager secretly called a pity, he could only control the widow to start attacking the red buff quickly.

According to the feedback from the online teammates, the heroes in the upper and middle lanes on the opposite side have not changed, which makes the factory director feel at ease, expecting that there should be no eyes here.

In order to quickly eat this red buff, the factory director did not dare to waste time to blame, but stood directly in the pit and battled with the red buff.

Since the widow had taken good damage from the monster when she took the stone statue and her own red buff, even though her health is now healthy, she actually exchanged two bottles of reused potions on her body. Coming, of course, there is also a reason for their family's red buff to return blood.

However, even if there is no blood medicine on his body, the director is not worried. He who has been punished can use the punishment to return blood. I believe that after the red buff is hit, his blood volume can still be maintained at about two hundred, and there is no danger to life.

However, the director of this round is destined to be routine, this red buff in the HIT field is not what he ordered.

On the side of Zhang Huan, at the moment when the widow started to work on the red buff, the controlling blind monk quietly passed by in front of the F4 pit, and then directly entered the grass on the left from the back wall of the red buff.

On the big screen, the director broadcasted the camera on the widow and the blind monk as early as half a minute ago, and added jealousy to me and joker. Now everyone knows that this game is the most exciting. Count the game between the wilds.

The collision of two superstars that belong to the LPL is stubborn and weak. Who can control the fear can see it immediately.

After the blind monk entered the grass, he did not move on, but squatted there, watching the performance of the widow and the red buff quietly.

A widow, like a clown, was put on the stage at this moment, and she was entertaining herself. She didn't know that her behavior had attracted ridicule from countless people. And, next, what she was facing was not the reward after the performance. It is the punishment of ignorance.

A few seconds later, the red buff was hit to less than seven hundred health points, but the widow's health reached a level of less than one hundred. Without hesitation, the director immediately pressed the punishment, and the red buff dropped nearly four hundred blood for a moment. The amount of life, and his own life, also returned more than 300 points in vain.

Two seconds later, the red buff's health dropped to less than a hundred points, and the widow was also hit with only two hundred health in the process. At present, the red buff alone, no matter how sharp its claws, cannot Tearing this abominable woman.

So, in order to get revenge, the red buff sacrificed his life and found a helper!

Here, Zhang Huan has been squatting in the grass without action. He is waiting for a foolproof opportunity to kill the widow and let her feel despair in hope.

When the red buff's health was only over 90 points, this opportunity came.

Control the blind monk to slowly walk out of the grass, and when he walks, press and punish.


A white light fell from the sky, and saw the dying red buff monster, which was instantly torn into pieces. Before death, it had a relief in its eyes, which meant that it seemed to say, finally, it is not necessary to continue to be endlessly tortured by that woman Already.

"I ..." speechless, startled, or startled? No, the director wants to curse at this moment.

"The blind man did not return to the city? How could he appear here? Is this Nima poisonous?"

Unexpectedly, after hitting the residual blood, only a red buff that can be collected by Ping A was taken away by the blind monk at a critical moment. The director is now in a state of vomiting blood.

However, at this time, the blind monk didn't make a Q at the first time. It seemed that he did not have Q skills or was afraid to kick out. This made the factory director see the hope of life.

When the heart moved, the factory director suppressed the anger in his heart and quickly controlled the widow to the right wall of the red buff pit.

"I have an idea!" Seeing the widow's position, Zhang Huan's lips angled, like an uncle in the theater, waiting for the next performance of the widow.

After punishing him for eating the red buff, Zhang Huan ’s blind monk has risen to the third level. Although he is dissatisfied, he has at least doubled his widow. At this time, all three QWE skills are in his hands, and the widow can escape. Zhang Huan really followed her last name.

The blind monk stepped forward without hesitation. Zhang Huan did not use any skills. The director saw it here and was anxious. He had expected that the blind monk would use the Q skill within one second, and then he took advantage of it. Flash, you can run away perfectly next door, but who knows the drama does not seem to play according to the script.

In desperation, he was unwilling to give up a whole blood, bet on it, the director of the factory was in a desperate situation, and the blind monk was about to come forward. In the moment of A, he would flash and press.


The white light flashed, and the factory director's widow flashed from the red buff pit and flashed to the back of the red buff.

But after the flash, it was not the bright Kangzhuang Avenue that greeted the factory director, but a road of death permeated with darkness.

At the side of Zhang Huan ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ At the moment when the widow flashed, the corner of his mouth cracked, and the blind monk's Q skill was pressed. A white light ball cut through the air and crossed the mountains. After the widow landed, he just stepped out. The footsteps struck her neck.

Immediately after the second Q skill was pressed, I saw the blind monk straddling a distance of hundreds of yards and riding on the widow's body steadily. Before I could have time to get in touch with her, the latter became crooked and fell down. On the ground, sobbing and mourning, expressing discomfort, dead!


As the saying goes, you can't die without death. Without flashing, he died decently.

Why is it a must-dead situation? Obviously, the blind monk is just trying to trick your flash and kill you, and you are fooled stupidly. What you see is hope, but you are desperate and sad.


ps: Thanks to Bai Lou for reading the book and the support of some other brothers. Recently, I have been busy with house work and new books, so I ca n’t mention the update. After about the 20th, the update amount will come up. Yu Yu's rewards were three changes in total. I remember that they would burst out together. (To be continued.)